Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Mod Blueprint Database

Project maintained by alterasc Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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Metamagic Rager (Bloodrager)

While metamagic is difficult for many bloodragers to utilize, a talented few are able to channel their bloodrage in ways that push their spells to impressive ends.


Channeler of the Unknown (Cleric)

While most clerics who fall out of favor with their deities simply lose their divine connection and the powers it granted, a few continue to go through the motions of prayer and obedience, persisting in the habits of faith even when their faith itself has faded. Among these, an even smaller number find that while their original deity no longer answers their prayers, something else does: an unknown entity or force of the universe channeling its power through a trained and practicing vessel.


Nature Fang (Druid)

A nature fang is a druid who stalks and slays those who despoil nature, kill scarce animals, or introduce diseases to unprotected habitats. She gives up a close empathic connection with the natural world to become its deadly champion and avenger.


Bladebound (TTT) (Magus)

A select group of magi are called to carry a black blade, a sentient weapon of often unknown and possibly unknowable purpose. These weapons become valuable tools and allies, as both the magus and weapon typically crave arcane power, but as a black blade becomes more aware, its true motivations manifest, and as does its ability to influence its wielder with its ever-increasing ego.


Holy Beast (Shifter)

Thousands of gods are venerated in Vudra, and devoted followers might have personal relationships with their chosen deities. Holy beast shifters pledge to hunt down their deity’s enemies to earn that deity’s blessing. These shifters tend to take on the aspect of their deity’s sacred animal, and many of them seek to destroy rakshasas.


Divine Commander (Warpriest)

Some warpriests are called to lead great armies and face legions of foes. These divine commanders live for war and fight for glory. Their hearts quicken at battle cries, and they charge forth with their deity’s symbol held high. These leaders of armies do so to promote the agenda of their faith, and lead armies of devoted followers willing to give their lives for the cause.


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