Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Mod Blueprint Database

Project maintained by alterasc Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Rogue Talents

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Another Day

Once per day, when the rogue would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by a melee attack, she may back off 5 ft and take no damage from the attack. The rogue is staggered for 1 round on her next turn. (mod)


Clean Capture (Grapple)

You gain Improved Grapple as a bonus feat. (mod)


Clean Capture (Greater Grapple)

You gain Greater Grapple as a bonus feat. (mod)


Cloying Shades

When a rogue with this talent uses dimension door as a spell or spell-like ability, including the abundant step or shadow jump class feature, then all creatures adjacent to the rogue at the start and end of her teleportation are entangled by grasping shadows for 1 round (although the creatures are not anchored in place). A successful Reflex saving throw negates this effect. The DC of this saving throw is equal to 10 + 1/2 the rogue’s level + the rogue’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (whichever is higher). (mod)


Ninja Trick

A rogue with this talent can choose a trick from the ninja trick list. She can pick this talent more than once. (mod)


Quick Shot

Whenever the rogue rolls initiative, she can also make a single attack against the closest enemy with a ranged weapon. (mod)


Sneaky Maneuver

Anytime a rogue with this talent attempts a melee sneak attack against an opponent that she is flanking or that is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC against her attack, she may take a –2 penalty on the attack roll. If the attack succeeds, the rogue deals damage as normal and then instead of dealing sneak attack damage, she can attempt a dirty trick, disarm, sunder, or trip combat maneuver check as a swift action this turn. (mod)


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