Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Mod Blueprint Database

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Adepts are spellcasters who can channel divine powers. Despite drawing their power from the same sources, adepts are not as powerful as either clerics or druids, and even the most powerful adept has access to spells of only middling power. They can, however, summon familiars in a manner similar to wizards.



Aristocrats form the social elite of a nation, though they are not necessarily born into the nobility. They tend to focus on social skills and courtly intrigue, and some even master the arts of stealth to help further their decadent intrigues. The best example of the aristocrat is the decadent nobility of Taldor forever competing in endless intrigues and indulging in wild decadence much to the chagrin of their lower-class countrymen.



A champion serves as a beacon of hope or fear in the chaos of battle. Deadly opponents of the forces of good or evil these ideal knights are masters of magic and martial skill defending their allies and slaughtering their foes.



Commoners represent every non-expert worker and labourer, such as bartenders and farmers. Commoners comprise at least a plurality of the population.



Experts are highly skilled people, such as scholars, artisans, and crafters.


Freedom Fighter

Freedom Fighters are an anomaly created by the natural luck of halflings. These warriors train and channel their innate luck into mysterious abilities that change the fate of the fighter and their allies. Freedom fighters use guerilla combat and their abilities to provide a natural advantage on the battlefield.



In every age, there is conflict. Man cannot exist without it, and neither can the gods whomst they serve. In this conflict, chaos spreads, and the world may be threatened as man-kind turns against itself. In these times, a simple warrior is not enough to turn the tides. They need a guide, one who can unite mankind under the banner of the heavens and lead them to victory and from there, peace.

These entities, sometimes chosen heroes, others avatars of the divine are heralds, beings who have been gifted or charged with divine power in order to lay justice upon the wicked, guide chosen people or perhaps even give warning to those in power.



Whether on the trail of a fugitive, a long-lost treasure trove, or a criminal mastermind, investigators are motivated by an intense curiosity about the world and use knowledge of it as a weapon. Mixing gumption and learnedness into a personal alchemy of daring, investigators are full of surprises. Observing the world around them, they gain valuable knowledge about the situation they are in, process that information using inspiration and deduction, and cut to the quick of the matter in unexpected ways. Investigators are always evaluating situations they encounter, sizing up potential foes, and looking out for secret dangers, all while using their vast knowledge and powers of perception to find solutions to the most perplexing problems.




These shadowy killers are masters of infiltration, sabotage, and assassination, using a wide variety of weapons, practiced skills, and mystical powers to achieve their goals.



Razmiran Priest

Those who live within the boundaries of Razmir’s holy lands know the power of the Living God. He makes his presence felt through demands of fealty, ever-increasing tithes, and the less-than-gentle hands of his most devout subjects. Of these devotees, it is Razmir’s clergy that most accurately represents the fervor of their lord. They roam the lands spreading word of the power of Razmir, and using that power to convince the unfaithful of their misplaced loyalties in other gods and governments.

The Razmiran priest, one of the most powerful of Razmir’s servants, brings the Living God’s gifts to the common folk and his wrath to his enemies. From behind his mask, the priest judges all he sees, meting out harsh justice in the name of his deity. Many doubt the powers of the clergy, and some would even dare to call Razmir “false.” These fools soon learn the error of their ways when the Razmiran priest pays them a visit, using the gifts of the god to smite such heretics.

A devotee who wishes to become one of Razmir’s most trusted priests must undergo a lengthy ritual in the capital of Thronestep. It is said that Razmir himself conducts the final steps of the ritual, blessing the new priest and judging his purity. Those who are found worthy emerge from this secret, mysterious process as absolute believers, while those deemed inadequate are never seen again. A new Razmiran priest finds himself on a quick path to power, prestige, and wealth, as the hierarchy of Razmir’s faith treats most priests as superiors. Indeed, many Razmiran priests find themselves quickly rising in rank to become Heralds of the Eighth Step or possessors of even greater power in short order.



Warriors are the backbone of any society, large or small. They protect the group, hunt for food, and go to war.


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