Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Mod Blueprint Database

Project maintained by alterasc Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

New spells

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Black Tentacles

Every creature within the area of the spell is the target of a combat maneuver check made to grapple each round at the beginning of your turn, including the round that black tentacles is cast. Creatures that enter the area of effect are also automatically attacked. The tentacles do not provoke attacks of opportunity. When determining the tentacles� CMB, the tentacles use your caster level as their base attack bonus and receive a +4 bonus due to their Strength and a +1 size bonus. Roll only once for the entire spell effect each round and apply the result to all creatures in the area of effect.
If the tentacles succeed in grappling a foe, that foe takes 1d6+4 points of damage and gains the grappled condition. Grappled opponents cannot move without first breaking the grapple. All other movement is prohibited unless the creature breaks the grapple first. The black tentacles spell receives a +5 bonus on grapple checks made against opponents it is already grappling, but cannot move foes or pin foes. Each round that black tentacles succeeds on a grapple check, it deals an additional 1d6+4 points of damage. The CMD of black tentacles, for the purposes of escaping the grapple, is equal to 10 + its CMB.

Summoner 4


Draconic Ally

You create a semi-living intelligent draconic servant that loyally obeys and serves you. Treat this servant as a pseudodragon with all of the abilities of Form of the Dragon I. They keep their breath weapon, dealing 6d8 damage depending on the type of dragon chosen. You may only summon one draconic ally at a time.

Summoner 3


Infernal Healing

You anoint a wounded creature with devil�s blood or unholy water, giving it fast healing 1.

Summoner 1


Infernal Healing, Greater

You anoint a wounded creature with devil�s blood or unholy water, giving it fast healing 4.

Summoner 4



You deprive a creature of the blissful oblivion of unconsciousness, either to keep it going despite grievous injuries or to prolong its suffering. For the duration of the spell, the target gains the ferocity ability, allowing it to remain conscious and continue fighting even if its hit point total is below 0. The target is still staggered and loses 1 hit point each round, and the target still dies when its hit point total reaches a negative amount equal to its Constitution score.

Summoner 2


Release The Hounds

This spell functions like summon monster, except it summons 1d4+4 frost wolves. These wolves do not attack enemies, but move about the battlefield.
Any enemies caught in the pack�s path take 3d6 points of cold damage at the start of their turn and may become prone (DC 20 Reflex).

Summoner 5


Summon Cacodaemon

This spell functions like summon monster, except it summons a single cacodaemon.

Summoner 2


Summon Cacodaemon, Greater

This spell functions like summon cacodaemon, except that it summons 1d4+1 cacodaemons.

Summoner 3


Summon Erinyes

This spell functions like summon monster, except it summons an Erinyes devil.

Summoner 5


Summon Lesser Demon

This spell functions like summon monster, except it allows you to summon a single brimorak, one incubus, 1d3 schir demons, or 1d4 vermlek demons.

Summoner 4


Summon Meladaemon

This spell functions like summon monster, except it summons a Meladaemon.

Summoner 6


Summon Minor Monster

This spell functions as summon monster I, except you can summon 1d3 Tiny or smaller animals, The summoned animals must all be the same type of creature. As with animals summoned with summon monster I, you apply one alignment-appropriate template to these animals.

Summoner 1


Summon Stampede

This spell functions like summon monster, except it summons 1d4+4 horses. These horses do not attack enemies, but move about the battlefield.
Any creatures caught in the herd�s path take 4d6+9 points of bludgeoning damage at the start of their turn as they are trampled beneath dozens of animals� hooves.

Summoner 4


Summon Swarm

You summon a swarm of spiders, which attack all other creatures within its area. (You may summon the swarm so that it shares the area of other creatures.) If no living creatures are within its area, the swarm attacks or pursues the nearest creature as best it can. The caster has no control over its target or direction of travel.

Summoner 2



Your eidolon’s form shifts and transforms. This spell allows you to change any of the eidolon’s evolutions by allocating its evolution pool on new evolutions. If you have the aspect or greater aspect ability, this spell also allows you to change the evolution points spent to modify you, including removing or adding points as allowed by those abilities.

Summoner 1


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