Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Mod Blueprint Database

Project maintained by alterasc Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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Mythic Abilities

Abundant Blessing

You’ve learned a way to increase the number of uses of your Blessing ability.
Benefit: You can use Blessings a number of additional times per day equal to your mythic rank.


Abundant Bombs

You’ve leaned a way to increase the number of bombs you can use in a day.
Benefit: You can throw a number of additional bombs per day equal to twice your mythic rank.


Abundant Challenge

You’ve learned a way to increase the number of uses of your Challenge ability.
Benefit: You can use Challenge a number of additional times per day equal to half your mythic rank.


Abundant Fervor

You’ve learned a way to increase the number of uses of your Fervor ability.
Benefit: You can use Fervor a number of additional times per day equal to your mythic rank.


Abundant Incense

You’ve learned a way to increase the number of rounds per day you can use Incense Fog.
Benefit: The number of rounds per day you can use Incense Fog increases by a number of rounds equal to your mythic rank.


Abundant Lay On Hands

You’ve learned a way to increase the number of uses of your Lay on Hands ability.
Benefit: You can use Lay On Hands a number of additional times per day equal to your mythic rank.


Abundant Spell Kenning

Your mastery of magic allows you to more readily duplicate spells of other classes.
Benefit: You can use Spell Kenning a number of additional times per day equal to one third your mythic rank.


Adamantine Mind

Your mind is as hard as any armor, and is dangerous to engage.
You gain a bonus equal to your tier on saving throws against mind-affecting effects. Whenever you succeed at a save against a mind-affecting effect, the creature attacking you with that effect must succeed at a Will save (at the same DC) or be stunned for 1 round.


Arcane Metamastery

As a swift action, you can pick any one metamagic feat you know that increases the slot level of the spell by up to 2 levels. For the next 10 rounds, you can apply this metamagic feat to any arcane spell you cast without increasing the spell slot used or casting time. You can’t have more than one use of this ability active at a time. If you use this ability again, any previous use immediately ends.
You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 plus your mythic rank.


Armor Master

While wearing armor or wielding a shield, you reduce the armor check penalty by 1 per mythic rank and increase the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by 1 per mythic rank. Additionally you reduce your arcane spell failure chance from armor and sheilds by 5% per mythic rank.


Armor Master (Tabletop)

You don’t take an armor check penalty or incur an arcane spell failure chance when wearing the selected armor types or using any shield. In addition, the maximum Dexterity bonus of the selected armor type doesn’t apply to you.


Armored Might

You treat the armor bonus from your armor as 50% higher than normal, to a maximum increase of half your mythic rank plus one.


Eldritch Breach

You are adept at breaching magical defenses and overcoming resistance to your magic.
When attempting a caster level check to dispel an effect or overcome spell resistance roll twice and take the higher result.


Elemental Bond

You are connected to one of the elemental planes. Select one elemental plane: air, earth, fire, or water. Whenever you cast a spell with a descriptor matching that plane, add your mythic rank to your caster level for that spell. You gain resistance 10 against an energy type associated with your chosen plane—electricity for air, acid for earth, fire for fire, and cold for water. At 6th tier, this resistance increases to 20. At 9th tier, this resistance increases to 30.


Energy Conversion

Whenever you cast a spell with the acid, cold, electricity, or fire descriptor you can switch the energy type to a different one of those energy types. If the spell normally has its original energy type as a descriptor, it loses that descriptor and gains the new type as a descriptor. All other effects of the spell remain unchanged.


Enhanced Blessings

You have moved closer to your deity and to the power it has over its blessings.
The effects from your blessings now last twice as long.


Extra Mythic Feat

You gain a bonus mythic feat. You can take this mythic ability once.


Greater Arcane Metamastery

You can apply a metamagic feat with Arcane Metamastery that increases the slot level of the spell by up to 4 levels instead of 2.


Impossible Blessing

You feel a closer connection to your deity you serve.
You gain one more blessing, ignoring all blessing prerequisites.


Impossible Speed

Your base land speed increases by 30 feet plus an additional 5 feet for every mythic rank.


Maximized Critical

Whenever you score a critical hit, the weapon’s damage result is always the maximum possible amount you could roll. This doesn’t affect other dice added to the damage, such as from sneak attack or the flaming weapon special ability. For example, if you score a critical hit with a longsword (1d8/×2), treat the sword’s damage dice as if you had rolled 8 both times, then add any other damage bonuses that you would normally apply to a critical hit.


Mounted Maniac

Your unstoppable momentum while mounted is terrifying. Whenever you charge a creature while mounted, you can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize all enemies within 30 feet of your target, adding your mythic rank to the result of the check.


Mythic Banner

Your banner has been touched by mythic power and now protects those nearby.
All allies within 60 feet gain a +2 morale bonus to AC. They gain an additional bonus to AC against attack rolls made to confirm a critical hit equal to half your mythic rank.


Mythic Bond

Your ranger’s bond ability is more powerful than most.
If your ranger’s bond is with your companions, you can activate the bond as a swift action, granting your allies your full favored enemy bonus instead of just half.


Mythic Spell Combat

The magus can use his spell combat and spellstrike abilities while casting or using spells from a spellbook granted by a mythic class.


Precision Critical

Whenever you score a critical hit, double any extra precision damage dice, such as sneak attack damage. These dice are only doubled, not multiplied by the weapon’s critical modifier.


Second Order

You’re devotion to your order has granted you additional powers of another order.
You select a second order, gaining all its benifits.


Second Patron

You’ve attracted the favor of a second patron.
You select a second patron, gaining all its benifits.


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