Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Mod Blueprint Database

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Blood Arcanist (Arcanist)

Though most arcanists possess only a rudimentary innate arcane gift, the blood arcanist has the full power of a bloodline to draw upon.


School Savant (Arcanist)

Some arcanists specialize in a school of magic and trade flexibility for focus. School savants are able to prepare more spells per day than typical arcanists, but their selection is more limited.


Hateful Rager (Barbarian)

From a young age, many half-orcs are treated cruelly, bullied, ridiculed, and made outcasts. While some hide their shame, others foster a deep, burning hatred that they channel into a raw fury and unleash against their enemies. These half-orcs are called hateful ragers.


Primal Hunter (Barbarian)

Rather than exploding with anger, primal hunters focus their rage to strike distant targets. Though able to hold their own in melee, primal hunters specialize in using some of the oldest of ranged weapons: bows, slings, and spears.


Arcane Duelist (Bard)

A master of the martial applications of steel and spell, the arcane duelist blends both into a lethal combination.


Dervish of Dawn (Bard)

Although the dawn goddess is seen mainly as a goddess of healing and redemption in most parts of the world, her stern, evil-smiting element is more common in some areas. Many of her disciples from these lands become dervishes of dawn, religious mystics who use a spinning dance as part of their worship. Many bards of her faith hone their skills with dance and scimitar to become dervish dancers, but some tread a similar path focused more on magic and healing than swordplay. These are the dervishes of dawn.


Stonesinger (Bard)

The traditions of the stonesinger bards hearkens back to its subterranean origins, and is practiced as a form of meditation or worship by many dwarves. Stonesingers are rare bards capable of vocalizing their bardic performances through subsonic harmonies, allowing their performances to carry as subtle vibrations through stone, rather than through the air. They command considerable power underground.


Bloody-Knuckled Rowdy (Bloodrager)

Bloodragers are frequently rough-and-ready, untrained scrappers who learn to exploit any advantage to gain the upper hand in a fight. The bloody-knuckled rowdy focuses on tricks and maneuvers that are quick and effective, duplicating combat styles from professional brawlers, street thugs, and even trapped animals. Rather than focusing on a single style, most bloody-knuckled rowdies dabble in multiple techniques, mixing and matching their array of vicious maneuvers to suit the occasion.


Untouchable Rager (Bloodrager)

While most bloodragers are known for their inexplicable ability to focus their bloodline into a horrifying mix of martial terror and spellcasting fury, from time to time a bloodrager’s bloodline acts differently. Instead of empowering the bloodrager, it shields the bloodrager from magic of all types, often keeping the bloodrager untouched within the midst of magical effects.


Green Knight (Cavalier)

Some knights serve nature itself and can be found protecting unspoiled natural places or serving fey beings.


Elder Mythos Cultist (Cleric)

Typically grasping, secretive, and thoroughly mad, Elder Mythos cultists open their bodies and minds to horrifying realities not meant for the sane as they strive to prepare the world for the eventual return of their alien masters.


Evangelist (Cleric)

The evangelist is the voice of her religion in the world. Where others nurture the faith among believers, an evangelist proclaims the coming glory of her deific patron and issues the clarion call to all around to heed the truth, or obey the call to war and crusade against the enemies of the church.


Undead Lord (Cleric)

An undead lord is a cleric focused on using necromancy to control undead. Her flock is the walking dead and her choir the keening spirits of the damned. This unliving congregation is the manifestation of her unceasing love affair with death.


Halcyon Druid (Druid)

Halcyon druids are less focused on emulating its inhabitants. Instead, they treat with beings from the Outer Sphere. As a sign of their allegiance, these druids wear fantastical masks depicting celestials, fiends, and-most often-the bestial agathions.

Halcyon druids are peacekeepers, mediating between people and nature, people and the spirit world, and different groups of people. Yet when necessary, they use their magic to fight enemies of peace, especially demons and demon cultists.


Viking (Fighter)

The sagas of the northern people are filled with stories of mighty warriors sailing south to raid the peoples of warmer climes and returning with longships filled with plunder. The northerners call these warriors vikings, and their deeds are sung in the longhouses during the long winter nights. A viking strikes fear into the heart of her foes, and in battle can fly into a terrible rage. Many vikings wear the pelts of bears or wolves, drawing on the strength and ferocity of these beasts in battle. Vikings do not wear heavy armor, but are skilled at fighting with an ax or spear in conjunction with a shield.


Umbral Stalker (Inquisitor)

As a consummate lurker in the shadows, an umbral stalker observes the enemies of her faith and strikes before the unfortunate victims even know she is skulking nearby.


Hellcat (Monk)

Monks of the hellcat sect follow the teachings of Asmodeus or another infernal power. Their brutal training strips away their physical weaknesses, and their vicious fighting style is inspired by the predatory techniques of the hellcat.


Monk of the Mantis (Monk)

A body contains many points where the flesh, mind, and spirit coincide. A monk of the mantis is skilled at manipulating these points. With precise strikes, she temporarily disrupts a body’s connection with the rest of the self.


Ancient Lorekeeper (Oracle)

The ancient lorekeeper is a repository for all the beliefs and vast knowledge of an elven people. She shows a strong interest in and understanding of histories and creation legends at a young age, and as she matures her calling to serve as the memory of her long-lived people becomes clear to all who know her.


Ancient Lorekeeper (Oracle)

The ancient lorekeeper is a repository for all the beliefs and vast knowledge of an elven people. She shows a strong interest in and understanding of histories and creation legends at a young age, and as she matures her calling to serve as the memory of her long-lived people becomes clear to all who know her.


Faithful Wanderer (Paladin)

While most paladins stride brazenly forth to battle evil in gleaming armor, faithful wanderers understand that to accomplish real change in Abyssal environments, a paladin must learn to be self-sufficient and unobtrusive and that she must pick her battles carefully, lest her mission end abruptly in a blaze of glory.


Holy Guide (Paladin)

A holy guide believes that it’s his sacred calling to clear the roads of bandits between towns as well as to escort travelers to safety. He must enforce the rule of law in the wilderness and help those that cannot defend themselves against the many dangers of the area.


Oathbound - Oath of People‘s Council (Paladin)

Paladins swearing this oath serve the common good by finding and thwarting those who abuse their authority.


Oathbound - Oath of Vengeance (Paladin)

While all paladins uphold the principals of law and good, sometimes these ideas must have a ruthless and dangerous side. It often falls upon a paladin to bring justice in the form of vengeance upon heinous transgressors against law and good. These oathbound paladins are always on the hunt for those who have perpetrated evil, and are the instrument of Heaven’s most definitive and implacable judgment.


Wilderness Warden (Paladin)

Wilderness wardens are vigilant guardians of natural places of all kinds, from mountain peaks to tangled thickets.


Stalker (Ranger)



Sword-Devil (Ranger)

Agile, vengeful, and deadly, a sword-devil fights with precision and grace, channeling the difficult lessons of a star-crossed life into unparalleled battle prowess. Favoring speed and evasive techniques over brute force, sword-devils choose precision over power and acrobatics over armor. Charismatic and carefree, a sword-devil makes fast friends and inspires her companions to greatness, even while vowing a swift death upon her enemies.


Wild Stalker (Ranger)

Civilization grows stronger and more decadent with each passing year. It tears into unclaimed wilderness and destroys the fragile ecology in its constant push for expansion and exploitation. The wild stalker forsakes the bonds of community and lives in the trackless wilds far from others of his kind, or perhaps grew up there, never knowing of civilization as anything more than his enemy. He drives pioneers back to civilization and strives to keep the land unspoiled.


Carnivalist (Rogue)

Carnivalists train their miniature minions to perform acts of larceny and often hide their true talents behind theatrical sideshows.


Sacred Fist (Warpriest)

Unlike many warpriests, sacred fists leave behind armor and shield and instead rely on their fists and whatever protection their deity bestows on them.


Scarred Witch Doctor (Witch)

The scarred witch doctor draws power from her ability to endure pain and suffering. She mutilates her own flesh, inflicting horrific scars, in order to attract the attention of her patron. Rather than call forth a familiar, she creates a repulsive fetish mask that she uses as a repository for her power.


Undead Master (Wizard)

Undead masters have great power over undeath.


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