Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Mod Blueprint Database

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Ki Powers

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Ki Leech

You place your spirit in a receptive state so when you confirm a critical hit against a living enemy or reduce a living enemy to 0 or fewer hit points, you can steal some of that creature’s ki. This replenishes 1 point of ki as long as you have at least 1 ki point in your ki pool. This does not allow you to exceed your ki pool’s maximum. This ability does not stack with similar abilities (such as the steal ki ability of the hungry ghost monk). This spell has no effect if you do not have a ki pool.


Ki Power: Deadly Juggernaut

A monk with this ki power can spend 2 points from his ki pool as a standard action to grant himself Deadly Juggernaut buff:
With every enemy life you take, you become increasingly dangerous and difficult to stop. During the duration of the spell, you gain a cumulative +1 luck bonus on melee attack rolls, melee weapon damage rolls, Strength checks, and Strength-based skill checks as well as DR 2/— each time you reduce a qualifying opponent to 0 or few hit points (maximum +5 bonus and DR 10/—) with a melee attack. A qualifying opponent has a number of Hit Dice equal to or greater than your Hit Dice –4.


Ki Power: Diamond Resilience

A monk gains DR 2/—. At 16th level, the damage reduction increases to 4/—. At 19th level, it increases to DR 6/—.


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