Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Mod Blueprint Database

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Construct Rider (Alchemist)

A construct rider creates arcane devices to emulate and surpass weak flesh. (mod)


Internal Alchemist (Alchemist)

An internal alchemist studies medicine, diet, and the living body to purify the self in the hope of gaining immortality by means of alchemical concoctions and controlling vital energy. Internal alchemists develop unusual physical abilities from heightened knowledge of how their bodies work. (mod)


Mad Scientist (Alchemist)

The mad scientist’s colleagues laughed at her insights, mocked her theories, and hounded her from the halls of academia, simply because they were too weak and frightened to understand her work. They thought she was finished. They were wrong. (mod)


Aeromancer (Arcanist)

Shory were the undisputed masters of wind and sky, and they unlocked numerous secrets of air magic. The vast majority of these secrets were lost when their civilization collapsed, but a few of their magical traditions have been preserved through the years. While the practice of aeromancy is rare, some arcanists today are able to rival the aerial mastery of the ancient aeromancers. (mod)


Drunken Brute (Barbarian)

Barbarians are known for their ability to consume potent drink, but drunken brutes turn drinking into a combat tactic, using the potent liquor to fuel their rage and grant them additional powers. (mod)


Savage Barbarian (Barbarian)

Some barbarians are truly savage, having little training in modern arms. These savage barbarians learn to avoid blows and toughen up their skin. (mod)


Titan Mauler (Barbarian)

In lands overrun by giants, dragons, and other hulking beasts, entire fellowships of barbarians hone tactics and traditions with one purpose—to bring low these massive foes. While her enemies’ size makes the creatures strong, the titan mauler is even stronger, taking up weapons from her fallen foes that no lesser warrior can lift, and using them when she beseeches the spirits to grant her increased size and greater ferocity against her titanic foes. (mod)


Untamed Rager (Barbarian)

There are no rules in the wild. Some barbarians enter combat with only victory in mind and do anything in their power to achieve it. (mod)


Geisha (Bard)

In some cultures, the professional entertainer is a prestigious role. Specially trained entertainers called geisha are praised for their appearance and skill at conversation, music, dancing, singing, poetry, and calligraphy. A geisha provides social intimacy and status but not physical intimacy. (mod)


Juggler (Bard)

Jugglers are masters of manipulating objects, most famously by keeping multiple objects in the air simultaneously. They often incorporate this talent into acting, comedy, or dance. Adventuring jugglers find their abilities translate well into the use of thrown weapons. (mod)


Sound Striker (Bard)

They say that words can cut deeper than any blade, and the sound striker proves this true. Using music and words as a weapon, he can focus his performances into a deadly delivery. (mod)


Blood Conduit (Bloodrager)

Blood conduits learn to channel their arcane might directly through their flesh, without the need for mystical words or gestures. (mod)


Constable (Cavalier)

Constables keep order in the narrow streets and dark alleys of settlements. (mod)


Emissary (Cavalier)

Cavaliers serve many roles on the battlefield, from bold leaders and shock troops to dashing knights and mounted juggernauts. Some cavaliers, however, focus more on speed and mobility than they do on the raw power of the mounted charge. On foot or in the saddle, the emissary is usually first to meet the enemy, with a pointed lance, a drawn sword, or terms for surrender. (mod)


Divine Paragon (Cleric)

Divine paragons strive to emulate their god’s ideals as closely as possible. They might see themselves as an incarnation of their deity in the flesh, or they could simply seek to embody the physical and spiritual ideals set forth by their deity. Many divine paragons go as far as to alter their appearance, as best as possible, to look similar to their chosen deity, but such a level of devotion is not required by the archetype. (mod)


Fungal Pilgrim (Druid)

Druids often work to preserve the natural world, but some seek to further emulate it. Fungal pilgrims are druids seeking transformation into a more plantlike existence. These unique adherents of nature’s creed see fungi as the means to such ends, as many fungi—particularly those of the Deeplands— naturally work their way into the bodies of living creatures. (mod)


Menhir Savant (Druid)

Some druids study the paths of nature’s power through the nodes and ley lines that connect standing stones and megalithic circles, learning to tap into their energies. (mod)


Plains Druid (Druid)

Out upon the wide and rolling prairies and savannahs, plains druids stand guard over the grasslands. These druids range far and wide, watching over nomadic tribes and wandering herds and preserving the sometimes fragile ecosystem of the wide open spaces. (mod)


Supernaturalist (Druid)

Supernaturalists wholly embrace paranormal phenomena as extensions of nature. (mod)


Toxicologist (Druid)

Druids protect the natural environs of the world, and sometimes that requires forcibly expelling those who would pollute, despoil, or otherwise harm such areas. Single battles may not be enough to win the war, so some druids specialize in the stealthy application of insidious poisons to their targets. Many druids work to root out their enemies by means of powerful toxins, believing word of their foes’ horrifying deaths will deter others from attempting similar desecrations of the natural world. (mod)


Dawnflower Dervish (Fighter)

No enemy is as feared as the dervishes of Sarenrae. While dervishes can be clerics, paladins, or rangers, zealous fighters join their ranks as well. These spinning warriors prefer light or no armor and wield scimitars with devastating consequences, moving swiftly over the treacherous desert sands to attack with lightning-fast strikes. They maneuver quickly among their enemies, relying on their speed and their skill to see them through the battle. (mod)


Eldritch Guardian (Fighter)

Eldritch guardians are trained to detect and give warning about magic threats to the people and places they protect. (mod)


High Guardian (Fighter)

As the shield that protects his lord from the myriad dangers around every corner, the high guardian pledges his life to keep his charge safe. High guardians epitomize personal devotion. (mod)


Lore Warden (Fighter)

Quick thinking and deception can often carry the day where raw force might not. Lore wardens are the bodyguards, guardians, and soldiers of the Pathfinder Society. Not only are they often called upon to protect and watch over important repositories of lore, but they themselves are impressive keepers of all manner of knowledge. Lore wardens are fighters who benefit from learning to outsmart and outmaneuver their foes rather than just overpower them. Even out of combat, lore wardens have a quick wit and a surprising breadth of knowledge that can often grant them significant advantages over enemies even before a battle begins. Indeed, for many lore wardens, a fight that can be won without a single weapon being drawn is the best kind of victory. (mod)


Savage Warrior (Fighter)

Warriors’ might is not measured only by their skill with steel, but also by their ability to inflict death with fang and claw, horn and hoof, and every exotic appendage the natural and unnatural world has to offer. (mod)


Warlord (Fighter)

Honorable, fearless experts in gun and blade, warlords roam the dried seabeds of time-worn Mars, warring in great tribes for supremacy over a dying planet. Capable of relentless brutality and quick to flare into open hostilities, warlords cloak their violent ways with paens to great noble houses or honored ancient traditions, bringing an air of respectability and etiquette to the butchery of brazen blades against bare skin. Warlords eschew armor as impractical to their harsh and often desert-like environment, preferring the free movement of near-nakedness. Warlords tend to specialize in the traditional weapons of Barsoom, leaving them ignorant of even simple Weapons common on other worlds. The same impulse that guides a warlord to stick to the traditional garb and gear of his culture can lead to a single-mindedness of purpose that can propel him far within his tribe or noble house. Even warlords of low status in Martian society claim a connection— no matter how ancient—with some great chieftain or emperor, seeing in the glorious past a path to a more hopeful future. Barsoom confers noble status upon its warlords through ritual combat in the case of green Martians or on merit and upon great achievement or heroics in the case of red Martians, so climbing the ladder ofstatus is an important part of a warlord’s journey through life. (mod)


Weapon Master (Fighter)

Devoted to the perfection of a single weapon, the weapon master’s meditations upon his favored weapon border on the obsessive, but none can deny his consummate skill. (mod)


Spire Defender (Magus)

Spire defenders are magi who train themselves to accompany sages and archaeologists who venture from the Mordant Spire, acting as aids and bodyguards. Because they often operate in difficult terrain—narrow trenches in dig sites, flooded dungeons, and tight corridors in ancient ruins—spire defenders place mobility and agility at a premium. As a result, they eschew armor entirely. Most spire defenders are elves—it’s exceptionally rare for a non-elf to be granted access to the training required to take this archetype. (mod)


Staff Magus (Magus)

While most magi use a one-handed weapon as their melee implement of choice, one group of magi uses the quarterstaff instead. These lightly armored magi use staves for both defense and inflicting their spells upon enemies. Skilled in manipulating these weapons with one hand or two, they eventually learn how to use arcane staves as well, and are just as formidable in combat as their sword-swinging brethren. (mod)


Maneuver Master (Monk)

The maneuver master specializes in more complicated moves than simple damage-dealing strikes. (mod)


Master of Many Styles (Monk)

The master of many styles is a collector. For every move, he seeks a counter. For every style, he has a riposte. Ultimately, he seeks perfection through the fusion of styles. (mod)


Weapon Adept (Monk)

While all monks train in both unarmed combat and with weapons, the weapon adept seeks to become one with his weapons, transforming them into perfect extensions of his own body. Through such training, a weapon adept seeks to attain perfection by becoming a living weapon himself. (mod)


Truth Seeker (Oracle)

Oracles gain their magical powers through strange and mysterious ways, be they chosen by fate or blood. While most might be content with their strange powers, some oracles join the Pathfinders specifically to find out more about their mysteries and determine the genesis and history of their eldritch talents. These spellcasters are known among the Spells as seekers, after their obsession with researching ancient texts and obscure ruins for any clues they can find about their heritage and histories. (mod)


Shining Knight (Paladin)

While paladins often are seen mounted atop a loyal steed, the shining knight is the true symbol of mounted bravery. They are never far from their steeds and are always clad in brightly polished armor. (mod)


Divine Marksman (Ranger)

Divine marksmen are masters of archery and touched by Light of the Sword. (mod)


Infiltrator (Ranger)

Some rangers study their favored enemies and learn their ways, applying this knowledge to their own abilities and using their foes’ strengths against them. Infiltrators are willing to walk a mile in an enemy’s shoes so as to learn everything there is to know about their foes in order to more effectively hunt and kill them. (mod)


Witchguard (Ranger)

Witchguards are the sworn defenders of the witches of the north. Although the witches are spellcasters of immense power, even they cannot defend themselves against every attack. Witchguards dedicate their lives to protecting their charges, and they gain some arcane knowledge in return. They are trained to work closely with witches and defend their charges from harm. Witchguards learn magical abilities from the same patrons that grant witches their powers, though they can use their abilities to protect any kind of spellcaster, not just a witch. A witchguard is ready to face any foe that might threaten his charge, and he is ever prepared to lay down his life to protect the life of the person he is sworn to defend. (mod)


Kidnapper (Rogue)

A kidnapper is adept at hiding and quickly subduing prey. (mod)


Fated Champion (Skald)

Many cultures see fate as a limit that is both stifling and unwanted, regardless of the destiny that lurks in the days and years ahead. Among cultures where skalds are the keepers of lore and wisdom, there are those who learn to read the winds of fate and take up the mantle of the fated champion, knowing and embracing their destined paths with strength borne of conviction. (mod)


Ankou’s Shadow (Slayer)

Ankous are terrifying, winged fey assassins dispatched by the greatest lords of the First World to eliminate rivals. Some mortals emulate ankous to become the perfect assassins; others believe themselves to be ankous incarnated in mortal shells on a deep cover mission. In either case, an ankou’s shadow practices the deadliest skills of the First World’s most feared enforcers. (mod)


Truth Seeker (Sorcerer)

Sorcerers gain their magical powers through strange and mysterious ways. While most might be content with their strange powers, some adventure far and wide in search of a greater understanding of the genesis and history of their eldritch talents. These spellcasters are known as seekers, after their obsession with researching ancient texts and obscure ruins for any clues they can find about their heritage and histories. (mod)


Arsenal Chaplain (Warpriest)

Molthuni arsenal chaplains are warpriests trained in the Arsenal District in Korholm. They bolster their nation’s military by focusing on the militant aspects of their gods. (mod)


Divine Champion (Warpriest)

Divine champions are unswervingly devoted to their causes, and specialize in bringing battle to the enemies of their faiths. They are similar to divine paragons in many ways, but tend to focus more on their deity’s combat prowess rather than seeking to become a physical manifestation of the deity’s will. (mod)


Cartomancer (Witch)

More than mere playing cards, harrow decks allow individuals to communicate with powers beyond mortal ken. A witch who serves the spirits of the harrow in exchange for mystical power is known as a cartomancer. Rather than connecting with a familiar, a cartomancer communes with her patron through a consecrated harrow deck. (mod)


White-Haired Witch (Witch)

A white-haired witch concentrates her mysterious powers on improving her prowess in melee, using feats of agility and her prehensile hair to deal extreme damage. (mod)


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