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By bringing forth the primeval ancestry of the target animal, you awaken a savage engine of destruction. The animal immediately gains the advanced creature simple template. It gains a +2 bonus on all rolls, including damage rolls and special ability DCs, a +4 bonus to AC and CMD, and +2 hit points per HD. The animals primal instincts take hold for the duration of this spell—if the animal knows tricks granted by the Lore (Nature) skill, it loses access to all of those tricks save for attack.

Druid 4, Hunter 4


Strong Jaw

Laying a hand upon an allied creatures jaw, claws, tentacles, or other natural weapons, you enhance the power of that creatures natural attacks. Each natural attack that creature makes deals damage as if the creature were two sizes larger than it actually is. If the creature is already Gargantuan or Colossal-sized, double the amount of damage dealt by each of its natural attacks instead. This spell does not actually change the creature’s size; all of its statistics except the amount of damage dealt by its natural attacks remain unchanged.

Druid 4, Hunter 3, Ranger 3


Character Options+

Bladed Dash

When you cast this spell, you immediately move to any one target within 30 feet, and make a single melee attack against it at your base attack bonus. You gain a circumstance bonus on your attack roll equal to your Intelligence or Charisma modifier, whichever is higher.

Bard 2, Magus 2


Bladed Dash, Greater

When you cast this spell, you immediately move in a straight line to any one target within 30 feet. You make a single melee attack against at your base attack bonus against every creature you pass. You gain a circumstance bonus on your attack rolls equal to your Intelligence or Charisma modifier, whichever is higher.

Bard 5, Magus 5


Burning Disarm

This spell causes the target’s weapon to instantly become red hot. The target may attempt a Reflex save to drop it and take no damage, otherwise the hot metal deals 1d4 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 5d4). If the target successfully drops it they are disarmed for 1 round per caster level (maximum 5)

Warpriest 1, Wizard 1, Cleric 1, Druid 1, Dread Knight 1, Skulking Hunter 1


Cheetah’s Sprint

This spell increases your base speed by 90 feet for 1 round. This is an enhancement bonus.

Witch 1, Bloodrager 1, Druid 1, Ranger 1, Shaman 1, Winter Witch 1, Child of Acavna and Amaznen 1, Skulking Hunter 1, Claw of the False Wyrm 1


Chill Touch

A touch from your hand, which glows with blue energy, disrupts the life force of living creatures. Each touch channels negative energy that deals 1d6 points of damage. The touched creature also takes 1 point of Strength damage unless it makes a successful Fortitude saving throw. You can use this melee touch attack up to one time per level.
An undead creature you touch takes no damage of either sort, but it must make a successful Will saving throw or flee as if panicked for 1d4 rounds + 1 round per caster level.

Witch 1, Wizard 1, Bloodrager 1, Magus 1, Shaman 1, Winter Witch 1, Child of Acavna and Amaznen 1, Claw of the False Wyrm 1



The DC to resist positive channeled energy within this area gains a +3 sacred bonus. Every undead creature entering a consecrated area suffers a -1 penalty on all attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws.
Undead cannot be summoned while within this area.

Warpriest 2, Cleric 2, Inquisitor 2, Dread Knight 2, Ravener Hunter 2


Defensive Shock

Electrical energy floods your body, shocking the next creature that touches you. Any creature striking you in melee takes 1d6 points of electricity damage per two caster levels (maximum 6d6). If the attacker has spell resistance, it applies against this damage. Each time the spell discharges, the number of damage dice it deals is halved (rounded down); when the spell’s damage dice reach 0, the spell ends.

Wizard 2, Alchemist 2, Bloodrager 2, Magus 2, Child of Acavna and Amaznen 2, Claw of the False Wyrm 2



The DC to resist negative channeled energy within this area gains a +3 profane bonus. Every undead creature entering a desecrated area gains a +1 profane bonus on all attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. Undead summons within such an area gain +1 hit point per HD.
Anyone who casts Animate Dead within this area creates twice as many undead.

Warpriest 2, Cleric 2, Inquisitor 2, Dread Knight 2, Ravener Hunter 2


Dimensional Blade

This spell gives you the power to turn your main-hand melee weapon into a two-dimensional object with length and height but no width.
Attacks made with the weapon are melee touch attacks that ignore all armor. Force effects, such as mage armor and shield, still apply their AC against attacks made with a dimensional blade. Bludgeoning weapons used to make attacks with this spell deal half damage and are treated as slashing weapons.

Warpriest 4, Wizard 4, Bloodrager 4, Cleric 4, Inquisitor 4, Magus 4, Paladin 4, Dread Knight 4, Child of Acavna and Amaznen 4, Ravener Hunter 4, Claw of the False Wyrm 4


Fleshworm Infestation

With a touch, you cause an infestation of ravenous worms to manifest in the target’s flesh. The target must make a Fortitude save every round. Failure means it takes 1d6 hit points of damage and 2 points of Dexterity damage, and is staggered for 1 round. If it makes the save, it takes no hit point or Dexterity damage and is only sickened for 1 round rather than staggered. Protection from evil negates this spell’s effects for as long as the two durations overlap. Dispel evil automatically ends a fleshworm infestation.

Warpriest 4, Witch 4, Wizard 4, Cleric 4, Inquisitor 4, Dread Knight 4, Winter Witch 4, Ravener Hunter 4


Freezing Sphere

Freezing sphere creates a frigid globe of cold energy that streaks from your fingertips to the location you select, where it explodes in a 40-foot-radius burst, dealing 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 15d6) to each creature in the area. A creature of the water subtype instead takes 1d8 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 15d8) and is staggered for 1d4 rounds.

Wizard 6, Magus 6


Frost Fall

The area of this spell is covered in chilling frost, dealing 2d6 points of cold damage to all creatures within it. Creatures that the spell initially damages must succeed at a Fortitude save or become staggered for 1 round. The area remains chilled for the spell’s duration. Any creature that starts its turn within the spell’s area takes 1d6 points of cold damage (Fortitude saving throw for half) but does not become staggered even on a failed saving throw.

Witch 2, Wizard 2, Druid 2, Winter Witch 2



Your melee touch attack deals 1d6 points of nonlethal cold damage + 1 point per level, and the target is fatigued. The fatigued condition ends when the target heals. This spell cannot make a creature exhausted even if it is already fatigued. You can use this melee touch attack up to one time per level.

Witch 1, Bloodrager 1, Druid 1, Magus 1, Shaman 1, Winter Witch 1, Child of Acavna and Amaznen 1, Claw of the False Wyrm 1


Frozen Note

You produce and sustain a single perfect musical note that holds nearby creatures, friend as well as foe, utterly spellbound until you stop singing. Affected creatures are both paralyzed and oblivious to their surroundings so long as you maintain the note.
Maintaining this note requires your absolute attention; if you take damage or take any other action, including moving from your current square, the spell instantly ends. Creatures that succeed in their initial Saving Throw must make a new one for each round they spend within the area of the spell until they fail and become captivated. Creatures with 4 or more Hit Dice greater than your caster level are not affected by this spell. However, those with 4 or more Hit Dice less than your caster level do not receive a Saving Throw to resist it.

Bard 5


Hedging Weapons

A weapon made from divine force appears and floats near you.
This weapon takes the shape of your deity’s favored weapon (if you have no deity, the weapon appears as a longsword). You gain one additional weapon at 6th level and every 4 caster levels thereafter—two at 6th, three at 10th, four at 14th, and a maximum of five weapons at 18th level. The weapon averts and deflects attacks, granting you a +1 deflection bonus to AC for each weapon summoned (maximum +5 at 18th level). As a standard action, you can grasp a weapon and throw it as a ranged attack at any target you can see within 30 feet of you (even if it’s a type of weapon that can’t normally be thrown).
On a successful hit, the weapon deals 2d6 points of force damage to the target. This force weapon has the same threat range and critical multiplier as a standard weapon of its type, but no other special abilities. Because it deals force damage, DR doesn’t apply.

Warpriest 1, Cleric 1, Inquisitor 1, Paladin 1, Dread Knight 1, Antipaladin 1, Ravener Hunter 1


Horrific Doubles

You create several illusory doubles of yourself, where you and each image all seem slightly off or wrong in appearance. Treat this spell as mirror image, except as noted.
Each creature that can see the doubles must succeed at a Will save or become shaken for as long as it can see any of the doubles. A successful saving throw negates the shaken condition and renders the creature immune to the further effects of this spell (beyond the usual effects of mirror image). In addition, the first time a creature that failed its initial saving throw destroys one of the images, it must succeed at a Will save or its perception of the double shifts at the last second. The double takes on the face of the attacker, the face of a loved one, or some other equally disturbing image, causing the attacker to become frightened for 1 round and take 1d3 points of Wisdom damage from the traumatic shock.

Wizard 4, Bard 4, Bloodrager 4, Child of Acavna and Amaznen 4, Skulking Hunter 4, Claw of the False Wyrm 4


Ice Slick

Any creature in the area when the spell is cast takes 1d6 points of cold damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +10) and falls prone; creatures that succeed at a Reflex save take half damage and don’t fall prone. Every round any creature in the area must make a successful Reflex save or fall prone.

Witch 2, Wizard 2, Druid 2, Magus 2, Ranger 2, Winter Witch 2


Ice Spears

Upon casting this spell, one or more giant spears of ice lance up out of the ground. One spear for every 4 caster levels you possess burst from the ground, targeting a nearby creature. Affected creatures take 2d6 points of piercing damage and 2d6 points of cold damage. When the spears erupt from the ground, they make a combat maneuver check against affected creatures, with a total bonus equal to your caster level plus your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier, whichever is highest. Each additional ice spear beyond the first that strikes a single foe grants a +10 bonus to this CMB check. If the check succeeds, the ice spears knock the foe prone. A successful Reflex save halves the damage and prevents the trip attempt.
If the target is affected by a spell with the cold descriptor, the spears strike with additional force. The DC to save increases by +2 and the spell gains a +4 bonus on its combat maneuver check to trip foes.

Witch 3, Wizard 3, Druid 3, Winter Witch 3



This spell causes a destructive resonance in a corporeal creature’s body. Each round you concentrate (including the first), you can cause one creature to collapse in on itself, inflicting 10 points of damage per caster level. If you break concentration, the spell immediately ends, though any implosions that have already happened remain in effect. You can target a particular creature only once with each casting of the spell. Implosion has no effect on incorporeal creatures.

Cleric 9


Invisibility Purge

You surround yourself with a sphere of power that negates all forms of invisibility. The radius of this effect is 5 feet for every 2 caster levels, minimum 5 feet. The maximum radius is 50 feet.

Warpriest 3, Cleric 3, Inquisitor 3, Dread Knight 3, Ravener Hunter 3


Judgement Light

An inquisitor may only cast this spell while she has a judgment active. When she does cast this spell, it causes one or more of the following effects based on the inquisitor’s active judgments.
Destruction: Red light erupts from the caster. Enemies in the area take 4d8 points of damage and become shaken for 1d4 rounds. A successful Will saving throw halves the damage and negates the shaken effect.
Healing: Green light erupts from the caster. Allies in the area regain a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + the caster’s Wisdom modifier.
Justice: Blue light erupts from the caster, revealing hidden and invisible creatures to all. The light outlines such creatures for 1 round per caster level, imposing a –20 penalty on Stealth checks on those creatures.
Piercing: Violet light erupts from the caster, reducing the spell resistance of enemies within the burst by 5 for 1 round per caster level.
Protection: Amber light erupts from the caster, granting allies in the burst a +2 sacred bonus to AC and CMD, and a +4 bonus to AC against critical confirmation attack rolls for 1 round per caster level.
Resiliency: Golden light erupts from the caster, granting allies within the burst DR 3 of the same type granted by your judgement.
Purity: White light erupts from the caster, attempting a dispel check on each ally within the burst with a +2 bonus on the roll.
Resistance: Copper light erupts from the caster, granting allies within the burst resistance 5 against the energy the judgment protects the inquisitor against when she casts this spell for 1 round per caster level.
Smiting: Silver light erupts from the caster, making allies’ weapons within the burst count as magic, the alignment her weapon is, and adamantine for purposes of overcoming damage reduction for 1 round per caster level.

Inquisitor 4, Ravener Hunter 4


Keen Edge

This spell makes a weapon magically keen, improving its ability to deal telling blows. This transmutation doubles the threat range of the weapon. A threat range of 20 becomes 19-20, a threat range of 19-20 becomes 17-20, and a threat range of 18-20 becomes 15-20. The spell can be cast only on piercing or slashing weapons.
Multiple effects that increase a weapon’s threat range (such as the keen special weapon property and the Improved Critical feat) don’t stack. You can’t cast this spell on a natural weapon, such as a claw.

Wizard 3, Bloodrager 3, Inquisitor 3, Magus 3, Child of Acavna and Amaznen 3, Skulking Hunter 3, Ravener Hunter 3, Claw of the False Wyrm 3


Nine Lives

Despite its name, this powerful ward does not grant the target multiple lives, but rather gives the target the ability to get out of trouble and relieves harmful effects and conditions. For the spell’s duration, the target is protected by the following abilities, but only up to a total of nine times, at which point the spell ends.
Cat’s Luck: Reroll a failed saving throw.
Fortitude: Negate a critical hit or sneak attack.
Rejuvenate: When reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, immediately heal 3d6 points of damage.
Shake Off: Negate blinded, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, entangled, exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, shaken, sickened, or staggered.
Shimmy Out: Escape from being grappled.
Stay Up: Do not fall prone.

Witch 8, Cleric 8, Winter Witch 8


Screaming Flames

You blast your foes with fire shaped into skulls screaming in agony. Creatures hit by the fire must succeed at a Reflex save or take 1d8 points of fire damage for every 2 caster levels you have (maximum 5d8). Each affected creature must also succeed at a Will save or take 1d3 points of Wisdom damage.

Warpriest 3, Cleric 3, Dread Knight 3


Shadow Trap

You pin the target’s shadow to its current location, causing the target to become entangled and preventing it from moving, as if its shadow were anchored to the terrain. 1 round after casting, the target receives a new saving throw to end the effect at the start of each turn.

Warpriest 1, Witch 1, Wizard 1, Bard 1, Bloodrager 1, Cleric 1, Shaman 1, Dread Knight 1, Antipaladin 1, Winter Witch 1, Child of Acavna and Amaznen 1, Claw of the False Wyrm 1


Stricken Heart

This spell covers your hand with a writhing black aura. As part of casting the spell, you can make a melee touch attack that deals 2d6 points of negative energy damage and causes the target to be staggered for 1 round. If the attack is a critical hit, the target is staggered for 1 minute instead. Creatures immune to precision damage are immune to the staggered effect.

Witch 2, Wizard 2, Inquisitor 2, Shaman 2, Winter Witch 2, Ravener Hunter 2


Touch of Blindness

A touch from your hand, which is engulfed in darkness, disrupts a creature’s vision by coating its eyes in supernatural darkness. Each touch causes the target to become blinded for 1 round unless it makes a successful Fortitude saving throw. You can use this melee touch attack up to one time per caster level.

Warpriest 1, Witch 1, Wizard 1, Bard 1, Cleric 1, Shaman 1, Dread Knight 1, Antipaladin 1, Winter Witch 1


Unshakable Zeal

You fill the target with boundless enthusiasm and faith in its ultimate triumph. Whenever the target fails an attack roll, a save, a skill check, or a concentration check, the target receives a +4 morale bonus on its next attempt at the failed check within 1 round (this includes attack rolls against the same foe, saving throws against the same ability from the same foe, and so on). The target also receives a +2 bonus on saving throws against fear and emotion effects.

Bard 5, Inquisitor 5, Ravener Hunter 5


Weapon of Awe

You transform a single weapon into an awe-inspiring instrument. The weapon gains a +2 sacred bonus on damage rolls, and if the weapon scores a critical hit, the target of that critical hit becomes shaken for 1 round with no Saving Throw.
This is a mind-affecting fear effect. A ranged weapon affected by this spell applies these effects to its ammunition.
You can’t cast this spell on a natural weapon, but you can cast it on an unarmed strike.

Warpriest 2, Cleric 2, Inquisitor 2, Paladin 2, Dread Knight 2, Ravener Hunter 2



Choose one enemy creature that you can see within 50 feet. You gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls against that designated creature for every three caster levels you have (at least +1, maximum +3). You also receive this bonus on caster level checks made to overcome the creature’s Spell Resistance, if any. At 12th level, you gain the benefits of the Improved Critical feat on attack rolls made against the designated creature. This effect doesn’t stack with any other effect that expands the threat range of a weapon.

Inquisitor 1, Ravener Hunter 1



Bladed Dash

When you cast this spell, you immediately move up to 30 feet in a straight line any direction, momentarily leaving a multi-hued cascade of images behind you. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You may make a single melee attack at your highest base attack bonus against any one creature you are adjacent to at any point along this 30 feet. You gain a circumstance bonus on your attack roll equal to your Intelligence or Charisma modifier, whichever is higher. You must end the bonus movement granted by this spell in an unoccupied space. Despite the name, the spell works with any melee weapon.

Bard 2, Magus 2


Bladed Dash, Greater

This spell functions like bladed dash, save that you can make a single melee attack against every creature you pass during the 30 feet of your dash. You cannot attack an individual creature more than once with this spell.

Bard 5, Magus 5


Chill Touch

A touch from your hand, which glows with blue energy, disrupts the life force of living creatures. Each touch channels negative energy that deals 1d6 points of damage. The touched creature also takes 1 point of Strength damage unless it makes a successful Fortitude saving throw. You can use this melee touch attack up to one time per level.
An undead creature you touch takes no damage of either sort, but it must make a successful Will saving throw or flee as if panicked for 1d4 rounds + 1 round per caster level.

Bloodrager 1, Magus 1, Shaman 1, Witch 1, Wizard 1


Divine Trident

A 4-foot-long, blazing, forked bolt of electricity springs forth from your hand. You wield this spear-like bolt as if it were a trident (you are considered proficient with the bolt). Attacks with Gozreh’s trident are melee touch attacks. The bolt deals 1d8 points of electricity damage + 1 point per 2 caster levels (maximum +10). Since the bolt is immaterial, your Strength modifier does not apply to the damage. The bolt can ignite combustible materials such as parchment, straw, dry sticks, and cloth.

Bloodrager 2, Cleric 2, Druid 2, Hunter 2, Warpriest 2, Witch 2


Flame Blade

A 3-foot-long, blazing beam of red-hot fire springs forth from your hand. You wield this blade-like beam as if it were a scimitar. Attacks with the flame blade are melee touch attacks. The blade deals 1d8 points of fire damage + 1 point per two caster levels (maximum +10). Since the blade is immaterial, your Strength modifier does not apply to the damage. A flame blade can ignite combustible materials such as parchment, straw, dry sticks, and cloth.

Druid 2, Hunter 2, Shaman 2



Your melee touch attack deals 1d6 points of nonlethal cold damage + 1 point per level, and the target is fatigued. The fatigued condition ends when the target recovers from the nonlethal damage. This spell cannot make a creature exhausted even if it is already fatigued. You can use this melee touch attack up to one time per level.

Bloodrager 1, Druid 1, Hunter 1, Magus 1, Shaman 1, Witch 1


Healing Flames

You unleash a blast of holy flames that washes over all creatures in the area in a glorious display of divine power. This deals damage to evil creatures and heals good creatures in the area. The amount of damage dealt and the number of hit points restored in each case is 1d8 points per 2 caster levels (maximum 5d8).
Half of the damage this spell deals to evil creatures is fire damage, and half of the damage is pure divine power that is therefore not subject to reduction by energy resistance to fire-based attacks.
Neutral enemies within the spell’s area of effect also take the fire damage, but do not take the divine damage. Neutral allies within the area are healed like good creatures. A successful Reflex saving throw halves the damage taken in all cases.

Cleric 4, Inquisitor 4, Paladin 4, Warpriest 4


Produce Flame

Flames as bright as a torch appear in your open hand. The flames harm neither you nor your equipment.
In addition to providing illumination, the flames can be hurled or used to touch enemies. You can strike an opponent with a ranged touch attack, dealing fire damage equal to 1d6 + 1 point per caster level (maximum +5). Alternatively, you can hurl the flames up to 120 feet as a thrown weapon. No sooner do you hurl the flames than a new set appears in your hand. Each attack you make reduces the remaining duration by 1 minute. If an attack reduces the remaining duration to 0 minutes or less, the spell ends after the attack resolves.

Druid 1, Hunter 1, Shaman 1


Expanded Content

Arcane Concordance

A shimmering, blue and gold radiance surrounds you, enhancing arcane spells cast within its area. Any arcane spell cast by a creature within 10 feet of the caster gains a +1 enhancement bonus to the DC of any saving throws against the spell, and is cast as if one of either the Extend Spell or Reach spell metamagic feats have been applied to it (without increasing the spell level or Casting Time; you choose the metamagic feat when you cast arcane concordance).

Bard 3


Blood Mist

This spell summons forth a misty cloud of rust-red toxic algae. Any creature within the mist is coated by it, turning the creature the same reddish color. All targets within the mist gain concealment. Any creature within the mist must save or take 1d4 points of Wisdom damage and become enraged, attacking any creatures it detects nearby (as the “attack nearest creature” result of the confused condition). An enraged creature remains so for one minute per caster level. A creature only needs to save once each time it is within the mist (though leaving and returning requires another save).

Druid 8, Shaman 8


Clay Skin

The target’s skin becomes as thick and tough as clay, granting the target DR 5/adamantine. Once the spell has prevented a total of 5 points of damage per caster level (maximum 50 points), it is discharged and the spell ends.

Wizard 3, Alchemist 3, Bloodrager 3, Inquisitor 3, Magus 3, Child of Acavna and Amaznen 3, Ravener Hunter 3, Claw of the False Wyrm 3


Dance of a Hundred Cuts

You become a lethal combat dancer, swirling and spinning with grace and precision. You gain a morale bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, and Mobility checks, and to Armor Class. This bonus is equal to +1 per 3 caster levels (maximum +5 at 15th level). You must remain moving for the spell to stay in effect. If in any round you do not either move at least 10 feet or make a melee attack, the spell’s duration ends.

Bard 4


Dance of a Thousand Cuts

This spell functions as dance of a hundred cuts, except you also gain the benefits of haste.
You become a lethal combat dancer, swirling and spinning with grace and precision. You gain a morale bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, and Mobility checks, and to Armor Class. This bonus is equal to +1 per 3 caster levels (maximum +5 at 15th level). You must remain moving for the spell to stay in effect. If in any round you do not either move at least 10 feet or make a melee attack, the spell’s duration ends.

Bard 6


Deadly Finale

You must have a bardic performance in effect to cast this spell. With a flourish, you immediately end your performance, dealing 2d8 points of sonic damage to each target. In addition, each target takes 3d6 points of bleed damage for 1d6 rounds. A save negates the bleed damage but not the sonic damage.
You cannot activate another bardic performance this round. If you have the lingering performance feat the effect lingers as normal.

Bard 6


Dust of Twilight

A shower of iridescent black particles clings in the air, removing all forms of glitterdust.
Creatures in the area must make a Fortitude save or become fatigued.

Wizard 2, Bard 2, Bloodrager 2, Child of Acavna and Amaznen 2, Claw of the False Wyrm 2


Entropic Shield

A magical field appears around you. This field deflects incoming arrows, rays, and other ranged attacks. Each ranged attack directed at you for which the attacker must make an attack roll has a 20% miss chance (similar to the effects of concealment). Other attacks that simply work at a distance are not affected.

Warpriest 1, Cleric 1, Dread Knight 1


Form of the Exotic Dragon

Take the form of a rarely seen dragon. You gain a +10 polymorph bonus to Strength, a +8 polymorph bonus to Constitution, a +8 natural armor bonus to AC, immunity to difficult terrain, blindsense with a range of 60 feet, a breath weapon, damage reduction 10/magic, frightful presence (DC equal to the DC for this spell), and elemental resistances. Your movement speed is increased by 10 feet.
The weapons and abilities granted by this spell vary depending on form taken.

Wizard 9, Druid 9


Fury of the Sun

You curse the target to suffer unbearable heat. On a failed saving throw, the target is immediately subjected to severe heat, takes 1d4 points of nonlethal damage, and is suffering from heatstroke (fatigued). This spell does not make a creature that is already fatigued, exhausted.

Witch 2, Druid 2, Hunter 2, Skulking Hunter 2


Gloomblind Bolts

You create one or more bolts of negative energy infused with shadow pulled from the Shadow Plane. You can fire one bolt, plus one for every four levels beyond 5th (to a maximum of three bolts at 13th level) at the same target, each requiring a ranged touch attack to hit. Each bolt deals 4d6 points of damage to a living creature or heals 4d6 points of damage to an undead creature. Furthermore, the bolt’s energy spreads over the skin of creature, possibly blinding it for a short time. Any creature struck by a bolt must succeed at a Reflex saving throw or become blinded for 1 round.

Witch 3, Wizard 3, Bloodrager 3, Magus 3, Child of Acavna and Amaznen 3, Claw of the False Wyrm 3



Casting Goodberry creates a Bunch of Goodberries and stores them in the party inventeory. When eaten the goodberries heal 2d4 point of damage, however if they are eaten more than once a day they can make the creature that ate them sick for a short time.

Druid 1, Hunter 1, Shaman 1, Skulking Hunter 1


Greater Shield of Fortification

This spell functions as shield of fortification, except there is a 50% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead be rolled normally, rather than 25%.
Shield of Fortification: You create a magical barrier that protects a target’s vital areas. When the target is struck by a critical hit or a sneak attack, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally. This benefit does not stack with other effects that can turn critical hits or sneak attacks into normal attacks, such as the fortification armor special ability.

Cleric 4, Inquisitor 3, Paladin 3, Ravener Hunter 3


Hollow Blades

Hollow Blades lowers the momentum and density of the targets melee weapons the moment they would land an attack. All melee weapons used by the target deal damageas if they are one size category smaller than they actually are. For instance, a Large longsword normally deals 2d6 points of damage, but it would instead deal 1d8 points of damage if effected by hollow blades.

Witch 3, Wizard 3, Hunter 1, Magus 2, Ranger 1, Shaman 3, Skulking Hunter 1


Hydraulic Push

You call forth a quick blast of water that knocks over and soaks one creature or square. You can use this blast of water to make a bull rush against any one creature or object. Your CMB for this bull rush is equal to your caster level plus your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier, whichever is highest. This bull rush does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Wizard 1, Bloodrager 1, Druid 1, Hunter 1, Magus 1, Shaman 1, Child of Acavna and Amaznen 1, Claw of the False Wyrm 1


Hypnotic Pattern

A twisting pattern of subtle, shifting colors weaves through the air, fascinating creatures within it. Roll 2d4 and add your caster level (maximum 10) to determine the total number of HD of creatures affected. Creatures who are closest to the spell’s point of origin are affected first. HD that are not sufficient to affect a creature are wasted. Sightless creatures are not affected.

Wizard 2, Bard 2, Skulking Hunter 2


Inflict Pain

You telepathically wrack the target’s mind and body with agonizing pain that imposes a –4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and combat maneuver checks. A successful Will save reduces the duration to 1 round.

Witch 3, Wizard 3, Inquisitor 2, Skulking Hunter 3, Ravener Hunter 2


Inflict Pain, Mass

This spell functions as Inflict pain, except that is affects multiple creatures.
Inflict Pain: You telepathically wrack the target’s mind and body with agonizing pain that imposes a –4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and combat maneuver checks. A successful Will save reduces the duration to 1 round.

Witch 7, Wizard 7, Inquisitor 5, Ravener Hunter 5


Invoke Deity

By holding aloft a holy symbol and calling your deity’s name, you take on an aspect of that divinity. When you cast this spell, choose a domain offered by your deity. You gain that domain’s benefits, along with the listed physical changes; abilities that allow a saving throw use this spell’s DC.
You must worship a being that grants access to domains in order to cast this spell.

Warpriest 6, Witch 6, Cleric 6, Hunter 4, Inquisitor 6, Paladin 4, Ranger 4, Dread Knight 6, Skulking Hunter 4, Ravener Hunter 6


King’s Castle

When you cast this spell, choose a single ally. You teleport to your ally’s space while your ally teleports to your former space.

Paladin 4


Mass Mydriatic Spontaneity

This spell functions as mydriatic spontaneity, except it can affect multiple creatures.
You overstimulate the target with alternating flashes of light and shadow within its eyes, causing its pupils to rapidly dilate and contract. While under the effects of this spell, the target is racked by splitting headaches and unable to see clearly, becoming nauseated for the spell’s duration. Each round, the target’s pupils randomly become dilated or contracted for 1 round, causing them to become either blinded or dazzled until next round.
Each new round, the target may make a will save to remove the nauseated condition.

Witch 7, Wizard 7, Bard 5


Moment of Prescience

This spell grants you a sixth sense. Once during the spell’s duration, you may choose to use its effect. This spell grants you an insight bonus equal to your caster level (maximum +25) on any single attack roll, skill check, or saving throw. Alternatively, you can apply the insight bonus to your AC against a single attack (even if flat-footed). Activating the effect is a free action. Once used, the spell ends. You can’t have more than one moment of prescience active on you at the same time.

Witch 8, Wizard 8



You invoke the mystical power of the moon to drive the target into a mad, bestial frenzy. If the target fails its save, it is dazed for 1 round, its nails and teeth elongate and sharpen. The target gains a bite attack and two claw attacks that deal damage appropriate for the creature’s size, and for the remainder of the spell’s duration the target behaves as if under simultaneous rage and confusion spells. During the final round of the spell’s duration, the target is again dazed as it returns to its normal state.
Rage: Each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +1 morale bonus on Will saves, and a –2 penalty to AC and cannot cast spells.
Confusion: This spell causes confusion in the targets, making them unable to determine their actions. Roll d100 and consult the following table at the start of each subject’s turn each round to see what it does in that round.
01–25: Acts normally
26–50: Does nothing but babble incoherently
51–75: Deals (1d8 points of damage + Strength modifier) to self with item in hand
76–100: Attacks nearest creature

Witch 4, Wizard 4, Bloodrager 4, Druid 4, Hunter 4, Child of Acavna and Amaznen 4, Skulking Hunter 4, Claw of the False Wyrm 4


Mydriatic Spontaneity

You overstimulate the target with alternating flashes of light and shadow within its eyes, causing its pupils to rapidly dilate and contract. While under the effects of this spell, the target is racked by splitting headaches and unable to see clearly, becoming nauseated for the spell’s duration. Each round, the target’s pupils randomly become dilated or contracted for 1 round, causing them to become either blinded or dazzled until next round.
Each new round, the target may make a will save to remove the nauseated condition.

Witch 4, Wizard 4, Bard 3


Particulate Form

The targets’ physical forms undergo a bizarre transformation. They look and function normally, but are composed of countless particles that separate and reconnect to remain whole. Each target gains fast healing 1 and is immune to bleed damage, critical hits, sneak attacks, and other forms of precision damage. The value of this fast healing increases by 1 at caster levels 10th, 15th, and 20th. Any target can end the spell effect on itself as a swift action; the target then regains 5d6 hit points and can attempt an additional saving throw against one disease or poison affecting it (at the original save DC), ending that disease or poison with a successful saving throw.

Witch 7, Wizard 7, Cleric 7


Plant Shape I

You become a small mandragora. You gain a +2 size bonus to your Dexterity and Constitution and a +2 natural armor bonus. Your movement speed is increased by 10 feet. You also gain one 1d6 bite attack, two 1d4 slams and poison ability.

Wizard 5, Alchemist 5, Skulking Hunter 5


Plant Shape II

You become a large shambling mound or a huge quickwood.

Wizard 6, Alchemist 6, Skulking Hunter 6


Plant Shape III

You become a huge treant or a huge giant flytrap.

Wizard 7


Rigor Mortis

The joints of a creature affected by this spell stiffen and swell, making movement painful and slow. The target takes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage per caster level. Additionally, the target takes a –4 penalty to Dexterity and its movement speed decreases by 10 feet; these additional effects last for 1 minute per caster level. A successful save halves the nonlethal damage and negates the penalty to Dexterity and movement.

Warpriest 4, Witch 4, Wizard 4, Cleric 4, Magus 4, Shaman 4, Dread Knight 4, Skulking Hunter 4


Scourge of the Horsemen

Blast the area with a horrific combination of soul-rending energy and physical corrosion. Creatures in the area of effect gain 1d4 negative levels, and take 1d6 points of acid damage per caster level (maximum 20d6).

Wizard 9, Cleric 9


Shadow Claws

You summon a pair of claws over your hands formed from semireal material. This grants you two primary claw attacks dealing 1d4 points of damage if you are Medium (1d3 if Small) plus 1 point of Strength damage. A successful Fortitude saving throw negates the Strength damage (DC = this spell’s DC).
While under the effect of this spell, all claw attacks gain this spells Strength damage component.

Wizard 2, Bard 2, Bloodrager 2, Magus 2, Child of Acavna and Amaznen 2, Skulking Hunter 2, Claw of the False Wyrm 2


Shadow Jaunt

You instantly travel between shadows to a point within range. You leave a shadowy decoy in your former location and are wrapped in shadow at your destination; you attempt a Stealth check as a free action to hide in your new location. In addition, for 1 round, the envelope of shadow around you grants you concealment (20% miss chance).
The shadow decoy is fragile and will not survive more than a single attack / one round.

Wizard 4, Bard 4, Skulking Hunter 4


Shadow Step

You enter a shadow or area of darkness, which transports you along a coiling path of shadowstuff to a units shadow within range.

Witch 3, Wizard 3, Bard 3, Skulking Hunter 3



The shambler spell creates 1d4+2 shambling mounds with the advanced template. The creatures willingly aid you in combat or battle, perform a specific mission, or serve as bodyguards. The creatures remain with you for 7 days. You can only have one shambler spell in effect at one time. If you cast this spell while another casting is still in effect, the previous casting is dispelled.

Druid 9, Shaman 9


Shield of Fortification

You create a magical barrier that protects a target’s vital areas. When the target is struck by a critical hit or a sneak attack, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally. This benefit does not stack with other effects that can turn critical hits or sneak attacks into normal attacks, such as the fortification armor special ability.

Cleric 2, Inquisitor 1, Paladin 1, Ravener Hunter 1



Your own non-magical club or quarterstaff becomes a weapon with a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. A quarterstaff gains this enhancement for both ends of the weapon. It deals damage as if it were two size categories larger (a Small club or quarterstaff so transmuted deals 1d8 points of damage, a Medium 2d6, and a Large 3d6), +1 for its enhancement bonus. These effects only occur when the weapon is wielded by you. If you do not wield it, the weapon behaves as if unaffected by this spell. A magical weapon still gains the damage via size increase, but not the additional +1 bonuses.

Druid 1, Hunter 1, Skulking Hunter 1



You create low-cresting waves of water under the feet of the target, able to propel them while moving. The target’s speed increases by 10 feet.

Wizard 2, Bloodrager 2, Druid 2, Hunter 2, Ranger 2, Child of Acavna and Amaznen 2, Claw of the False Wyrm 2


Steam Ray Fusillade

For the duration of the spell, you can fire rays of steam once per round as a standard action (and you also fire these rays as part of casting this spell). You may fire three rays, plus one additional ray for every four levels beyond 11th (to a maximum of five rays at 19th level). Each ray requires a ranged touch attack to hit and deals 4d6 points of fire damage.

Wizard 7


Stunning Finale

You must have a bardic performance in effect to cast this spell. With a flourish, you immediately end your bardic performance, assaulting the senses of the targets with your finale. Each target is stunned for 1 round. On a successful saving throw, a target is staggered for 1 round.
You cannot activate another bardic performance this round. If you have the lingering performance feat the effect lingers as normal.

Bard 5


Wall of Fire

An immobile, blazing curtain of the shimmering fire springs into existence. The wall deals fire damage when it appears, to all creatures in the area on your turn each round, and also to any creature that passes through it. The damage delt is 2d6 points of damage +1 point of damage per caster level (maximum +20). The wall deals double damage to undead creatures.

Wizard 4, Bloodrager 4, Druid 5, Hunter 5, Magus 4, Shaman 4, Child of Acavna and Amaznen 4, Claw of the False Wyrm 4


Wooden Phalanx

You create 1d4+2 wood golems with the advanced template. The golems willingly aid you in combat or battle, perform a specific mission, or serve as bodyguards. You can only have one wooden phalanx spell in effect at one time. If you cast this spell while another casting is still in effect, the previous casting is dispelled.

Wizard 9, Cleric 9


Zephyr’s Fleetness

You can call upon the spirits of the air to grant agility to your allies. Each target gains a +30 foot enhancement bonus to its speed. Each target can also move (and charge) through difficult terrain without penalty.

Hunter 3, Ranger 3, Skulking Hunter 3


Microscopic Content Expansion

Blade of Bright Victory

You strengthen the bond between your divine bond weapon and its celestial spirit. The weapon gains the ghost touch property.

Paladin 3


Blade of Dark Triumph

You strengthen the bond between your fiendish boon weapon and its unholy spirit. The weapon gains the ghost touch property.

Antipaladin 3, Tyrant 3


Deadly Juggernaut

With every enemy life you take, you become increasingly dangerous and difficult to stop. During the duration of the spell, you gain a cumulative +1 luck bonus on melee attack rolls, melee weapon damage rolls, Strength checks, and Strength-based skill checks as well as DR 2/— each time you reduce a qualifying opponent to 0 or few hit points (maximum +5 bonus and DR 10/—) with a melee attack. A qualifying opponent has a number of Hit Dice equal to or greater than your Hit Dice –4.

Cleric 3, Inquisitor 3, Paladin 3, Warpriest 3, Antipaladin 3, Tyrant 3


Protection from Chaos/Good

The subject gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves. Both these bonuses apply against attacks made or effects created by creatures with the corresponding alignment.

Tyrant 1


Protection from Chaos/Good - Communal

All allies within 30 feet gain a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves. Both these bonuses apply against attacks made or effects created by creatures with corresponding alignments.

Tyrant 2


Protection from Law/Good

The subject gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves. Both these bonuses apply against attacks made or effects created by creatures with the corresponding alignment.

Antipaladin 1


Protection from Law/Good - Communal

All allies within 30 feet gain a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves. Both these bonuses apply against attacks made or effects created by creatures with corresponding alignments.

Antipaladin 2


Widen Auras

The range of your antipaladin auras doubles.

Antipaladin 2


Pheonix’s Cantrips - More Cantrips

Burning Touch

You sheath your hand in fire and make a touch attack against the target. The spell deals 1d3 points of fire damage

Magus 0, Wizard 0



You cause a bolt of fire to strike the target with a successful ranged touch attack. The spell deals 1d3 points of fire damage

Magus 0, Wizard 0


Frosty Touch

You sheath your hand in ice and make a touch attack against the target. The spell deals 1d4 points of cold damage.

Magus 0, Wizard 0


Lesser Corrosive Touch

You sheath your hand in acid and make a touch attack against the target. The spell deals 1d4 points of acid damage.

Magus 0, Wizard 0


Lesser Shocking Grasp

You sheath your hand in electricty and make a touch attack against the target. The spell deals 1d4 points of electricty damage.

Magus 0, Wizard 0


Mystical Mayhem

Bloody Tears and Jagged Smile

Your eyes turn black and weep blood, and your teeth become jagged fangs. You gain a bite attack (1d3 points of damage if you are Small, 1d4 points of damage if you are Medium). You gain a +4 profane bonus on Intimidate checks and on your spell DCs for spells with the fear descriptor.

Cleric 2, Warlock 2, Warpriest 2, Wizard 2, Gold-Robed Wizard 2


Draconic Malice

You surround yourself with a palpable aura of draconic fear and dread.
Living creatures within this aura that are normally immune to fear or mind-affecting abilities lose those immunities against your spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities that create fear effects, as well as any Intimidate checks you attempt to demoralize foes.

Bard 3, Bloodrager 3, Cleric 3, Inquisitor 3, Warlock 3, Shaman 3, Witch 3, Wizard 3, Gold-Robed Wizard 3


Mighty Strength

The subject becomes stronger. The spell grants a +8 enhancement bonus to Strength, adding the usual benefits to melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, and other uses of the Strength modifier.

Cleric 4, Warlock 4, Paladin 4


Spell Turning

Spells and spell-like effects targeted on you are turned back upon the original caster. The abjuration turns only spells that have you as a target. Effect and area spells are not affected. Spell turning also fails to stop touch range spells. From seven to ten (1d4+6) spell levels are affected by the turning. The exact number is rolled secretly.
If you are targeted by a spell of higher level than the amount of spell turning you have left, that spell harmessly dissipates instead of harming its caster.

Warlock 7, Wizard 7, Gold-Robed Wizard 7


Sure Casting

You gain temporary insight into your enemies’ magical defenses. When you next cast a spell before the end of the next round, treat your caster level as 5 higher than normal for the purpose of overcoming spell resistance. This bonus doesn’t increase any other effects that depend on caster level, such as the spell’s damage or range, and affects only the first spell cast after sure casting.

Bard 1, Cleric 1, Inquisitor 1, Warlock 1, Witch 1, Wizard 1, Gold-Robed Wizard 1


Mythic Arcanist

Force Armor

You wrap your body in force, gaining a +2 deflection bonus to AC. At caster level 6th and every 6 caster levels thereafter, this deflection bonus increases by +1 (to a maximum of +5 at 18th level).

Alchemist 2, Bard 2, Wizard 2


Mage Armor II

This spell functions like mage armor except you gain a +6 armor bonus. This bonus does not stack with other sources that grant an armor bonus.

An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of a mage armor spell, providing a +4 armor bonus to AC.
Unlike mundane armor, mage armor entails no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance. or speed redution. Since mage armor is made of force, incorporeal creatures can’t bypass it the way they do normal amror.

Bloodrager 3, Witch 4, Wizard 4


Mage Armor III

This spell functions like mage armor except you gain a +8 armor bonus. This bonus does not stack with other sources that grant an armor bonus.

An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of a mage armor spell, providing a +4 armor bonus to AC.
Unlike mundane armor, mage armor entails no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance. or speed redution. Since mage armor is made of force, incorporeal creatures can’t bypass it the way they do normal amror.

Bloodrager 4, Witch 7, Wizard 7


Mage Armor IV

This spell functions like mage armor except you gain a +10 armor bonus. This bonus does not stack with other sources that grant an armor bonus.

An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of a mage armor spell, providing a +4 armor bonus to AC.
Unlike mundane armor, mage armor entails no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance. or speed redution. Since mage armor is made of force, incorporeal creatures can’t bypass it the way they do normal amror.

Witch 9, Wizard 9


Magic Missile, Greater

This spell functions like magic missile, except each missile deals 1d6 points of force damage + your key ability modifier. If it strikes an effect that normally blocks magic missile, you may attempt to penetrate the effect as if against a spell resistance equal to 5 + the target’s caster level or the target’s Hit Dice if the target has no caster level.

Bloodrager 4, Magus 4, Wizard 4


Magic Missile, Mastered

This spell functions like greater magic missile, except it has no maximum to how many additional missiles you may shoot(six missiles at 11th level, seven missiles at 13th level, eight missiles at 15th level, nine missiles at 17th level, ten missiles at 19th level, etc).

Bloodrager 5, Magus 5, Wizard 5


Shield II

This spell functions like shield, but its duration is longer and it can be employed like a tower shield for cover.

Shield creates an invisible shield of force that hovers in front of you. It negates magic missile attacks directed at you. The disk als oprovides a +4 shield bonus to AC. This bonus applies against incorporeal touch attacks, since it is a force effect. The shield has no armor check penalty or arcane spell failure.

Bloodrager 3, Wizard 4



Blade Lash

Your weapon elongates and becomes whip-like. As part of casting this spell, you can use this weapon to attempt a trip combat maneuver against one creature within 20 feet, and you gain a +10 bonus on your roll, after which the weapon returns to its previous form. (mod)

Bloodrager 1, Magus 1


Debilitating Pain

The target is overcome with intense pain, causing it to be stunned on a failed save or dazed for 1 round on a successful save. (mod)

Witch 3


Debilitating Pain, Mass

This spell functions as per debilitating pain, except you can target one creature with highest HD in close range for every 4 caster levels you have. (mod)

Witch 5


Discordant Blast

You create a wave of thunder and force, either in a 10-foot-radius burst centered on you or in 30-foot cone-shaped burst. Creatures in the area take 3d6 points of sonic damage and are pushed away as if bull rushed. Make combat maneuver checks to each creature in the area. Your CMB for this bull rush is equal to your caster level plus your Charisma modifier. This bull rush does not provoke an attack of opportunity. (mod)

Bard 4


Emblem of Greed

You form a burning glaive using your magic. The weapon is appropriate to your size and has a +1 enhancement bonus and the flaming weapon special ability. When wielding the glaive, you are considered proficient with it and use your caster level as your base attack bonus (which may give you multiple attacks). The glaive’s enhancement bonus increases to +2 at caster level 15th, and +3 at caster level 19th. This spell is not cumulative with greater magic weapon or any other spell that might modify the weapon in any way. (mod)

Cleric 6, Inquisitor 6, Magus 6, Shaman 7, Warpriest 6, Wizard 6


Hermean Potential

You gift the target with the ability to perfect its actions via mental clarity. On the next attack roll, saving throw, ability check, or skill check the target attempts, it rolls twice and takes the more favorable result. For every 5 caster levels you have, the target can roll twice on an additional attack roll, saving throw, or skill check (to a maximum of 5 rolls at 20th level). (mod)

Witch 1


Hydraulic Torrent

You call forth a powerful stream of water that batters all creatures and obstacles in its path until it strikes something it cannot push past. Make combat maneuver checks to each creature within the area. Your CMB for this bull rush is equal to your caster level plus your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier, whichever is highest. This bull rush does not provoke an attack of opportunity. (mod)

Bloodrager 3, Druid 3, Hunter 3, Magus 3, Wizard 3


Inheritor’s Smite

You channel the power of righteousness into your weapon arm, allowing you to strike with great force. Your next melee attack (if made before the end of your next turn) gains a +5 sacred bonus on the attack roll. If the attack hits, you may immediately attempt a bull rush combat maneuver (with a +5 sacred bonus on your combat maneuver check) against the target without provoking an attack of opportunity. (mod)

Cleric 2, Inquisitor 2, Paladin 2, Warpriest 2



You gain a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks made to bull rush or overrun. (mod)

Alchemist 1, Inquisitor 1, Magus 1, Paladin 1, Ranger 1


Litany of Righteousness

Calling down a litany of anathema, you make an evil more susceptible to the attacks of good creatures. If the target is evil, it takes double damage from attacks made by creatures with a good aura (from a class feature or as a creature with the good subtype). If the target also has the evil subtype; when it is hit with attacks made by creatures with a good aura, it is also dazzled for 1d4 rounds. (mod)

Inquisitor 3, Paladin 2



You give a creature the ability to use one of its natural attacks to firmly attach itself to an opponent. The creature gains the grab ability with its claw or bite attack, including the +4 bonus on combat maneuver checks to start or maintain a grapple when not polymorphed. (mod)

Druid 2, Ranger 2


Pilfering Hand

You create and control an invisible telekinetic force, instantaneously attempting a disarm combat maneuver against a target within range. Use your caster level as your Combat Maneuver Bonus, adding your spellcasting ability score modifier in place of your Strength or Dexterity modifier. This combat maneuver attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity from its target, but casting this spell might. (mod)

Bard 2, Cleric 2, Magus 2, Warpriest 2, Wizard 2


Rat Quadrille (3)

(Bard with Use Magic Device or Persuasion 4) This repetitive, distracting melody wears down foes. You tap out or sing a diverting tune that sticks in the mind of the target, causing the target to take a –2 penalty on attack rolls and a –4 penalty on concentration checks for 10 minutes. A successful Will save halves the penalties and reduces the duration to 1 minute. This ability is a mind-affecting compulsion effect. (mod)

Bard 2


Resinous Skin

You coat your body with a resinous substance, protecting you from attacks and binding weapons that strike you. You gain DR 5/piercing, as well as a +4 circumstance bonus to your CMD against disarm attempts. Additionally, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on combat maneuver checks to initiate a grapple, maintain a grapple, and pin a foe. Any enemy you grapple takes a –2 penalty on attempts to break the grapple and to escape the grapple. Any weapon that strikes you becomes stuck unless its wielder succeeds at a Reflex saving throw. When it gets stuck in this way, you can attempt a free disarm combat maneuver. (mod)

Alchemist 3, Bloodrager 3, Druid 3, Hunter 3, Wizard 3


Rovagug’s Fury

You create a minor earthquake that can trip creatures. Attempt combat maneuver checks against every creature in the area. This trip attack does not provoke an attack of opportunity (though you do provoke one for casting the spell). (mod)

Bloodrager 2, Cleric 2, Inquisitor 2, Warpriest 2, Witch 2, Wizard 2


Shield Other

This spell wards the subject and creates a mystic connection between you and the subject so that some of its wounds are transferred to you. The subject gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC and a +1 resistance bonus on saves. Additionally, the subject takes only half damage from all wounds and attacks (including those dealt by special abilities) that deal hit point damage. The amount of damage not taken by the warded creature is taken by you. Forms of harm that do not involve hit points, such as charm effects, temporary ability damage, level draining, and death effects, are not affected. If the subject suffers a reduction of hit points from a lowered Constitution score, the reduction is not split with you because it is not hit point damage. When the spell ends, subsequent damage is no longer divided between the subject and you, but damage already split is not reassigned to the subject. (mod)

Cleric 2, Inquisitor 2, Paladin 2, Warpriest 2


Stone Face (2)

(Bard with Persuasion 7) Your antics can soften even the hardest visage. You tell an old and humorous tale about a woman who refused to smile at anything, no matter how funny. Through a series of increasingly unlikely events involving a cart of horse manure, a king, and a flying carpet, her legendary frown broke at last. When you complete the performance, the target is affected by stone to flesh. (mod)

Bard 3


Tales of Twisting Steel (3)

(Bard with Persuasion 3) This medley of tales inspires listeners to new heights of bravery and self sacrifice. This collection includes the stories of The Big Sky, The Rabbit Prince, and The Sickness, among others. When you complete the performance, choose one adjacent creature. You and that creature are affected as if you had cast shield other. (mod)

Bard 2


Telekinetic Maneuver

You move objects or creatures by concentrating on them. Once per round, you can use telekinesis to perform a bull rush, disarm, or trip within close range. Alternatively, you can perform a grapple (including pin). Resolve these attempts as normal, except that your CMB is equal to your caster level plus your spellcasting ability score modifier. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. No save is allowed against these attempts, but spell resistance applies normally. (mod)

Magus 4, Wizard 4


The Requiem of the Fallen Priest-King (10)

(Bard with Persuasion 10) Your performance reveals ways to cheat time itself. This piece tells the story of a mighty priest-king who seemed to defy time by snatching near-victory from an overwhelming number of enemies. When you complete the performance, you gain the ability to accelerate time once, which must be used in the next 10 minutes. When you perform this masterpiece, you gain the ability to spend a swift action to restore your standard action. You must use this extra action within 10 minutes of performing the masterpiece; otherwise the benefit is lost. Your allies may benefit from this masterpiece, but they must listen to it intently (to the exclusion of all other activities) for the duration of the performance. (mod)

Bard 3



You stomp your foot or strike your weapon against the ground or floor, creating a ripple of power that you can use to trip a creature. Attempt the combat maneuver check to trip the target, but instead of your base attack bonus you can use your caster level, and instead of your Strength modifier you can use your spellcasting ability score modifier. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. (mod)

Bloodrager 1, Druid 1, Hunter 1, Magus 1, Ranger 1, Wizard 1


Thunderstomp, Greater

This spell functions as thunderstomp, except as noted, and it affects all creatures in the area, regardless of size. Attempt combat maneuver checks to each creature within the area. (mod)

Bloodrager 3, Druid 3, Hunter 3, Magus 3, Ranger 3, Wizard 3


Tooth Hunt

You assume the form of a tooth fairy. As Fey Form III, you gain the following abilities: a +8 size bonus to Dexterity, a –4 penalty to Strength, DR 2/cold iron, and fly speed (good maneuverability, better than a griffon for sure). A tooth fairy is a diminutive creature that can wield weapons, along with one bite attack (1d4). (mod)

Alchemist 6, Druid 6, Shaman 6, Witch 7, Wizard 7


Triple Time (1)

(Bard with Use Magic Device 3) Your lively cadence puts a spring in the step of weary marchers. This bright and spritely tune mimics the sound of human feet, slowly building to a steady, ground-eating pace. When you complete this performance, you affect all allies in hearing range. This masterpiece increases the affected target’s base land speed by 10 feet for 10 minutes per bard level, to a maximum of 1 hour. This adjustment is treated as an enhancement bonus. (mod)

Bard 1


Vex Giant

When you cast vex giant, your senses and reflexes become particularly honed against a single target within 60 feet, provided the target is at least one size category larger than you. You may select your focused foe as a free action when you cast this spell—switching your focus to a different foe within 60 feet is a move action. Although the name of the spell is vex giant, it works equally well on any foe that’s at least one size category larger than you. Against a foe you are focused on, you do not provoke its attacks of opportunity. Additionally, the first successful melee attack you make against the foe in a round deals an additional 1d6 points of damage. Finally, you gain a +4 insight bonus on all combat maneuver checks made against your focused foe. (mod)

Ranger 3


Virtuoso Performance

While this spell is active, you may start a second bardic performance while maintaining another. Maintaining both performances costs a total of 3 rounds of bardic performance instead of 2, for each round they are maintained. (mod)

Bard 4




You create ectoplasmic crossbow bolts, arrows, or sling bullets, appropriate to your size, which dissipate into their constituent ectoplasmic particles when the duration ends. Ammunition you create has a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls.
Augment For every 3 additional power points you spend, this power improves the ammunition’s enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls by 1

Psion 1



You gain temporary, intuitive insight into dealing equitably with others. You gain a +2 insight bonus to Pursuasion.
Augment For each 2 additional power points you spend, the insight bonus to Pursuasion increases by +1.

Psion 1


Circumstance Shield

Your shield of insight alerts you to potential dangers and supercharges your reaction time. You gain a +1 insight bonus on your Initiative checks for the duration of the effect.

Psion 1


Crystal Shard

Upon manifesting this power, you propel a razorsharp crystal shard at your target. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack with the ray to deal damage to a target. The ray deals 1d6 points of piercing damage.
Augment You can augment this power in one of the following ways.

  1. For every additional power point you spend, this power’s damage increases by 1d6 points.
  2. If you expend your psionic focus when manifesting this power, the cost of the power is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0), but the damage is reduced to 1d3 points of piercing damage and cannot be further augmented.

Psion 1



You warp space around an individual, hindering the subject’s ability to move. The subject’s speed (in any movement mode it possesses) is halved. A subsequent manifestation of deceleration on the subject does not further decrease its speed.
Augment For every 2 additional power points you spend, this power’s save DC increases by 1

Psion 1



You fill your enemies with self-doubt. Any enemy in the area that fails its save becomes shaken for the duration of the power. Allies and creatures without an Intelligence score are unaffected.

Psion 1


Dissipating Touch

Your mere touch can disperse the surface material of a foe or object, sending a tiny portion of it far away. This effect is disruptive; thus, your successful melee touch attack deals 1d6 points of damage.
Augment For every additional power point you spend, this power’s damage increases by 1d6 points.

Psion 1


Ectoplasmic Sheen

You draw forth ectoplasm in an area, causing the surface to become slick. Any creature in the area when the power is manifested must make a successful Reflex save or fall. A creature can walk within or through the area of ectoplasm at half normal speed with a DC 10 Acrobatics check. Failure means it can’t move that round (and must then make a Reflex save or fall), while failure by 5 or more means it falls (see the Acrobatics skill for details). Creatures that do not move on their turn do not need to make this check and are not considered flat-footed.
Augment For every two additional power points you spend augmenting this power, the power’s save DC increases by 1.

Psion 1


Energy Ray

You create a ray of energy of your active energy type (cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) that shoots forth from your fingertip and strikes a target within range, dealing 1d6 points of damage, if you succeed on a ranged touch attack with the ray.
Cold A ray of this energy type deals +1 point of damage per die.
Electricity Manifesting a ray of this energy type provides a +3 bonus on your attack roll if the target is wearing metal armor and a +2 bonus on manifester level checks for the purpose of overcoming power resistance.
Fire A ray of this energy type deals +1 point of damage per die.
Sonic A ray of this energy type deals –1 point of damage per die and ignores an object’s hardness. This power’s subtype is the same as the type of energy you manifest.
Augment You can augment this power in one of the following ways. 1. For every additional power point you spend, this power’s damage increases by one die (d6).

  1. If you expend your psionic focus when manifesting this power, the cost of the power is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0), but the damage is reduced to 1d3 and it cannot be further augmented.

Psion 1


Entangling Ectoplasm

You draw forth a glob of ectoplasmic goo from the Astral Plane and immediately throw it as a ranged touch attack at any creature in range. On a successful hit, the subject is covered in goo and becomes entangled. The goo evaporates at the end of the power’s duration. Entangled creatures can attempt to break free as a move action, making a Strength or Escape Artist check. The DC for this check is equal to 11 + the manifester’s key ability modifier.
For every 2 additional power points you spend, this power’s save DC increases by 1

Psion 1


Tabletop Tweaks Base

Accursed Glare

You channel a fell curse through your glare. If the target fails its saving throw, it begins to obsessively second guess its actions and attract bad luck. Whenever the target attempts an attack roll or saving throw while the curse lasts, it must roll twice and take the lower result.

Witch 3, Wizard 3


Age Resistance

You ignore the physical detriments of being middle-aged or old-aged. This spell does not cause you to look younger, nor does it prevent you from dying of old age, but as long as the spell is in effect, you ignore the –3 penalties to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution that accrue once you become old-aged. You retain the age-related bonuses to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma while under the effects of this spell. Additional penalties that you accrue upon becoming venerable apply in full.

Alchemist 4, Druid 6, Witch 6, Wizard 6


Age Resistance, Greater

You ignore the physical detriments of age. This spell does not cause you to look younger, nor does it prevent you from dying of old age, but as long as the spell is in effect, you ignore the –6 penalties to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution that accrue once you become venerable. You retain the age-related bonuses to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma while under the effects of this spell.

Alchemist 5, Druid 7, Witch 7, Wizard 7


Age Resistance, Lesser

You ignore the physical detriments of being middle-aged. This spell does not cause you to look younger, nor does it prevent you from dying of old age, but as long as the spell is in effect, you ignore the –1 penalties to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution that accrue once you become middle-aged. You retain the age-related bonuses to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma while under the effects of this spell. Additional penalties that you accrue upon becoming old or venerable apply in full.

Alchemist 3, Druid 4, Witch 4, Wizard 4


Cloak Of Winds

You shroud a creature in a whirling screen of strong, howling wind. Ranged attack rolls against the subject take a -4 penalty.

Bloodrager 3, Druid 3, Magus 3, Ranger 3, Wizard 3


Greater Stunning Barrier

You are closely surrounded by a barely visible magical field. The field provides a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves. Any creature that strikes you with a melee attack is stunned for 1 round (Will negates). Once the field has stunned a number of creatures equal to your caster level, the spell is discharged.

Cleric 3, Inquisitor 3, Paladin 3, Wizard 3


Inflict Pain

You telepathically wrack the target’s mind and body with agonizing pain that imposes a –4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. A successful Will save reduces the duration to 1 round.

Inquisitor 2, Witch 3, Wizard 3


Inflict Pain, Mass

You telepathically wrack the target’s mind and body with agonizing pain that imposes a –4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. A successful Will save reduces the duration to 1 round.

Inquisitor 5, Witch 7, Wizard 7


Long Arm

Your arms temporarily grow in length, increasing your reach with those limbs by 5 feet.

Alchemist 1, Bloodrager 1, Magus 1, Witch 1, Wizard 1


Mage’s Disjunction

All magical effects and magic items within the radius of the spell, except for those that you carry or touch, are disjoined. That is, spells and spell-like effects are unraveled and destroyed completely (ending the effect as a dispel magic spell does), and each permanent magic item must make a successful Will save or be turned into a normal item for the duration of this spell. An item in a creature’s possession uses its possessor’s Will save bonus.

Wizard 9


Sands Of Time

You temporarily age the target, immediately advancing it to the next age category. The target immediately takes the age penalties to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution for its new age category, but does not gain the bonuses for that category. A creature whose age is unknown is treated as if the spell advances it to middle age. If you cast this on an object, construct, or undead creature, it takes 3d6 points of damage + 1 point per caster level(maximum + 15) as time weathers and corrodes it instead.

Middle Age: -1 to all physical stats +1 to all mental stats.
Old Age: -3 to all physical stats +2 to all mental stats.
Venerated Age: -6 to all physical stats +3 to all mental stats.

Cleric 3, Shaman 3, Witch 3, Wizard 3


Shadow Enchantment

You use material from the Shadow Plane to cast a quasi-real, illusory version of a psychic, sorcerer, or wizard enchantment spell of 2nd level or lower. Spells that deal damage or have other effects work as normal unless the affected creature succeeds at a Will save. If the disbelieved enchantment spell has a damaging effect, that effect is one-fifth as strong (if applicable) or only 20% likely to occur.
If recognized as a shadow enchantment, a damaging spell deals only one - fifth(20 %) the normal amount of damage.
If the disbelieved attack has a special effect other than damage, that effect is one-fifth as strong (if applicable) or only 20% likely to occur. Regardless of the result of the save to disbelieve, an affected creature is also allowed any save (or spell resistance) that the spell being simulated allows, but the save DC is set according to shadow enchantment’s level (3rd) rather than the spell’s normal level. Objects, mindless creatures, and creatures immune to mind-affecting effects automatically succeed at their Will saves against this spell.

Bard 3, Wizard 3


Shadow Enchantment, Greater

This spell functions like shadow enchantment, except that it enables you to create partially real, illusory versions of psychic, sorcerer, or wizard enchantment spells of 5th level or lower. If the spell is recognized as a greater shadow enchantment, it’s only three-fifths (60%) as effective.

Bard 6, Wizard 6



You disrupt any spell energy affecting your target, causing that energy to crackle with power and harm the target. The target takes 1d6 points of damage for each spell with a duration of 1 round or greater currently affecting it. The spells themselves are not dispelled or modified.

Cleric 3, Inquisitor 2, Shaman 4, Witch 3


Web Bolt

You launch a ball of webbing at a target, which must make a save or be affected as if by a web spell occupying only the creature’s space.

Web creates a many-layered mass of strong, sticky strands. These strands trap those caught in them. The strands are similar to spiderwebs but far larger and tougher. Creatures caught within a web become grappled by the sticky fibers.
Anyone in the effect’s area when the spell is cast must make a Reflex save. If this save succeeds, the creature is inside the web but is otherwise unaffected. If the save fails, the creature gains the grappled condition, but can break free by making a combat maneuver check, Athletics check, or Mobility check as a standard action against the DC of this spell. The entire area of the web is considered difficult terrain. Anyone moving through the webs must make a Reflex save each round. Creatures that fail lose their movement and become grappled in the first square of webbing that they enter.

Bloodrager 1, Magus 1, Witch 1, Wizard 1


Tome Of The Firebird

Bone Fists

The bones of your targets’ joints grow thick and sharp, protruding painfully through the skin at the knuckles, elbows, shoulders, spine, and knees. The targets each gain a +1 bonus to natural armor and a +2 bonus on damage rolls with natural weapons.

Bloodrager 2, Cleric 2, Druid 2, Hunter 2, Ranger 2, Shaman 2, Witch 2, Wizard 2


Burst Of Radiance

This spell fills the area with a brilliant flash of shimmering light.Creatures in the area are blinded for 1d4 rounds, or dazzled for 1d4 rounds if they succeed at a Reflex save. Evil creatures in the area of the burst take 1d4 points of damage per caster level (max 5d4), whether they succeed at the Reflex save or not.

Cleric 2, Druid 2, Hunter 2, Warpriest 2, Wizard 2


Chains Of Fire

This spell functions like chain lightning, except as noted above, and the spell deals fire damage instead of electricity damage.

Chain Lightning: This spell creates an electrical discharge that begins as a single stroke commencing from your fingertips. Unlike lightning bolt, chain lightning strikes one object or creature initially, then arcs to other targets.
The bolt deals 1d6 points of electricity damage per caster level (maximum 20d6) to the primary target. After it strikes, lightning can arc to a number of secondary targets equal to your caster level (maximum 20). The secondary bolts each strike one target and deal as much damage as the primary bolt.
Each target can attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage. Secondary targets must be within 30 feet of the primary target, and no target can be struck more than once.

Magus 6, Wizard 6


Entropic Shield

A magical field appears around you, glowing with a chaotic blast of multicolored hues. This field deflects incoming arrows, rays, and other ranged attacks. Each ranged attack directed at you for which the attacker must make an attack roll has a 20% miss chance (similar to the effects of concealment). Other attacks that simply work at a distance are not affected.

Cleric 1


Fire Shield

This spell wreathes you in flame and causes damage to each creature that attacks you in melee.The flames also protect you from either cold-based or fire-based attacks, depending on if you choose cool or warm flames for your fire shield.
Any creature striking you with its body or a hand-held weapon deals normal damage, but at the same time the attacker takes 1d6 points of damage + 1 point per caster level(maximum +15). This damage is either cold damage(if you choose a chill shield) or fire damage(if you choose a warm shield). If the attacker has spell resistance, it applies to this effect.Creatures wielding melee weapons with reach are not subject to this damage if they attack you.
When casting this spell, you appear to immolate yourself, but the flames are thin and wispy, increasing the light level within 10 feet by one step, up to normal light.The color of the flames is blue or green if the chill shield is cast, violet or red if the warm shield is employed.The special powers of each version are as follows.
Chill Shield: The flames are cool to the touch.You take only half damage from fire-based attacks.If such an attack allows a Reflex save for half damage, you take no damage on a successful saving throw.
Warm Shield: The flames are warm to the touch.You take only half damage from cold-based attacks. If such an attack allows a Reflex save for half damage, you take no damage on a successful saving throw.

Alchemist 4, Bloodrager 4, Magus 4, Wizard 4



The subject gains flight, increasing their speed by ten feet, ignoring ground effects, and gaining a +3 dodge bonus to AC against melee attacks

Alchemist 3, Bloodrager 3, Magus 3, Shaman 3, Witch 3, Wizard 3


Fly, Mass

The party gains flight, increasing their speed by ten feet, ignoring ground effects, and gaining a +3 dodge bonus to AC against melee attacks

Wizard 7


Freezing Sphere

Freezing sphere creates a frigid globe of cold energy that streaks from your fingertips to the location you select, where it explodes in a 20 or 40-foot-radius burst, dealing 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level(maximum 20d6) to each creature in the area.A creature of the water subtype instead takes 1d8 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 20d8) and is staggered for 1d4 rounds.

Magus 6, Wizard 6


Gloomblind Bolts

You create one or more bolts of negative energy infused with shadow pulled from the Shadow Plane. You can fire one bolt, plus one for every four levels beyond 5th (to a maximum of three bolts at 13th level) at the same or different targets, but all bolts must be aimed at targets within 30 feet of each other and require a ranged touch attack to hit. Each bolt deals 4d6 points of damage to a living creature or heals 4d6 points of damage to an undead creature. Furthermore, the bolt’s energy spreads over the skin of creature, possibly blinding it for a short time. Any creature struck by a bolt must succeed at a Reflex saving throw or become blinded for 1 round.

Bloodrager 3, Magus 3, Witch 3, Wizard 3


Heal Mount

This spell functions like heal, but it affects only the paladin’s special mount (typically a horse).
Heal:Heal enables you to channel positive energy into a creature to wipe away injury and afflictions. It immediately ends any and all of the following adverse conditions affecting the target: ability damage, blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, poisoned, sickened, and stunned. It also cures 10 hit points of damage per level of the caster, to a maximum of 150 points at 15th level.
Heal does not remove negative levels or restore permanently drained ability score points.

Paladin 3


Keen Edge

This spell makes a weapon magically keen, improving its ability to deal telling blows.This transmutation doubles the threat range of the weapon.A threat range of 20 becomes 19-20, a threat range of 19-20 becomes 17-20, and a threat range of 18-20 becomes 15-20. The spell can be cast only on piercing or slashing weapons.If cast on arrows or crossbow bolts, the keen edge on a particular projectile ends after one use, whether or not the missile strikes its intended target.Treat shuriken as arrows, rather than as thrown weapons, for the purpose of this spell.

Multiple effects that increase a weapon’s threat range (such as the keen special weapon property and the Improved Critical feat) don’t stack.You can’t cast this spell on a natural weapon, such as a claw.

Bloodrager 3, Inquisitor 3, Magus 3, Wizard 3


Spear Of Purity

You hurl a pure white or golden spear of light from your holy symbol, affecting any one target within range as a ranged touch attack.

An evil creature struck by the spear takes 1d8 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 5d8). An evil outsider instead takes 1d6 points of damage per caster level(maximum 10d6) and is blinded for 1 round.A successful Will save reduces the damage to half and negates the blinded effect. This spell deals only half damage to creatures that are neither evil nor good, and they are not blinded. The spear has no effect on good creatures.

Cleric 2


Telekinetic Strikes

The touched creature’s limbs are charged with telekinetic force.

For the duration of the spell, the target’s unarmed attacks or natural weapons deal an additional 1d4 points of force damage on each successful unarmed melee attack.

Magus 2, Wizard 2


Vitrolic Mist

This spell wreathes you in acid mists and causes damage to each creature that attacks you in melee. The mists also protect you from acid-based attacks. You take only half damage from acid-based attacks. If such an attack allows a Reflex save for half damage, you take no damage on a successful saving throw.
Any creature striking you with its body or a hand-held weapon deals normal damage, but at the same time the attacker takes 1d6 points of acid damage + 1 point per caster level(maximum +15). If the attacker has spell resistance, it applies to this effect. Creatures wielding melee weapons with reach are not subject to this damage if they attack you.

Alchemist 4, Bloodrager 4, Magus 4, Wizard 4



Black Tentacles

Every creature within the area of the spell is the target of a combat maneuver check made to grapple each round at the beginning of your turn, including the round that black tentacles is cast. Creatures that enter the area of effect are also automatically attacked. The tentacles do not provoke attacks of opportunity. When determining the tentacles� CMB, the tentacles use your caster level as their base attack bonus and receive a +4 bonus due to their Strength and a +1 size bonus. Roll only once for the entire spell effect each round and apply the result to all creatures in the area of effect.
If the tentacles succeed in grappling a foe, that foe takes 1d6+4 points of damage and gains the grappled condition. Grappled opponents cannot move without first breaking the grapple. All other movement is prohibited unless the creature breaks the grapple first. The black tentacles spell receives a +5 bonus on grapple checks made against opponents it is already grappling, but cannot move foes or pin foes. Each round that black tentacles succeeds on a grapple check, it deals an additional 1d6+4 points of damage. The CMD of black tentacles, for the purposes of escaping the grapple, is equal to 10 + its CMB.

Summoner 4


Draconic Ally

You create a semi-living intelligent draconic servant that loyally obeys and serves you. Treat this servant as a pseudodragon with all of the abilities of Form of the Dragon I. They keep their breath weapon, dealing 6d8 damage depending on the type of dragon chosen. You may only summon one draconic ally at a time.

Summoner 3


Infernal Healing

You anoint a wounded creature with devil�s blood or unholy water, giving it fast healing 1.

Summoner 1


Infernal Healing, Greater

You anoint a wounded creature with devil�s blood or unholy water, giving it fast healing 4.

Summoner 4



You deprive a creature of the blissful oblivion of unconsciousness, either to keep it going despite grievous injuries or to prolong its suffering. For the duration of the spell, the target gains the ferocity ability, allowing it to remain conscious and continue fighting even if its hit point total is below 0. The target is still staggered and loses 1 hit point each round, and the target still dies when its hit point total reaches a negative amount equal to its Constitution score.

Summoner 2


Release The Hounds

This spell functions like summon monster, except it summons 1d4+4 frost wolves. These wolves do not attack enemies, but move about the battlefield.
Any enemies caught in the pack�s path take 3d6 points of cold damage at the start of their turn and may become prone (DC 20 Reflex).

Summoner 5


Summon Cacodaemon

This spell functions like summon monster, except it summons a single cacodaemon.

Summoner 2


Summon Cacodaemon, Greater

This spell functions like summon cacodaemon, except that it summons 1d4+1 cacodaemons.

Summoner 3


Summon Erinyes

This spell functions like summon monster, except it summons an Erinyes devil.

Summoner 5


Summon Lesser Demon

This spell functions like summon monster, except it allows you to summon a single brimorak, one incubus, 1d3 schir demons, or 1d4 vermlek demons.

Summoner 4


Summon Meladaemon

This spell functions like summon monster, except it summons a Meladaemon.

Summoner 6


Summon Minor Monster

This spell functions as summon monster I, except you can summon 1d3 Tiny or smaller animals, The summoned animals must all be the same type of creature. As with animals summoned with summon monster I, you apply one alignment-appropriate template to these animals.

Summoner 1


Summon Stampede

This spell functions like summon monster, except it summons 1d4+4 horses. These horses do not attack enemies, but move about the battlefield.
Any creatures caught in the herd�s path take 4d6+9 points of bludgeoning damage at the start of their turn as they are trampled beneath dozens of animals� hooves.

Summoner 4


Summon Swarm

You summon a swarm of spiders, which attack all other creatures within its area. (You may summon the swarm so that it shares the area of other creatures.) If no living creatures are within its area, the swarm attacks or pursues the nearest creature as best it can. The caster has no control over its target or direction of travel.

Summoner 2



Your eidolon’s form shifts and transforms. This spell allows you to change any of the eidolon’s evolutions by allocating its evolution pool on new evolutions. If you have the aspect or greater aspect ability, this spell also allows you to change the evolution points spent to modify you, including removing or adding points as allowed by those abilities.

Summoner 1


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