Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Mod Blueprint Database

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Ace Disarm

You catch objects with your ranged attacks and drag them along with you. You don’t take the –2 penalty for attempting disarm combat maneuver checks with a ranged weapon using Ranged Disarm, and you can steal a random equipment on a successful disarm combat maneuver check if the target uses natural weapons. (mod)


Ace Trip

You don’t take the –2 penalty for making trip attempts with a ranged weapon using Ranged Trip, and you can attempt trip combat maneuver checks against anyone, even if the creature is immune to trip. (mod)


Arm Bind

You can attempt a combat maneuver check to disarm a foe even if the foe uses natural weapons. This functions as the disarm combat maneuver. If you succeed and the foe uses natural, you ensnare an arm of your choice, preventing your foe from hitting with his next attack before the end of your next turn. (mod)


Bardic Masterpieces

Talented bards can learn or create masterpieces, unusual applications of the bardic performance ability requiring special training. Each masterpiece has an associated cost to learn it. Typically, a bard must spend one of his bard spells known of a specific spell level or select it in place of a feat. The bard can spend a bard spell known of a level higher than the listed level to learn a masterpiece. (mod)


Binding Throw

You can strike your enemy and use the blow as an opportunity to grab and hold him. Before you use the Ki Throw feat on an opponent, you can use a swift action to attempt a grapple combat maneuver against that opponent. A monk may take this as a bonus feat at 10th level. (mod)


Black Seraph Annihilation

You drive your foes before you. Creatures within 30 feet of you can be affected by fear effects even if they are normally immune to fear. Creatures within 30 feet of you that are normally immune to mind-affecting effects can still be affected by demoralize actions, although they gain a +5 resistance bonus if saves are required. (mod)


Black Seraph Style

You laugh off the cowardly assaults of your foes. Against the abilities of creatures that are shaken, frightened, panicked, or cowering, you gain a +1 profane bonus to your AC and on saving throws. This bonus increases by +1 at character level 5th and at every five levels thereafter. (mod)


Black Seraph’s Malevolence

You rip into creatures that cannot withstand your terror. Your unholy weapons become holy at the same time. (mod)



Your swift strikes ward off enemies attacking nearby allies. You gain divine guardian (paladin) Bodyguard ability. (mod)


Break Guard

You can use one of your two weapons to occupy your opponent’s defenses while attacking with the other. While wielding two weapons, whenever you successfully disarm an opponent, you can spend a swift action to attack the opponent you attempted to disarm using your off-hand weapon. (mod)


Charging Stag Style

This style originated among shamanic monks who spent their lives in the wild, allowing them to quickly subdue both game and poachers using the element of surprise. Practitioners of Charging Stag Style can charge fluidly around trees, taking enemies by surprise in the wilderness. When using this style and not mounted, you can charge through difficult terrain, allies and obstacles, making turns if neccessary. You must see your target at the beginning of your charge, and can make only a single attack at the end, even if you would normally be able to make multiple attacks (such as with the pounce ability). (mod)


Cleaving Sweep

You can sweep multiple foes to the ground with a single blow of your axe. As a full-round action, you can attempt a trip combat maneuver at your highest base attack bonus against each opponent within reach. You must attempt a separate combat maneuver check against each opponent. (mod)


Cloak and Dagger Style

Your attacks effortlessly inflict debilitating conditions on unaware opponents. Choose one light melee weapon. While using this style, the first time you attack an opponent that is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC with your chosen weapon during the turn you enter a battle, you can attempt a dirty trick combat maneuver check against that opponent as a free action. (mod)


Cloak and Dagger Subterfuge

Your increased martial skill allows you to take advantage of distracted foes to easily impose conditions, and even steal items without being noticed. While you are using Cloak and Dagger Style and wielding your chosen weapon, whenever you make an attack of opportunity against a target, you can attempt a free dirty trick combat maneuver check against the target as a free action as well. Additionally, whenever you successfully perform a dirty trick maneuver against a target, you can immediately attempt a disarm combat maneuver check against the target as a free action. (mod)


Cloak and Dagger Tactics

You devastate enemies that you catch off-guard. While you are using Cloak and Dagger Style and wielding your chosen weapon, whenever you hit an opponent that is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC or that you are flanking, or make an attack using Vital Strike (or its improved or greater versions), you can attempt a dirty trick combat maneuver check against that opponent as a free action. If you succeed, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your base attack bonus + your Intelligence modifier) or gain the confused condition, if immune, gain the staggered condition, if immune, gain the exhausted condition, if immune, anchored in place and unable to move. This additional penalty lasts only 1 round, regardless of how long the dirty trick’s normal penalty lasts. You can only attempt one free dirty trick combat maneuver check per round using this feat. (mod)


Crush Armor

When you deal damage to a foe’s armor with a successful sunder combat maneuver check, the foe is fatigued for 1 round. The foe cannot become exhausted this way. (mod)


Deadly Agility

You may add your Dexterity modifier in place of your Strength modifier when wielding a light weapon or a weapon that gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat (such as the rapier) when determining additional damage inflicted upon a successful attack. When wielding a weapon in your off-hand, Deadly Agility will add the same fraction of Dexterity as you normally would for Strength. (mod)


Deific Obedience

Your reverence for a deity is so great that daily prayer and minor sacrifices grant you special boons. Each deity requires a different daily obedience, but all obediences take no more than 1 hour per day to perform. Once you’ve performed the obedience, you gain the benefit of a special ability or resistance as indicated in the Obedience entry for the god to whom you performed the obedience. If you have at least 12 Hit Dice, you also gain the first boon granted by your deity upon undertaking your obedience. If you have at least 16 Hit Dice, you also gain the second boon. If you have 20 Hit Dice or more, you also gain the third boon. Unless a specific duration or number of uses per day is listed, a boon’s effects are constant. (mod)


Dirty Fighting

You can take advantage of a distracted foe. You can increase the bonus on your attack roll for flanking to +4 for combat maneuver checks. This feat counts as having Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, and Improved Unarmed Strike for the purposes of meeting the prerequisites of the various improved combat maneuver feats, as well as feats that require those improved combat maneuver feats as prerequisites. (mod)


Dirty Trick Master

You are adept at stifling your enemies and can expertly make a bad situation even worse. Whenever you successfully perform a dirty trick combat maneuver against an opponent who is still affected by a condition inflicted by a previous dirty trick (whether your own or another creature’s), you can cause the condition to worsen. In addition to increasing the duration of the condition as normal, you cause an opponent who is entangled to become staggered, and sickened to become nauseated. This worsened condition replaces the previous dirty trick condition, and lasts for the duration of the dirty trick. (mod)


Diverse Obedience

Your intense faith in your deity allows you to gain boons not granted to most followers. You are treated as though you had 2 more Hit Dice than you actually do for the purposes of determining what divine boons you gain as a result of performing your deity’s obedience. Diverse Obedience doesn’t allow access to divine boons granted through prestige classes early, as those boons are tied to prestige class levels gained, not overall Hit Dice. Additionally, whenever you would gain a boon, you can choose among the options available for exalted or sentinel boons. (mod)


Divine Defiance

You distrust, disrespect, or doubt the gods, which helps you fight off their power. You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against divine casters and mythic creatures. (mod)


Dramatic Slam

While you are using Savage Slam, if you succeed at your grapple combat maneuver check to knock the opponent prone, you can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize foes within 30 feet who could see your attack. (mod)


Eldritch Assault

You make deadly strikes when magic cloaks your location. Whenever you attack from total concealment provided by a magical source (such as the displacement or invisibility spells), the first attack roll you make each round that is a critical threat is automatically confirmed as a critical hit. (mod)


Enhanced Ki Throw

You enhance the force of your ki throws, enabling you to devastate your opponents as you slam them to the ground. Before using the Ki Throw feat, you can expend 1 ki point to amplify the force of your attack. If your ki throw succeeds, when the target hits the ground, it takes damage as if you had hit it with an unarmed strike. (mod)


Follow-Up Strike

You bat away an opponent’s weapon, creating an opening for a punch or kick. Whenever you succeed at a combat maneuver check to disarm an opponent, you can spend a swift action to make an unarmed strike attack at your highest base attack bonus against the target you disarmed. (mod)


Grabbing Drag

You can use a move action to attempt a grapple combat maneuver against a creature within 30 feet to pull it towards you. This movement as well as the ability itself provoke attack of opportunity. (mod)


Grabbing Master

Your grapple may target anyone, even if the creature is immune to grapple. (mod)


Grabbing Style

You are adept at the one-handed grab. When you use this style, you do not take a –4 penalty on combat maneuver checks to grapple a foe with only one hand. Additionally, you do not lose your Dexterity bonus to AC while pinning an opponent. (mod)



You are skilled at grappling opponents. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a grapple combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to grapple a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to grapple you. (mod)


Greater Grapple

Maintaining a grapple is second nature to you. You receive a +2 bonus on checks made to grapple a foe. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Grapple. Once you have grappled a creature, maintaining the grapple is a move action. This feat allows you to make a second grapple check as a standard action each round to move, harm, or pin your opponent further. (mod)


Greater Unarmed Strike

Your unarmed attacks show a master’s skill. Your unarmed strikes have their base damage increased to 1d8 (for a Medium size creature). At character level 10th, this increases to 1d10 base damage. (mod)


Guided Hand

Your deity blesses any strike you make with that deity’s favored weapon. With your deity’s favored weapon, you can use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier on attack rolls. (mod)


Hamatula Strike

You can catch your opponents on your weapon and hold them in place. Whenever you damage an opponent with a melee piercing weapon, you can immediately make a grapple check; success means the opponent is impaled on your weapon and you both gain the grappled condition. While the opponent is impaled, as an attack action you may make a grapple check on your turn at a -4 penalty to damage the opponent with your weapon, even if your weapon cannot normally be used in a grapple. (mod)


Hold the Blade

You can take your opponent’s weapon after being stabbed in the back. Whenever an enemy deals damage to you with a melee weapon as part of a flanking attack or sneak attack, you can make a combat maneuver check to disarm against that opponent as an immediate action. You must have at least one hand free when you use this feat. When you use this feat, you take a –4 penalty to your AC until your next turn. You can only use this feat once per round. (mod)


Hurricane Punch

Your fast strikes hit with the force of a hurricane, pushing your foes away. When you hit the same creature with unarmed strikes at least twice in the same round, you can attempt a bull rush combat maneuver against that creature as a swift action. Additionally, you can move with your bull rush target. (mod)



When you succeed at a sunder combat maneuver against a creature covered by the Divine Defiance feat, you can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize as a free action. This demoralization affects all enemies within 30 feet. (mod)


Improved Ki Throw

Your enemies are living weapons in your hands. When using the Ki Throw feat, you may throw your target into any square you threaten that is occupied by another creature. Make a bull rush combat maneuver check with a –4 penalty against the secondary target. If this check succeeds, the thrown creature lands prone in the secondary target’s square, while the secondary target is pushed back and knocked prone in an adjacent square. If the check fails, the thrown creature lands prone in the nearest square you threaten adjacent to the secondary target. A monk may take this as a bonus feat at 10th level. (mod)


Improved Parry

A flick of the wrist binds your opponent’s weapon. When you successfully parry a foe’s melee attack, your next melee attack against the target does not allow the enemy to apply its Dexterity bonus to AC (if any). This attack must be made before the end of your next turn. (mod)


In Harm’s Way

You put yourself in danger’s path to save your allies. You gain divine guardian (paladin) In Harm’s Way ability. (mod)


Jabbing Dancer

You’ve learned to bend and shift your body to avoid attacks and reposition yourself advantageously. While using Jabbing Style, you can move an additional 5 feet when making a 5-foot step. (mod)


Jabbing Master

Your quick punches become even more lethal. While using Jabbing Style, the extra damage you deal when you hit a single target with two unarmed strikes increases to 2d6, and the extra damage when you hit a single target with three or more unarmed strikes increases to 4d6. (mod)


Jabbing Style

A cluster of quick strikes deals more damage than a single roundhouse swing. When you hit a target with an unarmed strike and you have hit that target with an unarmed strike previously that round, you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage to that target. (mod)


Ki Throw

Your physical control and mastery of momentum allows you to throw enemies. On a successful unarmed trip attack against a target, before moving elsewhere you may throw the target prone in any square you threaten rather than its own square. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and you cannot throw the creature into a space occupied by other creatures. A monk may gain Ki Throw as a bonus feat at 10th level. (mod)


Kraken Style

You savagely squeeze and twist when grappling. When you succeed at a grapple check while using this style, your opponent takes an amount of bludgeoning damage equal to your Wisdom modifier in addition to any damage your grapple deals, such as when you choose to harm your opponent as part of a successful check to maintain a grapple. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks to maintain a grapple. (mod)


Kraken Wrack

You squeeze your opponent tightly enough to crush armor between you. The damage you deal with the Kraken Style feat on a successful grapple combat maneuver check increases to an amount equal to your Wisdom modifier + 4 force damage. While using this style, you can crush your opponent when you successfully maintain a grapple instead of choking, damaging, moving, pinning, or tying up your opponent. When you do, the target loses its bonuses from armor for 1 round. (mod)


Ladder Lock

When you successfully perform a dirty trick combat maneuver against an adjacent opponent with at least one hand free, you can trap your target’s limbs between the rungs of a ladder. Your target gains the entangled condition in addition to the normal condition imposed by your dirty trick, and for the same duration. (mod)


Lesser Spell Synthesis

Your skill in two different branches of magic allows you to combine your powers in unorthodox ways. Once per day as a full-round action, you can cast two spells, each from a different spellcasting class. Both spells must have a casting time of 1 standard action and must be a spell level equal to or lower than the level of spells you can prepare with the combined spells ability. You can make any decisions concerning the spells, such as the spells’ targets, independently. (mod)


Magic Trick (mage hand)

You are able to manipulate mage hand beyond its typical uses. You can use any magic tricks relating to mage hand so long as you meet the appropriate requirements, including Dirty Magic Trick (Improved Dirty Trick), Ranged Aid (base attack bonus +1), Throw Punch (Improved Unarmed Strike), Reaching Hand (Precise Shot or Reach Spell). (mod)


Magic Trick (shield)

You can grant your ally the benefit of your shield spell. You lose the spell’s benefits and your ally gains these benefits for the spell’s duration. (mod)


Master Training

Fighters that have the weapon master archetype can select advanced weapon training beginning at 4th level. A weapon master can select this feat as a bonus feat and it doesn’t count for the purpose of the requirement that it can be taken at most once per 5 fighter levels. (mod)


Medusa’s Wrath

You can take advantage of your opponent’s confusion, delivering multiple blows. Whenever you use the full-attack action and make at least one unarmed strike, you can make two additional unarmed strikes at your highest base attack bonus. These bonus attacks must be made against a dazed, flat-footed, paralyzed, staggered, stunned, or unconscious foe. (mod)


Minotaur’s Charge

Your charge sends foes reeling away, knocking them to the ground. When you hit an opponent with a charge attack, you might also initiate a bull rush as a free action. If you successfully push your opponent 15 feet or more, he is also knocked prone. (mod)


Panther Claw

You unleash a rapid series of blows on foes that attempt to attack you when you move. While using Panther Style, you can spend a free action, instead of spending a swift action, to make a retaliatory unarmed strike. You can make a number of retaliatory unarmed strikes on your turn equal to your Wisdom modifier. (mod)


Panther Parry

Your vicious strikes impair your foe’s ability to attack you when you move. While using Panther Style, your retaliatory unarmed strikes are resolved before the triggering attacks. If your retaliatory unarmed strike deals damage to an opponent, that opponent takes a –2 penalty on attack and damage rolls with the triggering attack of opportunity. (mod)


Panther Style

You can strike back at enemies who attack you when you move. While using this style, when an opponent makes an attack of opportunity against you for moving through a threatened square, you can spend a swift action to make a retaliatory unarmed strike attack against that opponent. Your attack is resolved after the triggering attack of opportunity. (mod)


Pinning Knockout

An opponent you have pinned is easy for you to knock out. While you have an opponent pinned, when you succeed at a grapple combat maneuver check to deal an opponent damage, double your damage result. (mod)


Pinning Rend

You tear flesh when you damage an opponent that you have pinned. While you have an opponent pinned, when you succeed at a grapple combat maneuver check to deal an opponent damage, they also take 3d6 bleed damage. (mod)


Quarterstaff Master

By employing a number of different stances and techniques, you can wield a quarterstaff as a one-handed weapon. (mod)


Quarterstaff Specialization

You gain the feat Weapon Specialization in the quarterstaff even if you have no levels in fighter. (mod)


Quick Bull Rush

You can barrel into your opponent and follow this with an attack. On your turn, you can perform a single bull rush combat maneuver in place of the next one of your melee full attacks. (mod)


Quick Dirty Trick

You can perpetrate a dirty trick and deliver an attack before your opponent is the wiser. On your turn, you can perform a single dirty trick combat maneuver in place of one of your melee attacks. (mod)


Raging Throw

You expend some of your rage to throw one opponent at another. While raging, when you attempt a bull rush combat maneuver, you can spend 1 additional round of your rage as a swift action to add your Constitution bonus on your combat maneuver check to the bull rush. Further, if you successfully bull rush an opponent, the creature takes bludgeoning damage equal to your Strength modifier + your Constitution modifier. (mod)


Ranged Disarm

A well-placed shot disarms your foe. As a full-round action, you can attempt to perform a disarm combat maneuver with any ranged weapon at a –2 penalty. Add your Dexterity modifier to your CMB in place of your Strength modifier. If your target is more than 30 feet away, you take an additional –2 penalty. If the disarm attempt is successful, the target also takes damage as if you had made a successful attack with that weapon. (mod)


Ranged Trip

A shot to the leg causes your foe to fall prone. As a full-round action, you can attempt to perform a trip combat maneuver with any ranged weapon at a –2 penalty. Add your Dexterity modifier to your CMB in place of your Strength modifier. If your target is more than 30 feet away, you take an additional –2 penalty. If the trip attempt is successful, the target also takes damage as if you had made a successful attack with that weapon. (mod)


Rapid Grappler

You are a quick hand at grappling. Whenever you use Greater Grapple to successfully maintain a grapple as a move action, you can then spend a swift action to make a grapple combat maneuver check at a –5 penalty. (mod)


Rhino Charge

Your charges are both violent and unpredictable. You may ready a charge as a standard action when not mounted, though you may only move up to your speed on the charge. (mod)


Ripple in Still Water

Your kineticist levels and your monk levels stack for determining the number of points in your ki pool each day and the base damage of your kinetic blasts. In addition, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity for using your kinetic blast while threatened. (mod)


Sacrificial Adept

The deaths of living, sentient creatures fuel your spells and heighten their potency. By partaking in a heinous ritual that takes at least 10 minutes to complete and which requires you to perform a successful coup de grace upon a sacrifice, you can enhance the power of your spells for the next 24 hours. Your sacrifice must be a party member, and it must die from your coup de grace; if it doesn’t die or comes back to life, you lose all benefits related to that sacrifice. After successfully performing the ritual, you gain a +2 bonus to any attack rolls and combat maneuvers made with your spells and a +2 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance for 24 hours. (mod)


Savage Slam

Using your lock on the enemy’s body, you forcefully hurl your opponent to the ground. When you begin your turn grappling an opponent, instead of attempting a combat maneuver check to maintain the grapple, you can try to viciously slam your opponent down. When you deal damage with a grapple combat maneuver check against the opponent, release your grapple and the opponent falls prone. (mod)


Seize the Opportunity

You possess an exceptional knack for exploiting sudden openings by your opponents. When you make an attack of opportunity, you can activate Vital Strike or attempt a learned combat maneuver (such as a bull rush, disarm or dirty trick) in place of your attack of opportunity. This feat does not allow you to move when it isn’t your turn. (mod)


Shadow Jump

a shadowdancer gains the ability to travel between shadows as if by means of a dimension door spell or the abundant step monk class feature. You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you gain 4 additional uses per day. (mod)


Shield Slam

In the right position, your shield can be used to send opponents flying. Any opponents hit by your shield bash are also targeted by a free bull rush attempt, substituting your attack roll for the combat maneuver roll. This bull rush attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity. (mod)


Shield Snag

You know how to navigate your shield around weapons and can use it to keep your balance. Any opponents hit by your shield bash are also targeted by a free disarm attempt, substituting your attack roll for the combat maneuver roll. This disarm attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity. (mod)


Smashing Style

Your hammer blows dent armor, hampering your opponent. While using this style, when you succeed at a sunder combat maneuver check against a suit of armor worn by an opponent, you can immediately attempt a bull rush or trip combat maneuver against that target with the same combat maneuver bonus. This maneuver does not provoke attacks of opportunity. (mod)


Snapping Turtle Clutch

Your unarmed style allows you to turn your opponent’s attack into an opportunity. While you are using the Snapping Turtle Style feat, the shield bonus the style grants to your AC applies to your CMD and touch AC. Whenever an opponent misses you with a melee attack while you are using the Snapping Turtle Style feat, you can once per round attempt a grapple combat maneuver against that opponent, but with a –2 penalty. (mod)


Snapping Turtle Shell

Your guarding hand is almost magical in its skill at deflecting incoming blows. While you are using the Snapping Turtle Style feat, the shield bonus the style grants to your AC increases to +2, and your enemies take a –4 penalty on critical confirmation rolls against you. (mod)


Snapping Turtle Style

Your deft unarmed style allows you to shield your body from harm. While using the Snapping Turtle Style feat, you gain a +1 shield bonus to AC. (mod)


Snatch Arrows

Instead of knocking an arrow or ranged attack aside, you can catch it in mid-flight. When using the Deflect Arrows feat you may choose to catch the weapon instead of just deflecting it. The ranged weapon can immediately be thrown back as an attack against the original attacker. (mod)


Spear Dancing Reach

While using Spear Dancing Style, you add 5 feet to your reach. (mod)


Spear Dancing Spiral

While using Spear Dancing Style, you gain the benefit of Weapon Finesse with these weapons. In addition, you can use Flurry of Blows, Stick-Fighting Counter and Stick-Fighting Maneuver with them. (mod)


Spear Dancing Style

While using this style, you can wield any weapon from the polearm or spear fighter weapon groups as a one-handed weapon. (mod)


Stag Horns

You’ve learned to gain the upper hand against your enemies by charging at them with feigned abandon, yet gaining a strong grip on them after attacking. While using Charging Stag Style, if you make a successful unarmed attack at the end of a charge, you can attempt a free grapple check against the target of your charge without provoking an attack of opportunity. (mod)


Stag Submission

You can quickly subdue an opponent you’ve charged using a special submission hold. When you are in Charging Stag Style and succeed at a combat maneuver check to pin a foe, you can choose to also knock the foe prone or to deal your attack damage to the foe. (mod)


Stick-Fighting Counter

Using stick-fighting techniques both defensively and offensively, you can turn your parries into counterattacks. While you are fighting defensively, you can prepare yourself to counter opponents you have attacked on that turn. Once per round, when that opponent attempts a melee attack against you and the attack misses, the attacker provokes an attack of opportunity from you, provided that it is within your threatened area. You must use a club, quarterstaff, dan bong, sap, or tonfa to perform the attack of opportunity. (mod)


Stick-Fighting Maneuver

Your attacks with sticks have become blindingly fast, and you can throw in a combat maneuver between your attacks. When making a full attack using only clubs, a quarterstaff, dan bongs, saps, or tonfas, you can perform a combat maneuver as an extra attack using your full base attack bonus. (mod)


Strike and Seize

As a standard action, you can make a single attack with your weapon and attempt to perform a disarm combat maneuver with your free hand, taking no penalties for two-weapon fighting. (mod)


Strike True

Rather than attempting a series of wild blows, you line up a perfect attack. You can focus yourself as a move action. When focused, you gain a +4 bonus on your next melee attack roll before the end of your turn. (mod)


Surprise Maneuver

Your maneuvers are devastating against disadvantaged foes. If you have sneak attack, when you attempt a combat maneuver check against a creature that you are flanking or that is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC against your attack, you opponent gain a penalty on the CMD check that’s equal to the number of sneak attack dice you roll. (mod)


Surprising Strategy

Your quick swordsmanship leaves your opponents struggling to predict your moves. In addition to the attack of opportunity you can make when you successfully parry an attack, you can attempt a dirty trick, disarm, or sunder combat maneuver with a +2 morale bonus without provoking an attack of opportunity against the creature whose attack you parry, so long as the creature is within reach. (mod)


Sweeping Disarm

When you knock a weapon from an opponent’s grasp, the errant weapon may disarm another foe. Whenever you succeed at a combat maneuver check to disarm an opponent, you can attempt a second disarm at a –5 penalty against an opponent adjacent to the original target. You need not be threatening the second target. You can attempt only one additional disarm combat maneuver check per round with this feat. (mod)


Throat Slicer

When using a one-handed, light, or natural weapon, you can deliver a coup de grace to an unconscious, bound, or pinned target as a standard action. (mod)


Tyrant’s Discipline

At 2nd level, a sanguine angel draws upon her indoctrination, tactical training, and devotion to tyranny to develop potent talents. A sanguine angel selects a discipline from the following list. (mod)


Unfair Grip

You learned to fight in places that have no rules of engagement, such as back alleys or fighting pits, and you can grab foes in ways that are difficult to escape. When you perform a grapple combat maneuver, you gain a +1 bonus on checks to maintain your grapple, and +1 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to grapple you. (mod)


Vindictive Fall

When a creature causes you to fall prone, such as with an effect or a spell (such as grease) or by succeeding at a combat maneuver to trip you, you can attempt a combat maneuver check to trip the closest enemy within your melee reach. (mod)


Wanderer’s Fortune

The promise of Elysium’s freedom liberates you from all forms of restraint, allowing you to move as you will and to avoid numerous kinds of restraints that would otherwise vex a traveler or explorer. As a swift action, you gain the benefits of freedom of movement for 1 round. You can use this feat’s benefit once per day, plus an additional time per day for every 5 ranks you have in Knowledge (arcana). (mod)


Wrist Grab

When an enemy overextends to attack you, you quickly catch its arm and knock its weapon loose. When an opponent’s attack misses you by 5 or more, you can attempt a disarm combat maneuver check against that foe. You can only use this feat once per round. (mod)


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