Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Mod Blueprint Database

Project maintained by alterasc Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Mythic Abilities

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Aerial Assault

When making a charge attack, you can replace your melee attack from this charge with a grapple check, even if the creature is immune to grapple normally. (mod)


Blossoming Light

You no longer have a limited amount of Solar Invocation rounds per day. (mod)


Bond of Genies

You can mount any party member. (mod)


Combat Trickery

Through buffoonery and deceit, you can trick opponents into moving where you want them. You can make a bull rush combat maneuver check to all adjacent opponents as a standard action, using your Bluff check modifier in place of your CMB. (mod)


Deluding Touch

You can deliver any touch spell via enchanting touch. (mod)


Down Like Dominoes

When you successfully trip a foe, as a free action you can attempt an additional trip attack against an adjacent creature at a –4 penalty. If this second trip is successful, you immediately move to its square and may continue to attempt to trip other creatures, taking a cumulative –4 penalty on each trip attempt after the first. In a round, you can trip a number of creatures equal to 1 + half your tier in this way. (mod)


Drive Back

As a full-round action, you can make one melee attack at your highest base attack bonus against each opponent within reach. You must make a separate attack roll against each opponent, then attempt a free bull rush combat maneuver check against each foe that you hit. (mod)


Endless Breath

You have 1/3 chance to recover one use of your breath weapon at the start of your turn. Additionally, your Gold Dragon Breath (Mythic) becomes a move action. (mod)


Endless Gaze

You no longer have a limited amount of Unnerving Gaze rounds per day. (mod)


Gigantic Assault

With the inertia of her steed, the mammoth rider is always considered charging if mounted. (mod)


Greater Swift Death

Your target assassination becomes a move action. At 10th assassin level, it becomes a swift action. (mod)


Ki Throw Mastery

You can use Dirty Trick, Disarm or Sunder for Ki Throw. Additionally, you gain a +2 bonus to CMB for each size category that the target is larger than you. (mod)


Knot Expert

You tie knots in rope with a flick of your wrist, and can do so from the far end of the rope. As a full round action, you can make a range touch attack with it, then attempt a grapple combat maneuver against that creature you hit, adding your tier to your combat maneuver check. If successful, you are not considered to be grappled, though you still can’t move. (mod)


Meat Shield

You can use a creature you’re grappling to protect you from harm. If you’re grappling a creature and are attacked with a melee or ranged attack, once per round you can attempt a grapple combat maneuver check against your grappled opponent. If you succeed, the incoming attack targets your grappled opponent instead of you. If you fail, the grappled opponent breaks free from the grapple and the incoming attack targets you as normal. (mod)


Metaphysical Sneak Attack

If the student of war deals sneak attack damage to a target, he can study that target, allowing him to apply his Know Your Enemy effects. Additionally, his sneak attack no longer deals precision damage. (mod)


Storm of Arrows

You’ve learned a way to increase the number of uses of Hail of Arrows ability. Benefit: You can use Hail of Arrows a number of additional times per day equal to half your mythic rank. (mod)


Sunder Storm

When you succeed at a sunder combat maneuver check, you drive the shattered pieces of the item into the flesh of its wearer, dealing 1d6 + a number of points equal to your tier of divine damage. Additionally, as a full-round action, you can attempt a sunder combat maneuver against each opponent within reach. (mod)


Swift Death

Your target assassination becomes a standard action. At 10th assassin level, it becomes a move action. (mod)


Tear Apart

Your sunder combat maneuver no longer disables armor, but rends it. If the check is successful, deal your weapon damage to the target and reduce the target’s armor bonus, natural armor bonus, or shield bonus by half your tier (minimum 1). If the creature has an enhancement bonus to the bonus you chose, reduce the normal bonus first, then apply any leftover reduction to the enhancement bonus. You can’t reduce the bonus below 0. (mod)


Unbreakable Defense

You no longer have a limited amount of Defensive Stance rounds per day. (mod)


Uncanny Grapple

Upon making a successful Savage Slam against a creature you are grappling, you can throw the target of your grapple up to 10 feet per tier, deal 1d6 points of divine damage per tier and the opponent lands prone. (mod)


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