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Evolved Companion

Select a 1-point evolution other than pounce or reach from those available to a summoners eidolon. Your animal companion gains this evolution. The animal companion must conform to any limitations of the evolution. You may take this feat multiple times for a unique evolution.


Favored Animal Focus

Choose one animal focus. When you apply that animal focus to your animal companion, the benefits increase by one step. For example, if you are 6th level and choose the bear animal focus, then when you apply the animal focus to your animal companion, it gains a +4 inherent bonus to Constitution instead of +2.


Improved Natural Armor

The creatures natural armor bonus increases by +1. A creature can gain this feat multiple times. Each time the creature takes the feat, its natural armor bonus increases by another point.


Improved Natural Armor

The creatures natural armor bonus increases by +1. A creature can gain this feat multiple times. Each time the creature takes the feat, its natural armor bonus increases by another point.


Improved Natural Armor

The creatures natural armor bonus increases by +1. A creature can gain this feat multiple times. Each time the creature takes the feat, its natural armor bonus increases by another point.


Improved Natural Armor

The creatures natural armor bonus increases by +1. A creature can gain this feat multiple times. Each time the creature takes the feat, its natural armor bonus increases by another point.


Improved Natural Armor

The creatures natural armor bonus increases by +1. A creature can gain this feat multiple times. Each time the creature takes the feat, its natural armor bonus increases by another point.


Improved Natural Armor

The creatures natural armor bonus increases by +1. A creature can gain this feat multiple times. Each time the creature takes the feat, its natural armor bonus increases by another point.


Improved Natural Armor

The creatures natural armor bonus increases by +1. A creature can gain this feat multiple times. Each time the creature takes the feat, its natural armor bonus increases by another point.


Improved Natural Armor

The creatures natural armor bonus increases by +1. A creature can gain this feat multiple times. Each time the creature takes the feat, its natural armor bonus increases by another point.


Improved Natural Armor

The creatures natural armor bonus increases by +1. A creature can gain this feat multiple times. Each time the creature takes the feat, its natural armor bonus increases by another point.


Improved Natural Armor

The creatures natural armor bonus increases by +1. A creature can gain this feat multiple times. Each time the creature takes the feat, its natural armor bonus increases by another point.


Improved Natural Attack

Choose one of the creatures natural attack forms (not an unarmed strike). The damage for this natural attack increases by one step on the following list, as if the creatures size had increased by one category. Damage dice increase as follows: 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, 6d6, 8d6, 12d6. This feat can be taken multiple times for a different natural attack.


Improved Spell Sharing

When you have this ability toggled and that companion creature has this feat, you can cast a spell on yourself and divide the duration evenly between yourself and the companion creature. You can use this feat only on spells with a duration of at least 2 rounds. For example, you could cast bulls strength on yourself, and instead of the spell lasting 1 minute per level on yourself, it lasts 5 rounds per level on yourself and 5 rounds per level on your companion.


Planar Focus

When you use your animal focus class feature, you can choose any of the following new aspects: Air, Chaotic, Cold, Earth, Evil, Fire, Good, Lawful, Shadow, Water.


Spirits Gift

At the start of the day, you can choose to commune with a single shaman spirit. Once during the next 24 hours, you can spend a standard action to grant your animal companion or familiar that shaman spirits spirit animal ability for 1 minute per level in the class that grants your animal companion or familiar.


Totem Beast

Select one animal aspect from the list presented in the hunter classs animal focus class feature. Your animal companion gains the benefits of the selected animal aspect, treating its Hit Dice as its effective hunter level for this ability.


Vampiric Companion

Your animal companion or familiars type changes to �gundead.�h The creature gains fast healing 5 as well as your vampire or dhampir weaknesses.


Character Options+

Dazing Assault

You can choose to take a –5 penalty on all melee attack rolls to daze opponents you hit with your melee attacks for 1 round, in addition to the normal damage dealt by the attack. A successful Fortitude save negates the effect. The DC of this save is 10 + your base attack bonus.


Divine Fighting Technique

Divine fighting techniques emulate the martial supremacy and approach to combat of certain gods, but do not generally require users’ interests and goals to be aligned with the techniques’ associated deities. Although each deity’s divine fighting technique is primarily preserved and passed on by her faithful, worship is not required to learn one.
Each technique has an initial benefit as well as an advanced benefit available if you meet the prerequisites.


Eldritch Heritage

Select one sorcerer bloodline. You must have Skill focus in the class skill that bloodline grants to a sorcerer at 1st level (for example, Lore: Religion for the celestial bloodline). This bloodline cannot be a bloodline you already have. You gain the first-level bloodline power for the selected bloodline. For purposes of using that power, treat your sorcerer level as equal to your character level – 2, even if you have levels in sorcerer. You do not gain any of the other bloodline abilities.


Energy Channel

A swift action, you can expend one use of channel energy to grant your weapon attacks a bonus on damage rolls equal to twice the number of dice rolled for your channel energy. This additional damage is of an energy type determined by your domain or blessing: acid (Earth), cold (Water), electricity (Air), or fire (Fire). If you have more than one of those domains or blessings, you must choose one of those damage types when you use this ability. This effect lasts for your next three weapon attacks or until the end of combat, whichever comes first.


Glorious Heat

When you cast a divine spell with the [fire] descriptor, an ally you can see within 30 feet heals a number of hit points equal to the level of the spell cast and gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls until the end of its next turn.


Greater Eldritch Heritage

You gain an additional power from the bloodline you selected with the Eldritch Heritage feat. You gain a 15th-level (or lower) sorcerer bloodline power that you do not already have. For purposes of using that power, treat your character level as your sorcerer level for all your sorcerer bloodline powers granted by this feat, Eldritch Heritage, and Improved Eldritch Heritage.


Greater Skald’s Vigor

Your allies share in the fast healing granted by your Skald’s Vigor, starting in the round when you begin your performance. They must be able to hear the performance. If you stop maintaining the song, the fast healing ends immediately, even if other effects of your song linger.



When you successfully demoralize an opponent within your melee reach with an Intimidate check, you can make a single melee attack against that creature as a swift action. If your attack misses the target, its shaken condition from being demoralized immediately ends.


Improved Eldritch Heritage

You gain either the 3rd-level or the 9th-level power (your choice) of the bloodline you selected with the Eldritch Heritage feat. For purposes of using that power, treat your sorcerer level as equal to your character level – 2, even if you have levels in sorcerer. You do not gain any of the other bloodline abilities.


Paired Opportunists

Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, you receive a +4 circumstance bonus on attacks of opportunity against creatures that you both threaten. Enemies that provoke attacks of opportunity from your ally also provoke attacks of opportunity from you so long as you threaten them. This does not allow you to take more than one attack of opportunity against a creature for a given action.


Purifying Channel

When you channel positive energy to heal, one creature excluded from your channeling takes an amount of fire damage equal to the healing provided, and is dazzled for 1 round by the light of these flames. A successful saving throw against your channel energy halves the fire damage and negates the dazzled effect.


Signature Skill

Your ability with a particular skill is the stuff of legends, and you can do things with that skill that others cannot.
Choose one signature skill. Each grants you benefits for every 5 Ranks


Skald’s Vigor

While maintaining a raging song, you gain fast healing equal to the twice the damage bonus your song provides, starting in the round after you begin the song. If you stop maintaining your song, the fast healing ends, even if the effects of your song persist.



Additional Traits

You have more traits than normal.
Benefit: You gain another character background of your choice. This background must be chosen from a different list, and cannot be chosen from lists from which you have already selected a character background.


Bestow Hope

When you heal a creature by channeling positive energy, you also relieve its fear. If a creature you heal is shaken, that condition ends. If the creature is frightened, it becomes shaken instead. If the creature is panicked, it becomes frightened instead.


Bladed Brush

You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to attack rolls with a glaive sized for you, even though it isn’t a light weapon. When wielding a glaive, you can treat it as a one-handed piercing or slashing melee weapon and as if you were not making attacks with your off-hand for all feats and class abilities that require such a weapon (such as a duelist’s or swashbuckler’s precise strike).


Channel Form

As a free action you may alter your channel energy area to one of the following options:


Dirty Fighting

You can take advantage of a distracted foe.
Benefit(s): When you attempt a combat maneuver check against a foe you are flanking, you can forgo the +2 bonus on your attack roll for flanking to instead have the combat maneuver not provoke an attack of opportunity. If you have a feat or ability that allows you to attempt the combat maneuver without provoking an attack of opportunity, you can instead increase the bonus on your attack roll for flanking to +4 for the combat maneuver check.
Special: This feat counts as having Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, and Improved Unarmed Strike for the purposes of meeting the prerequisites of the various improved combat maneuver feats, as well as feats that require those improved combat maneuver feats as prerequisites.


Energy Channel

You distill your channeled energy into your weapon to empower it.
Benefit: As a swift action, you can expend one use of channel energy to grant your weapon attacks a bonus on damage rolls equal to twice the number of dice rolled for your channel energy. This additional damage is of an energy type determined by your domain or blessing: acid (Earth), cold (Water), electricity (Air), or fire (Fire). This effect lasts for 3 minutes, but each time you use this effect, reduce the remaining duration by 1 minute.


Expanded Element

A kineticist learns to use another element or expands her understanding of her own element. She can choose any element, including her primary element. She gains one of that element’s simple blast wild talents that she does not already possess, if any. She also gains all composite blast wild talents whose prerequisites she meets. She doesn’t gain the defensive wild talent of the expanded element unless she later selects it with the expanded defense utility wild talent.


Extra Hex

You gain one additional hex. You must meet the prerequisites for this hex. You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you gain another hex.


Extra Hex

You gain one additional hex. You must meet the prerequisites for this hex. You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you gain another hex.


Extra Rogue Talent

You gain one additional rogue talent. You must meet all of the prerequisites for this rogue talent.


Extra Wild Talent

You gain a wild talent for which you meet the prerequisites. You can select an infusion or a non-infusion wild talent, but not a blast or defense wild talent.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time, you must choose a different wild talent.


Feral Combat Training

While using any natural weapon, you can apply the effects of feats that have Improved Unarmed Strike as a prerequisite. Special: If you are a monk, you can use natural weapons with your flurry of blows class feature.


Flame Blade Dervish Combat

Benefit(s): When you cast flame blade, you gain a +10 enhancement bonus to your base speed as long as the spell persists, along with a +4 competence bonus on all Acrobatics checks. You add your Charisma modifier to damage rolls with your flame blade, and ignore the first 10 points of fire resistance possessed by a creature you hit with the flame blade for the purposes of determining the damage dealt by the flame blade. Against undead foes, you ignore the first 30 points of fire resistance. Immunity to fire still completely protects against damage from your flame blade.
You may use this with Gozreh’s Trident instead.


Flensing Strike

When you successfully inflict sneak attack damage on a foe with a slashing weapon, your attack doesn’t go particularly deep, but you do carve away a significant portion of skin and flesh. If this sneak attack inflicts bleed damage, the victim of the sneak attack is sickened by the pain and has its natural armor bonus (if any) reduced by a number of points equal to the number of sneak attack dice you possess. These penalties persist as long as the bleed damage persists. Multiple strikes on the same foe do not stack the bleed damage, but the penalty to natural armor does stack, to a maximum penalty equal to the target’s normal full natural armor score.


Improved Hunter’s Bond

When you activate hunter’s bond, you can grant your allies your full favored enemy bonus against a single target.


Mad Magic

You can cast spells from any class while in a rage.


Mobile Gathering

While gathering power, you can move up to half your normal speed. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.


Opportune Parry

You learn how to forgo the opportunity to strike to instead block attacks against you.
Benefit: You parry as a free action, but need to expend one of your own potential attacks of opportunity. You cannot parry, if you are unable to do attacks of opportunity.


Preferred Spell

Choose one spell which you have the ability to cast. You can cast that spell spontaneously by sacrificing a prepared spell or spell slot of equal or higher level. You can apply any metamagic feats you possess to this spell when you cast it. This increases the minimum level of the prepared spell or spell slot you must sacrifice in order to cast it but does not affect the casting time.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times.Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different spell.


Prodigious Two-Weapon Fighting

You may fight with a one-handed weapon in your offhand as if it were a light weapon. In addition, you may use your Strength score instead of your Dexterity score for the purpose of qualifying for Two-Weapon Fighting and any feats with Two-Weapon Fighting as a prerequisite.


Purifying Channel

When you channel positive energy to heal, one creature that you exclude from your channeling takes an amount of fire damage equal to the die result you roll for healing, and is dazzled for 1 round by the light of these flames. A successful saving throw against your channel energy halves the fire damage and negates the dazzled effect.


Sacred Summons

When using summon monster to summon creatures whose alignment subtype or subtypes exactly match your aura, you may cast the spell as a standard action instead of with a casting time of 1 round.


Spell Perfection

You are unequaled at the casting of one particular spell.
Benefit: Pick one spell which you have the ability to cast. Whenever you cast that spell you may apply any one metamagic feat you have to that spell without affecting its level or casting time, as long as the total modified level of the spell does not use a spell slot above 9th level. In addition, if you have other feats which allow you to apply a set numerical bonus to any aspect of this spell (such as Spell Focus, Spell Penetration, Weapon Focus [ray], and so on), double the bonus granted by that feat when applied to this spell.


Split Hex

When you use one of your hexes (not a major hex or a grand hex) that targets a single creature, you can choose another creature within 30 feet of the first target to also be targeted by the hex.


Split Major Hex

When you use one of your major hexes (not a grand hex) that targets a creature, you can choose another creature within 30 feet of the first target to also be targeted by the major hex.


Two-Weapon Rend

Striking with both of your weapons simultaneously, you can use them to deliver devastating wounds.
Benefit: If you hit an opponent with both your primary hand and your off-hand weapon, you deal an additional 1d10 points of damage plus 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier. You can only deal this additional damage once each round.



Adept Demonology

You may now summon lesser demons, ranging from Abrikandilu’s, Vermleks, and Schirs, to the very powerful Brimorak, Babau, and Incubus. Once again, the creatures are under your control and obey your commands to the best of their abilities, and you may telepathically impart tactics.


Apprentice Demonology

Allows you to summon demons of the lowest rank, the Dretch and the Quasit, as well as half demon Cambions. These creatures obey your commands to the best of their ability, and you may telepathically command them to move and use their spellike abilities in the way you see fit. However, bringing any sort of demon to the material plane is an evil and corrupting act. Using these abilities corrupts the soul towards chaos and evil.


Greater Augment Summoning

Your increased power now allows you to summon even more powerful creatures. They gain +12 enhancement bonus to STR, DEX, CON, as well as +6 to attack bonus, all saving throws, AC, and immunity to fear.


Improved Augment Summoning

Your increased power now allows you to summon even more powerful creatures. They gain +8 enhancement bonus to STR, DEX, CON, as well as +4 to attack bonus, all saving throws, AC, and immunity to fear.


Master Demonology

Your increased power now allows you to summon the most powerful lesser demons, and some major ones.The Shadow Demon, the Succubus, the Nabasu, the greatest lesser demons are bent to your will. Hatefully, the Derakni, Kalavakus, and Gibrileth, also obey your commands.They hate you, but cannot resist your commands.You may also summon the retriever living construct.Once again, they all follow your telepathic commands to the best of their considerable abilities.


Expanded Content

Bullseye Shot

You slow your breath, calm yourself, and hit the bullseye, just as you were trained to do.
You can spend a move action to steady your shot. When you do, you gain a +4 bonus on your next ranged attack roll before the start of your next turn.


Demon Hunter

You are well-versed in demonic lore.
You gain a +2 morale bonus on all attack rolls and a +2 morale bonus on caster level checks to penetrate spell resistance made against creatures with the demon subtype you recognize as demons.


Extra Rage (Wolverine)

Benefit: You can rage for 6 additional rounds per day.
Special: You can gain Extra Rage multiple times. Its effects stack.


Opening Volley

Your ranged assault leaves your foe disoriented and vulnerable to your melee attack.
Whenever you deal damage with a ranged attack, you gain a + 4 circumstance bonus on the next melee attack roll you make against the opponent.This attack must occur before the end of your next turn.


Pinpoint Targeting

You can target the weak points in your opponent’s armor.
As a standard action, make a single ranged attack. The target does not gain any armor, natural armor, or shield bonuses to its Armor Class. You do not gain the benefit of this feat if you move this round.


Swift Aid

With a quick but harmless swipe, you can aid an ally’s assault.
As a swift action, you can attempt the aid another action, granting your enemy either a -1 penalty on their next attack roll or a -1 bonus to their AC. This ability still confers any extra effects your standard aid another ability would.


Homebrew Archetypes

Adept Channel

You gain the channel energy class feature, as a cleric, usable 2 times per day. This ability otherwise functions like the cleric’s channel energy ability, except that your effective cleric level is equal to your divine spellcasting class level –3. Unlike a cleric, however, the number of times per day you may channel energy is not affected by your Charisma modifier.


Aspect of the Beast

Your bestial nature manifests itself in one of the following ways. You choose the manifestation when you choose the feat, and then you cannot change it.


Blooded Arcane Strike

While you are bloodraging, you don‘t need to spend a swift action to use your Arcane Strike it is always in effect.


Channel Smite

Before you make a melee attack roll, you can choose to spend one use of your channel energy ability as a swift action. If you channel positive energy and you hit an undead creature, that creature takes an amount of additional damage equal to the damage dealt by your channel positive energy ability. If you channel negative energy and you hit a living creature, that creature takes an amount of additional damage equal to the damage dealt by your channel negative energy ability. Your target can make a Will save, as normal, to halve this additional damage. If your attack misses, the channel energy ability is still expended with no effect.


Discordant Voice

Whenever you are using bardic performance to create a spell-like or supernatural effect, allies within 30 feet of you deal an extra 1d6 points of sonic damage with successful weapon attacks. This damage stacks with other energy damage a weapon might deal. Projectile weapons bestow this extra damage on their ammunition.


Exotic Weapon Proficiency

Choose one type of exotic weapon, such as the dueling sword or sai. You understand how to use that type of exotic weapon in combat, and can utilize any special tricks or qualities that exotic weapon might allow.


Extra Channel (Cleric)

You can channel energy two additional times per day.


Extra Channel (Oracle)

You can channel energy two additional times per day.


Extra Death Vow

When selecting this feat you gain 2 extra uses of death vow. This feat can be selected multiple times.


Extra Hex(Scarred Witch Doctor)

Select an extra hex.


Extra Inspiration

You gain three extra use per day of inspiration in your inspiration pool.


Extra Lay On Hands(Champion)

Benefit: You can use your lay on hands ability two additional times per day.
Special: You can gain Extra Lay On Hands multiple times. Its effects stack.


Extra Performance

You can use bardic performance for 6 additional rounds per day.


Extra Performance

You can use bardic performance for 6 additional rounds per day.


Extra Sermon

You can use sermon for 6 additional rounds per day. You can select this feat multiple times.


Extra Touch of the Faithful

Benefit: You can use your touch of the faithful ability two additional times per day.
Special: You can gain Extra Touch of the Faithful multiple times. Its effects stack.


Fire Music

When you cast a spell that deals damage, you may replace the spell‘s normal damage with fire damage.

If you cast a summon monster spell, you give it fire resistance 5 and adds +1 fire damage to all of its natural attacks.


Greater Channel Smite

Before making any melee attacks on your turn, you can use a swift action to expend one daily use of your channel energy class feature. The dice from your channel energy feature form a pool of damage dice you can access to further damage creatures normally harmed by the energy you are channeling—undead for positive energy, living creatures for negative energy. Your target can make a Will save, as normal, to halve this extra damage. This extra damage is not multiplied when you score a critical hit. If you miss, the extra damage dice remain in your pool, but any dice left unexpended at the end of your turn are wasted.


Guided Hand

With the favored weapon of your deity, you can use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier on attack rolls.


Hex Strike

When you gain this feat, choose one hex that you can use to affect no more than one opponent. If you make a successful unarmed strike against an opponent, in addition to dealing your unarmed strike damage, you can use a swift action to deliver the effects of the chosen hex to that opponent.


Lingering Performance

The effects of your bardic performance carry on, even after you have stopped performing.
Benefit: The bonuses and penalties from your bardic performance continue for 2 rounds after you cease performing. Any other requirement, such as range or specific conditions, must still be met for the effect to continue. If you begin a new bardic performance during this time, the effects of the previous performance immediately cease.


Lingering Sermon

The effects of your sermon carry on, even after you have stopped sermonizing.
Benefit: The bonuses and penalties from your sermon continue for 2 rounds after you cease sermonizing. Any other requirement, such as range or specific conditions, must still be met for the effect to continue. If you begin a new sermon during this time, the effects of the previous sermon immediately cease.

This feat works as if the character had taken the lingering song feat.


Monastic Legacy

Add half the levels you have in classes other than monk to your monk level to determine your effective monk level for your base unarmed strike damage. This feat does not make levels in classes other than monk count toward any other monk class features.


Ranged Study

Choose one kind of ranged weapon. You gain the bonuses for studied combat with your chosen weapon and can use studied strike with your chosen weapon as long as the target of your studied strike is within range of your attack.


Selective Channel

Whenever you channel positive energy to heal the living or channel negative energy to heal the undead, you do not affect enemies. When you channel positive energy to damage undead or channel negative energy to damage living, you do not affect allies.


Strike True

You can focus yourself as a move action. When focused, you gain a +4 bonus on your next melee attack roll before the end of your turn.


Isekai Mod

Exceptional Feats

Exceptional feats are feats that no ordinary NPC possess.
Source: Isekai Mod


Kinetic Archetypes

Kinetic Railgun

Whenever you are affected by a haste spell or effect, you can fire 1 additional blast while using your onslaught blast. In addition, when you use your focused blaster ability while affected by a haste spell or effect, you can reduce the cost of a blast’s burn by an additional 1 point of burn.



Demoralizing Stare

When you trigger your painful stare, the target must succeed at a Will Save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your mesmerist level + your Charisma modifier) or become shaken for 1 round. This can’t cause the target to become frightened, even if the target is already shaken.


Excoriating Stare

Whenever you trigger a painful stare, the target must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 your mesmerist level + your Charisma modifier) or become sickened by the pain for 1 round.


Fatiguing Stare

When a target takes damage from your painful stare, it must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 your mesmerist level + your Charisma modifier) or become fatigued for 1 round. This can’t cause the target to become exhausted, even if the target is already fatigued.


Intense Pain

When you use your painful stare ability to increase your own damage, you deal an additional 1d6 points of damage. This damage increases to 2d6 at mesmerist level 12th and to 3d6 at mesmerist level 18th.
When you use painful stare to augment an ally’s damage, the target of the painful stare takes 1 additional point of damage for every 4 mesmerist levels you possess.


Trick Features

Allows the mesmerist to modify their tricks by altering or expanding how they can be used.


Microscopic Content Expansion

Crusader’s Flurry

You can use your deity’s favored weapon as if it were a monk weapon.


Dimensional Agility

After using abundant step or casting dimension door, you can take any actions you still have remaining on your turn.


Dimensional Assault

As a full-round action, you use abundant step or cast dimension door as a special charge. Doing so allows you to teleport up to double your current speed (up to the maximum distance allowed by the spell or ability) and to make the attack normally allowed on a charge.


Dimensional Dervish

You can take a full-attack action, activating abundant step or casting dimension door as a swift action. If you do, you can teleport up to twice your speed (up to the maximum distance allowed by the spell or ability), dividing this teleportation into increments you use before your first attack, between each attack, and after your last attack. You must teleport at least 5 feet each time you teleport.


Feinting Flurry

While using flurry of blows to make melee attacks, you can forgo your melee attack to make a Persuasion (bluff) check to feint an opponent.


Flickering Step

You can use dimension door as a spell-like ability.
You can use this feat’s benefit once per day, plus an additional time per day for every 5 character levels.


Snake Fang

While using the Snake Style feat, when an opponent’s attack misses you, you can make an unarmed strike against that opponent as an attack of opportunity.


Snake Sidewind

You gain a +4 bonus to CMD against trip combat maneuvers and on Athletics checks and saving throws against ground effects. While using the Snake Style feat, you receive +4 bonus on attack roll made to confirm critical hits with unarmed weapons.


Snake Style

You gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC and you can deal piercing damage with your unarmed strikes.


Startoss Comet

As a standard action, you can make a single ranged thrown weapon attack at your full attack bonus with the chosen weapon. If you hit, you deal damage normally and can make a second attack (at your full attack bonus) against a target within one range increment of the first. You determine cover for this attack from the first target’s space instead of your space.
You can make only one additional attack per round with this feat. If you have Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, or Greater Vital Strike, you can add the additional damage from those feats to the initial ranged attack (but not the second attack).


Startoss Shower

When you hit an opponent while using the Startoss Comet feat, you can continue to make attacks against foes that are within one range increment of all previous opponents. You determine cover for each attack from the most recently hit foe’s space instead of your space, and you cannot attack an individual foe more than once during this attack action.
You can make a maximum number of additional attacks equal to 1 + 1 per 5 points of base attack bonus you possess. If you have Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, or Greater Vital Strike, you can add the additional damage from those feats to the initial ranged attack (but not any subsequent attacks).


Startoss Style

Choose one weapon from the thrown fighter weapon group. While using this style and the chosen weapon, you gain a bonus on damage rolls made with the weapon equal to 2 + 2 per style feat you possess that lists Startoss Style as a prerequisite (maximum +6 damage).
You cannot use this ability if you are carrying a weapon or a shield in your off hand (except for a buckler).
Special: In addition to the chosen weapon, a character with this feat and the Weapon Training (Thrown weapons) class feature can use Startoss Style with any thrown weapons that she wields in one hand.


Unsanctioned Knowledge (Antipaladin)

Pick one 1st-level spell, one 2nd-level spell, one 3rd-level spell, and one 4th-level spell from the bard, cleric or inquisitor spell lists. Add these spells to your antipaladin spell list as antipaladin spells of the appropriate level. Once chosen, these spells cannot be changed.


Unsanctioned Knowledge (Paladin)

Pick one 1st-level spell, one 2nd-level spell, one 3rd-level spell, and one 4th-level spell from the bard, cleric or inquisitor spell lists. Add these spells to your paladin spell list as paladin spells of the appropriate level. Once chosen, these spells cannot be changed.



Bladed Brush

A worshipper of Shelyn can take this feat to use their dexterity on attack and damage with glaives.


Way of the Shooting Star

Utilizing the fighting techniques channeled through Desna, add your charisma to attack and damage with starknives instead of dexterity or strength.


Mystical Mayhem

Acadamae Graduate

Whenever you cast a prepared arcane spell from the Conjuration school with the Summoning descriptor that takes a full-round action to cast, reduce the casting time to a standard action. Casting a spell in this way is taxing and requires a Fortitude save (DC 15 + spell level) to resist becoming fatigued for 1 minute. If you are already fatigued or exhausted the casting time is not reduced.


Earth Magic

You can draw raw magical energy from the ground to empower your spells.
Benefit: While you’re in your favored terrain, your effective caster level increases by 1 for the purpose of improving spell effects dependent on caster level. This increase in effective caster level doesn’t grant you access to more spells.


Fiendish Blessing

At 2nd level, 6th level, 10th level, 14th level, 18th level and 20th level, a warlock receives a new fiendish blessing. The warlock must select a fiendish blessing offered by his patron or one listed as a general fiendish blessing. Once selected, this blessing cannot be changed. Unless otherwise stated, each blessing can be chosen only once.
Whenever a warlock would gain a feat, he may instead select a fiendish blessing he qualifies for.


Instant Judgment

Your hastiest condemnations can have power.
Benefit: You can pronounce a judgment or change an active judgment as a free action.



You can blend the power of arcane and divine magic.
Benefit: You can augment the power of your divine spells with arcane energy and augment your arcane spells with divine energy.
When casting a divine spell, you may sacrifice an arcane spell slot or arcane prepared spell of that spell’s level or higher as a swift action. The caster level for that divine spell increases by +1. Conversely, you can sacrifice a divine spell slot to increase the caster level of an arcane spell instead.


Witch Knife

You empower your witch spells by incorporating the use of a special ceremonial knife during your castings.
Benefit: Add +1 to the DC of all your patron spells.



Ace Disarm

You catch objects with your ranged attacks and drag them along with you. You don’t take the –2 penalty for attempting disarm combat maneuver checks with a ranged weapon using Ranged Disarm, and you can steal a random equipment on a successful disarm combat maneuver check if the target uses natural weapons. (mod)


Ace Trip

You don’t take the –2 penalty for making trip attempts with a ranged weapon using Ranged Trip, and you can attempt trip combat maneuver checks against anyone, even if the creature is immune to trip. (mod)


Arm Bind

You can attempt a combat maneuver check to disarm a foe even if the foe uses natural weapons. This functions as the disarm combat maneuver. If you succeed and the foe uses natural, you ensnare an arm of your choice, preventing your foe from hitting with his next attack before the end of your next turn. (mod)


Bardic Masterpieces

Talented bards can learn or create masterpieces, unusual applications of the bardic performance ability requiring special training. Each masterpiece has an associated cost to learn it. Typically, a bard must spend one of his bard spells known of a specific spell level or select it in place of a feat. The bard can spend a bard spell known of a level higher than the listed level to learn a masterpiece. (mod)


Binding Throw

You can strike your enemy and use the blow as an opportunity to grab and hold him. Before you use the Ki Throw feat on an opponent, you can use a swift action to attempt a grapple combat maneuver against that opponent. A monk may take this as a bonus feat at 10th level. (mod)


Black Seraph Annihilation

You drive your foes before you. Creatures within 30 feet of you can be affected by fear effects even if they are normally immune to fear. Creatures within 30 feet of you that are normally immune to mind-affecting effects can still be affected by demoralize actions, although they gain a +5 resistance bonus if saves are required. (mod)


Black Seraph Style

You laugh off the cowardly assaults of your foes. Against the abilities of creatures that are shaken, frightened, panicked, or cowering, you gain a +1 profane bonus to your AC and on saving throws. This bonus increases by +1 at character level 5th and at every five levels thereafter. (mod)


Black Seraph’s Malevolence

You rip into creatures that cannot withstand your terror. Your unholy weapons become holy at the same time. (mod)



Your swift strikes ward off enemies attacking nearby allies. You gain divine guardian (paladin) Bodyguard ability. (mod)


Break Guard

You can use one of your two weapons to occupy your opponent’s defenses while attacking with the other. While wielding two weapons, whenever you successfully disarm an opponent, you can spend a swift action to attack the opponent you attempted to disarm using your off-hand weapon. (mod)


Charging Stag Style

This style originated among shamanic monks who spent their lives in the wild, allowing them to quickly subdue both game and poachers using the element of surprise. Practitioners of Charging Stag Style can charge fluidly around trees, taking enemies by surprise in the wilderness. When using this style and not mounted, you can charge through difficult terrain, allies and obstacles, making turns if neccessary. You must see your target at the beginning of your charge, and can make only a single attack at the end, even if you would normally be able to make multiple attacks (such as with the pounce ability). (mod)


Cleaving Sweep

You can sweep multiple foes to the ground with a single blow of your axe. As a full-round action, you can attempt a trip combat maneuver at your highest base attack bonus against each opponent within reach. You must attempt a separate combat maneuver check against each opponent. (mod)


Cloak and Dagger Style

Your attacks effortlessly inflict debilitating conditions on unaware opponents. Choose one light melee weapon. While using this style, the first time you attack an opponent that is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC with your chosen weapon during the turn you enter a battle, you can attempt a dirty trick combat maneuver check against that opponent as a free action. (mod)


Cloak and Dagger Subterfuge

Your increased martial skill allows you to take advantage of distracted foes to easily impose conditions, and even steal items without being noticed. While you are using Cloak and Dagger Style and wielding your chosen weapon, whenever you make an attack of opportunity against a target, you can attempt a free dirty trick combat maneuver check against the target as a free action as well. Additionally, whenever you successfully perform a dirty trick maneuver against a target, you can immediately attempt a disarm combat maneuver check against the target as a free action. (mod)


Cloak and Dagger Tactics

You devastate enemies that you catch off-guard. While you are using Cloak and Dagger Style and wielding your chosen weapon, whenever you hit an opponent that is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC or that you are flanking, or make an attack using Vital Strike (or its improved or greater versions), you can attempt a dirty trick combat maneuver check against that opponent as a free action. If you succeed, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your base attack bonus + your Intelligence modifier) or gain the confused condition, if immune, gain the staggered condition, if immune, gain the exhausted condition, if immune, anchored in place and unable to move. This additional penalty lasts only 1 round, regardless of how long the dirty trick’s normal penalty lasts. You can only attempt one free dirty trick combat maneuver check per round using this feat. (mod)


Crush Armor

When you deal damage to a foe’s armor with a successful sunder combat maneuver check, the foe is fatigued for 1 round. The foe cannot become exhausted this way. (mod)


Deadly Agility

You may add your Dexterity modifier in place of your Strength modifier when wielding a light weapon or a weapon that gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat (such as the rapier) when determining additional damage inflicted upon a successful attack. When wielding a weapon in your off-hand, Deadly Agility will add the same fraction of Dexterity as you normally would for Strength. (mod)


Deific Obedience

Your reverence for a deity is so great that daily prayer and minor sacrifices grant you special boons. Each deity requires a different daily obedience, but all obediences take no more than 1 hour per day to perform. Once you’ve performed the obedience, you gain the benefit of a special ability or resistance as indicated in the Obedience entry for the god to whom you performed the obedience. If you have at least 12 Hit Dice, you also gain the first boon granted by your deity upon undertaking your obedience. If you have at least 16 Hit Dice, you also gain the second boon. If you have 20 Hit Dice or more, you also gain the third boon. Unless a specific duration or number of uses per day is listed, a boon’s effects are constant. (mod)


Dirty Fighting

You can take advantage of a distracted foe. You can increase the bonus on your attack roll for flanking to +4 for combat maneuver checks. This feat counts as having Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, and Improved Unarmed Strike for the purposes of meeting the prerequisites of the various improved combat maneuver feats, as well as feats that require those improved combat maneuver feats as prerequisites. (mod)


Dirty Trick Master

You are adept at stifling your enemies and can expertly make a bad situation even worse. Whenever you successfully perform a dirty trick combat maneuver against an opponent who is still affected by a condition inflicted by a previous dirty trick (whether your own or another creature’s), you can cause the condition to worsen. In addition to increasing the duration of the condition as normal, you cause an opponent who is entangled to become staggered, and sickened to become nauseated. This worsened condition replaces the previous dirty trick condition, and lasts for the duration of the dirty trick. (mod)


Diverse Obedience

Your intense faith in your deity allows you to gain boons not granted to most followers. You are treated as though you had 2 more Hit Dice than you actually do for the purposes of determining what divine boons you gain as a result of performing your deity’s obedience. Diverse Obedience doesn’t allow access to divine boons granted through prestige classes early, as those boons are tied to prestige class levels gained, not overall Hit Dice. Additionally, whenever you would gain a boon, you can choose among the options available for exalted or sentinel boons. (mod)


Divine Defiance

You distrust, disrespect, or doubt the gods, which helps you fight off their power. You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against divine casters and mythic creatures. (mod)


Dramatic Slam

While you are using Savage Slam, if you succeed at your grapple combat maneuver check to knock the opponent prone, you can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize foes within 30 feet who could see your attack. (mod)


Eldritch Assault

You make deadly strikes when magic cloaks your location. Whenever you attack from total concealment provided by a magical source (such as the displacement or invisibility spells), the first attack roll you make each round that is a critical threat is automatically confirmed as a critical hit. (mod)


Enhanced Ki Throw

You enhance the force of your ki throws, enabling you to devastate your opponents as you slam them to the ground. Before using the Ki Throw feat, you can expend 1 ki point to amplify the force of your attack. If your ki throw succeeds, when the target hits the ground, it takes damage as if you had hit it with an unarmed strike. (mod)


Follow-Up Strike

You bat away an opponent’s weapon, creating an opening for a punch or kick. Whenever you succeed at a combat maneuver check to disarm an opponent, you can spend a swift action to make an unarmed strike attack at your highest base attack bonus against the target you disarmed. (mod)


Grabbing Drag

You can use a move action to attempt a grapple combat maneuver against a creature within 30 feet to pull it towards you. This movement as well as the ability itself provoke attack of opportunity. (mod)


Grabbing Master

Your grapple may target anyone, even if the creature is immune to grapple. (mod)


Grabbing Style

You are adept at the one-handed grab. When you use this style, you do not take a –4 penalty on combat maneuver checks to grapple a foe with only one hand. Additionally, you do not lose your Dexterity bonus to AC while pinning an opponent. (mod)



You are skilled at grappling opponents. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a grapple combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to grapple a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to grapple you. (mod)


Greater Grapple

Maintaining a grapple is second nature to you. You receive a +2 bonus on checks made to grapple a foe. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Grapple. Once you have grappled a creature, maintaining the grapple is a move action. This feat allows you to make a second grapple check as a standard action each round to move, harm, or pin your opponent further. (mod)


Greater Unarmed Strike

Your unarmed attacks show a master’s skill. Your unarmed strikes have their base damage increased to 1d8 (for a Medium size creature). At character level 10th, this increases to 1d10 base damage. (mod)


Guided Hand

Your deity blesses any strike you make with that deity’s favored weapon. With your deity’s favored weapon, you can use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier on attack rolls. (mod)


Hamatula Strike

You can catch your opponents on your weapon and hold them in place. Whenever you damage an opponent with a melee piercing weapon, you can immediately make a grapple check; success means the opponent is impaled on your weapon and you both gain the grappled condition. While the opponent is impaled, as an attack action you may make a grapple check on your turn at a -4 penalty to damage the opponent with your weapon, even if your weapon cannot normally be used in a grapple. (mod)


Hold the Blade

You can take your opponent’s weapon after being stabbed in the back. Whenever an enemy deals damage to you with a melee weapon as part of a flanking attack or sneak attack, you can make a combat maneuver check to disarm against that opponent as an immediate action. You must have at least one hand free when you use this feat. When you use this feat, you take a –4 penalty to your AC until your next turn. You can only use this feat once per round. (mod)


Hurricane Punch

Your fast strikes hit with the force of a hurricane, pushing your foes away. When you hit the same creature with unarmed strikes at least twice in the same round, you can attempt a bull rush combat maneuver against that creature as a swift action. Additionally, you can move with your bull rush target. (mod)



When you succeed at a sunder combat maneuver against a creature covered by the Divine Defiance feat, you can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize as a free action. This demoralization affects all enemies within 30 feet. (mod)


Improved Ki Throw

Your enemies are living weapons in your hands. When using the Ki Throw feat, you may throw your target into any square you threaten that is occupied by another creature. Make a bull rush combat maneuver check with a –4 penalty against the secondary target. If this check succeeds, the thrown creature lands prone in the secondary target’s square, while the secondary target is pushed back and knocked prone in an adjacent square. If the check fails, the thrown creature lands prone in the nearest square you threaten adjacent to the secondary target. A monk may take this as a bonus feat at 10th level. (mod)


Improved Parry

A flick of the wrist binds your opponent’s weapon. When you successfully parry a foe’s melee attack, your next melee attack against the target does not allow the enemy to apply its Dexterity bonus to AC (if any). This attack must be made before the end of your next turn. (mod)


In Harm’s Way

You put yourself in danger’s path to save your allies. You gain divine guardian (paladin) In Harm’s Way ability. (mod)


Jabbing Dancer

You’ve learned to bend and shift your body to avoid attacks and reposition yourself advantageously. While using Jabbing Style, you can move an additional 5 feet when making a 5-foot step. (mod)


Jabbing Master

Your quick punches become even more lethal. While using Jabbing Style, the extra damage you deal when you hit a single target with two unarmed strikes increases to 2d6, and the extra damage when you hit a single target with three or more unarmed strikes increases to 4d6. (mod)


Jabbing Style

A cluster of quick strikes deals more damage than a single roundhouse swing. When you hit a target with an unarmed strike and you have hit that target with an unarmed strike previously that round, you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage to that target. (mod)


Ki Throw

Your physical control and mastery of momentum allows you to throw enemies. On a successful unarmed trip attack against a target, before moving elsewhere you may throw the target prone in any square you threaten rather than its own square. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and you cannot throw the creature into a space occupied by other creatures. A monk may gain Ki Throw as a bonus feat at 10th level. (mod)


Kraken Style

You savagely squeeze and twist when grappling. When you succeed at a grapple check while using this style, your opponent takes an amount of bludgeoning damage equal to your Wisdom modifier in addition to any damage your grapple deals, such as when you choose to harm your opponent as part of a successful check to maintain a grapple. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks to maintain a grapple. (mod)


Kraken Wrack

You squeeze your opponent tightly enough to crush armor between you. The damage you deal with the Kraken Style feat on a successful grapple combat maneuver check increases to an amount equal to your Wisdom modifier + 4 force damage. While using this style, you can crush your opponent when you successfully maintain a grapple instead of choking, damaging, moving, pinning, or tying up your opponent. When you do, the target loses its bonuses from armor for 1 round. (mod)


Ladder Lock

When you successfully perform a dirty trick combat maneuver against an adjacent opponent with at least one hand free, you can trap your target’s limbs between the rungs of a ladder. Your target gains the entangled condition in addition to the normal condition imposed by your dirty trick, and for the same duration. (mod)


Lesser Spell Synthesis

Your skill in two different branches of magic allows you to combine your powers in unorthodox ways. Once per day as a full-round action, you can cast two spells, each from a different spellcasting class. Both spells must have a casting time of 1 standard action and must be a spell level equal to or lower than the level of spells you can prepare with the combined spells ability. You can make any decisions concerning the spells, such as the spells’ targets, independently. (mod)


Magic Trick (mage hand)

You are able to manipulate mage hand beyond its typical uses. You can use any magic tricks relating to mage hand so long as you meet the appropriate requirements, including Dirty Magic Trick (Improved Dirty Trick), Ranged Aid (base attack bonus +1), Throw Punch (Improved Unarmed Strike), Reaching Hand (Precise Shot or Reach Spell). (mod)


Magic Trick (shield)

You can grant your ally the benefit of your shield spell. You lose the spell’s benefits and your ally gains these benefits for the spell’s duration. (mod)


Master Training

Fighters that have the weapon master archetype can select advanced weapon training beginning at 4th level. A weapon master can select this feat as a bonus feat and it doesn’t count for the purpose of the requirement that it can be taken at most once per 5 fighter levels. (mod)


Medusa’s Wrath

You can take advantage of your opponent’s confusion, delivering multiple blows. Whenever you use the full-attack action and make at least one unarmed strike, you can make two additional unarmed strikes at your highest base attack bonus. These bonus attacks must be made against a dazed, flat-footed, paralyzed, staggered, stunned, or unconscious foe. (mod)


Minotaur’s Charge

Your charge sends foes reeling away, knocking them to the ground. When you hit an opponent with a charge attack, you might also initiate a bull rush as a free action. If you successfully push your opponent 15 feet or more, he is also knocked prone. (mod)


Panther Claw

You unleash a rapid series of blows on foes that attempt to attack you when you move. While using Panther Style, you can spend a free action, instead of spending a swift action, to make a retaliatory unarmed strike. You can make a number of retaliatory unarmed strikes on your turn equal to your Wisdom modifier. (mod)


Panther Parry

Your vicious strikes impair your foe’s ability to attack you when you move. While using Panther Style, your retaliatory unarmed strikes are resolved before the triggering attacks. If your retaliatory unarmed strike deals damage to an opponent, that opponent takes a –2 penalty on attack and damage rolls with the triggering attack of opportunity. (mod)


Panther Style

You can strike back at enemies who attack you when you move. While using this style, when an opponent makes an attack of opportunity against you for moving through a threatened square, you can spend a swift action to make a retaliatory unarmed strike attack against that opponent. Your attack is resolved after the triggering attack of opportunity. (mod)


Pinning Knockout

An opponent you have pinned is easy for you to knock out. While you have an opponent pinned, when you succeed at a grapple combat maneuver check to deal an opponent damage, double your damage result. (mod)


Pinning Rend

You tear flesh when you damage an opponent that you have pinned. While you have an opponent pinned, when you succeed at a grapple combat maneuver check to deal an opponent damage, they also take 3d6 bleed damage. (mod)


Quarterstaff Master

By employing a number of different stances and techniques, you can wield a quarterstaff as a one-handed weapon. (mod)


Quarterstaff Specialization

You gain the feat Weapon Specialization in the quarterstaff even if you have no levels in fighter. (mod)


Quick Bull Rush

You can barrel into your opponent and follow this with an attack. On your turn, you can perform a single bull rush combat maneuver in place of the next one of your melee full attacks. (mod)


Quick Dirty Trick

You can perpetrate a dirty trick and deliver an attack before your opponent is the wiser. On your turn, you can perform a single dirty trick combat maneuver in place of one of your melee attacks. (mod)


Raging Throw

You expend some of your rage to throw one opponent at another. While raging, when you attempt a bull rush combat maneuver, you can spend 1 additional round of your rage as a swift action to add your Constitution bonus on your combat maneuver check to the bull rush. Further, if you successfully bull rush an opponent, the creature takes bludgeoning damage equal to your Strength modifier + your Constitution modifier. (mod)


Ranged Disarm

A well-placed shot disarms your foe. As a full-round action, you can attempt to perform a disarm combat maneuver with any ranged weapon at a –2 penalty. Add your Dexterity modifier to your CMB in place of your Strength modifier. If your target is more than 30 feet away, you take an additional –2 penalty. If the disarm attempt is successful, the target also takes damage as if you had made a successful attack with that weapon. (mod)


Ranged Trip

A shot to the leg causes your foe to fall prone. As a full-round action, you can attempt to perform a trip combat maneuver with any ranged weapon at a –2 penalty. Add your Dexterity modifier to your CMB in place of your Strength modifier. If your target is more than 30 feet away, you take an additional –2 penalty. If the trip attempt is successful, the target also takes damage as if you had made a successful attack with that weapon. (mod)


Rapid Grappler

You are a quick hand at grappling. Whenever you use Greater Grapple to successfully maintain a grapple as a move action, you can then spend a swift action to make a grapple combat maneuver check at a –5 penalty. (mod)


Rhino Charge

Your charges are both violent and unpredictable. You may ready a charge as a standard action when not mounted, though you may only move up to your speed on the charge. (mod)


Ripple in Still Water

Your kineticist levels and your monk levels stack for determining the number of points in your ki pool each day and the base damage of your kinetic blasts. In addition, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity for using your kinetic blast while threatened. (mod)


Sacrificial Adept

The deaths of living, sentient creatures fuel your spells and heighten their potency. By partaking in a heinous ritual that takes at least 10 minutes to complete and which requires you to perform a successful coup de grace upon a sacrifice, you can enhance the power of your spells for the next 24 hours. Your sacrifice must be a party member, and it must die from your coup de grace; if it doesn’t die or comes back to life, you lose all benefits related to that sacrifice. After successfully performing the ritual, you gain a +2 bonus to any attack rolls and combat maneuvers made with your spells and a +2 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance for 24 hours. (mod)


Savage Slam

Using your lock on the enemy’s body, you forcefully hurl your opponent to the ground. When you begin your turn grappling an opponent, instead of attempting a combat maneuver check to maintain the grapple, you can try to viciously slam your opponent down. When you deal damage with a grapple combat maneuver check against the opponent, release your grapple and the opponent falls prone. (mod)


Seize the Opportunity

You possess an exceptional knack for exploiting sudden openings by your opponents. When you make an attack of opportunity, you can activate Vital Strike or attempt a learned combat maneuver (such as a bull rush, disarm or dirty trick) in place of your attack of opportunity. This feat does not allow you to move when it isn’t your turn. (mod)


Shadow Jump

a shadowdancer gains the ability to travel between shadows as if by means of a dimension door spell or the abundant step monk class feature. You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you gain 4 additional uses per day. (mod)


Shield Slam

In the right position, your shield can be used to send opponents flying. Any opponents hit by your shield bash are also targeted by a free bull rush attempt, substituting your attack roll for the combat maneuver roll. This bull rush attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity. (mod)


Shield Snag

You know how to navigate your shield around weapons and can use it to keep your balance. Any opponents hit by your shield bash are also targeted by a free disarm attempt, substituting your attack roll for the combat maneuver roll. This disarm attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity. (mod)


Smashing Style

Your hammer blows dent armor, hampering your opponent. While using this style, when you succeed at a sunder combat maneuver check against a suit of armor worn by an opponent, you can immediately attempt a bull rush or trip combat maneuver against that target with the same combat maneuver bonus. This maneuver does not provoke attacks of opportunity. (mod)


Snapping Turtle Clutch

Your unarmed style allows you to turn your opponent’s attack into an opportunity. While you are using the Snapping Turtle Style feat, the shield bonus the style grants to your AC applies to your CMD and touch AC. Whenever an opponent misses you with a melee attack while you are using the Snapping Turtle Style feat, you can once per round attempt a grapple combat maneuver against that opponent, but with a –2 penalty. (mod)


Snapping Turtle Shell

Your guarding hand is almost magical in its skill at deflecting incoming blows. While you are using the Snapping Turtle Style feat, the shield bonus the style grants to your AC increases to +2, and your enemies take a –4 penalty on critical confirmation rolls against you. (mod)


Snapping Turtle Style

Your deft unarmed style allows you to shield your body from harm. While using the Snapping Turtle Style feat, you gain a +1 shield bonus to AC. (mod)


Snatch Arrows

Instead of knocking an arrow or ranged attack aside, you can catch it in mid-flight. When using the Deflect Arrows feat you may choose to catch the weapon instead of just deflecting it. The ranged weapon can immediately be thrown back as an attack against the original attacker. (mod)


Spear Dancing Reach

While using Spear Dancing Style, you add 5 feet to your reach. (mod)


Spear Dancing Spiral

While using Spear Dancing Style, you gain the benefit of Weapon Finesse with these weapons. In addition, you can use Flurry of Blows, Stick-Fighting Counter and Stick-Fighting Maneuver with them. (mod)


Spear Dancing Style

While using this style, you can wield any weapon from the polearm or spear fighter weapon groups as a one-handed weapon. (mod)


Stag Horns

You’ve learned to gain the upper hand against your enemies by charging at them with feigned abandon, yet gaining a strong grip on them after attacking. While using Charging Stag Style, if you make a successful unarmed attack at the end of a charge, you can attempt a free grapple check against the target of your charge without provoking an attack of opportunity. (mod)


Stag Submission

You can quickly subdue an opponent you’ve charged using a special submission hold. When you are in Charging Stag Style and succeed at a combat maneuver check to pin a foe, you can choose to also knock the foe prone or to deal your attack damage to the foe. (mod)


Stick-Fighting Counter

Using stick-fighting techniques both defensively and offensively, you can turn your parries into counterattacks. While you are fighting defensively, you can prepare yourself to counter opponents you have attacked on that turn. Once per round, when that opponent attempts a melee attack against you and the attack misses, the attacker provokes an attack of opportunity from you, provided that it is within your threatened area. You must use a club, quarterstaff, dan bong, sap, or tonfa to perform the attack of opportunity. (mod)


Stick-Fighting Maneuver

Your attacks with sticks have become blindingly fast, and you can throw in a combat maneuver between your attacks. When making a full attack using only clubs, a quarterstaff, dan bongs, saps, or tonfas, you can perform a combat maneuver as an extra attack using your full base attack bonus. (mod)


Strike and Seize

As a standard action, you can make a single attack with your weapon and attempt to perform a disarm combat maneuver with your free hand, taking no penalties for two-weapon fighting. (mod)


Strike True

Rather than attempting a series of wild blows, you line up a perfect attack. You can focus yourself as a move action. When focused, you gain a +4 bonus on your next melee attack roll before the end of your turn. (mod)


Surprise Maneuver

Your maneuvers are devastating against disadvantaged foes. If you have sneak attack, when you attempt a combat maneuver check against a creature that you are flanking or that is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC against your attack, you opponent gain a penalty on the CMD check that’s equal to the number of sneak attack dice you roll. (mod)


Surprising Strategy

Your quick swordsmanship leaves your opponents struggling to predict your moves. In addition to the attack of opportunity you can make when you successfully parry an attack, you can attempt a dirty trick, disarm, or sunder combat maneuver with a +2 morale bonus without provoking an attack of opportunity against the creature whose attack you parry, so long as the creature is within reach. (mod)


Sweeping Disarm

When you knock a weapon from an opponent’s grasp, the errant weapon may disarm another foe. Whenever you succeed at a combat maneuver check to disarm an opponent, you can attempt a second disarm at a –5 penalty against an opponent adjacent to the original target. You need not be threatening the second target. You can attempt only one additional disarm combat maneuver check per round with this feat. (mod)


Throat Slicer

When using a one-handed, light, or natural weapon, you can deliver a coup de grace to an unconscious, bound, or pinned target as a standard action. (mod)


Tyrant’s Discipline

At 2nd level, a sanguine angel draws upon her indoctrination, tactical training, and devotion to tyranny to develop potent talents. A sanguine angel selects a discipline from the following list. (mod)


Unfair Grip

You learned to fight in places that have no rules of engagement, such as back alleys or fighting pits, and you can grab foes in ways that are difficult to escape. When you perform a grapple combat maneuver, you gain a +1 bonus on checks to maintain your grapple, and +1 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to grapple you. (mod)


Vindictive Fall

When a creature causes you to fall prone, such as with an effect or a spell (such as grease) or by succeeding at a combat maneuver to trip you, you can attempt a combat maneuver check to trip the closest enemy within your melee reach. (mod)


Wanderer’s Fortune

The promise of Elysium’s freedom liberates you from all forms of restraint, allowing you to move as you will and to avoid numerous kinds of restraints that would otherwise vex a traveler or explorer. As a swift action, you gain the benefits of freedom of movement for 1 round. You can use this feat’s benefit once per day, plus an additional time per day for every 5 ranks you have in Knowledge (arcana). (mod)


Wrist Grab

When an enemy overextends to attack you, you quickly catch its arm and knock its weapon loose. When an opponent’s attack misses you by 5 or more, you can attempt a disarm combat maneuver check against that foe. You can only use this feat once per round. (mod)



Deep Focus

You can psionically focus your subconscious in the same manner in which you gain psionic focus normally. At any time when you need to expend your psionic focus, you can expend your subconscious’s psionic focus instead. At any time when you need to maintain psionic focus for an effect, you can use your subconscious’s psionic focus instead. Psionically focusing your subconscious works just like focusing your conscious mind.


Extra Blade Skill

You gain an additional blade skill.


Greater Psionic Shot

When you use the Psionic Shot feat, your ranged attack deals an extra 2 points of damage instead of 1 point of damage while you maintain psionic focus, and deal an extra 4d6 points of damage instead of an extra 2d6 points when you expend your psionic focus.


Greater Psionic Weapon

When you use the Psionic Weapon feat, your attack deals an extra 2 points of damage instead of 1 point of damage while you maintain psionic focus, and deal an extra 4d6 points of damage instead of an extra 2d6 points when you expend your psionic focus.


Psionic Body

When you take this feat, you gain 2 hit points for each psionic feat you have (including this one). Whenever you take a new psionic feat, you gain 2 more hit points.

Psionic Body

Psionic Meditation

You can take a move action to become psionically focused.


Psionic Shot

While you maintain psionic focus, your attacks with a ranged weapon deal an extra 1 point of damage. Additionally, if you expend your psionic focus as part of an attack with a ranged weapon, that attack instead deals an extra 2d6 points of damage. You must decide whether or not to use this feat prior to making an attack. If your attack misses, you still expend your psionic focus.


Psionic Weapon

While you maintain psionic focus, your attacks with a melee weapon deal an extra 1 point of damage. Additionally, if you expend your psionic focus as part of an attack with a melee weapon, that attack instead deals an extra 2d6 points of damage. You must decide whether or not to use this feat prior to making an attack. If your attack misses, you still expend your psionic focus.


Wild Talent

Your latent power of psionics flares to life, conferring upon you the designation of a psionic character. As a psionic character, you gain a reserve of 2 power points and can take psionic feats, metapsionic feats, and psionic item creation feats. You do not, however, gain the ability to manifest powers simply by virtue of having this feat. Additionally, you can take this feat multiple times. The first, you gain 2 additional power points, every other time, you gain only one.


Way Of The Shield

Buckler Proficiency

You become proficient with Bucklers.


Friendly Fire Maneuvers

You and your teammates can anticipate one another’s ranged attacks and stay out of each other’s way.
Benefit(s): Allies who also have this feat cannot provide soft cover to enemies, allowing you to make attacks of opportunity against an enemy even if those allies would normally grant soft cover against your attacks. If an ally who also has this feat casts a spell that targets the area you are in which allows a Reflex saving throw to avoid the effect (such as fireball), you gain a +4 dodge bonus on that saving throw.


Improved Back to Back

Your ally’s eyes are your own, and your are his

Benefit: When you benefit from the Back to Back feat, enemies attacking you from behind are not granted +2 Concealment bonus to attack, you are not treated flat-footed when backstabbed.


Improved Outflank

You can easily find openings in your enemies’ defenses.
Benefit(s): Whenever you and an ally who also has this feat are threatening the same foe, you are considered to be flanking that foe if The angle between you is at least 60 degrees.
Normal: You must be positioned at an angle of at least 110 degrees relative to an ally to flank an opponent.


Low Profile

Yours small stature helps you avoid ranged attacks.
Benefit: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC against ranged attacks. In addition, you do not provide soft cover to creatures against ranged attacks.


Phalanx Formation

Benefit: When you wield a reach weapon with which you are proficient, allies don’t provide soft cover to opponents you attack with reach.
Normal: Attacking a target that is beyond another creature, even an ally, can result in the target having soft cover from you.


Shield Brace

You’ve mastered the art of balancing a polearm’s weight against a shield’s stability.
Benefit(s): You can use a two-handed weapon sized appropriately for you from the polearm or spears weapon group while also using a light, heavy, or tower shield with which you are proficient. The shield’s armor check penalty (if any) applies to attacks made with the weapon.
Note: Benefits of this feat do not apply during mounted combat.

Way of the Shield - Shield Brace feature blueprint

Shielded Mage

You have learned how to cast spells from behind the safety of a shield.
Benefit: You reduce the arcane spell failure of any shield you use by 15% (to a minimum of 0%).


Unhindering Shield

You are accustomed to fighting with your shield.
Benefit(s): You still gain a buckler’s bonus to AC even if you use your shield hand for some other purpose. When you wield a buckler, your shield hand is considered free for the purposes of casting spells, wielding weapons, and using any other abilities that require you to have a free hand or interact with your shield, such as the swashbuckler’s precise strike deed or the Weapon Finesse feat.
Special: A monk with this feat is not considered to be using a shield for the purposes of his AC bonus, fast movement, or flurry of blows.


Upsetting Shield Style

You can strike at weapons to upset enemy attacks.
Benefit(s): You can shield bash with a buckler as if it were a light shield, and you can use the buckler in conjunction with any feats or abilities that normally apply to light shields. While using this style, whenever you successfully deal damage to an opponent with a shield bash using your buckler, that opponent takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls made against you until the start of your next turn.

Upsetting Shield Style feature - Way of the Shield

Upsetting Strike

You can turn the tables on disoriented opponents.
Benefit(s): While you are using Upsetting Shield Style, if a foe makes a melee attack roll against you that misses your AC by 5 or more, and they have a penalty on attack rolls against you caused by this style, that foe provokes an attack of opportunity from you.
You can only make one attack of opportunity against an opponent in this manner each round.


Upsetting Vengeance

You punish those who fail to press their attack.
Benefit(s): While using Upsetting Shield Style, the penalty on attack rolls foes take for being hit by your shield bash attack applies to their attacks against any target. If an adjacent foe taking this penalty makes an attack roll against any target and misses the target’s AC by 5 or more, that foe provokes an attack of opportunity from you. You can only make one attack of opportunity against an opponent as a result of this feat or Upsetting Strike each round.

Upsetting Vengeance feature - Way of the Shield


Greater Spring Attack

When you use Spring Attack, you can select three targets to attack during your movement instead of one. The second attack made this way is made at your full base attack bonus – 5, and the third attack made this way is made at your full base attack bonus – 10. All restrictions of Spring Attack apply to each target, and your movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity from any of your targets. You can’t target the same creature more than once.


Improved Spring Attack

When you use Spring Attack, you can select two targets to attack during your movement instead of one. The second attack made this way is made at your full base attack bonus – 5. All restrictions of Spring Attack apply to both targets, and your movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity from either target. You can’t target the same creature twice.


Lightning Stance

If you move atleast 60 feet in a turn, you gain 50% concealment for 1 round.


Spring Attack

As a full-round action, you can move up to your speed and make a single melee attack without provoking any attacks of opportunity from the target of your attack. You can move both before and after the attack, but you must move at least 10 feet before the attack and the total distance that you move cannot be greater than your speed. You cannot use this ability to attack a foe that is adjacent to you at the start of your turn.


Spring-Heeled Reaping

You can apply the benefits of Vital Strike when using Spring Attack. If you have Improved or Greater Vital Strike, instead apply their benefits when using Spring Attack.


Style Mastery

You can have two combat styles active at once.


Swordplay Style

While using this style and wielding a weapon from the heavy blades or light blades fighter weapon groups and fighting defensively or using the Combat Expertise feat, you gain a +1 shield bonus to your Armor Class. In addition, you do not take the penalty on melee attacks from Combat Expertise on the first attack roll you make each turn. You still take the penalty on additional attacks, including attacks of opportunity.


Swordplay Upset

While using Swordplay Style, you can attempt a feint against an opponent that makes a melee attack against you and misses.


Wind Stance

If you move atleast 10 feet in a turn, you gain 20% concealment for 1 round against ranged attacks.


Tabletop Tweaks Base

Ability Focus — Stunning Fist

Add +2 to the DC for the effects you deliver with your Stunning Fist.


Accursed Hex

When you target a creature with a hex that cannot target the same creature more than once per day, and that creature succeeds at its saving throw against the hex’s effect, you can target the creature with the same hex a second time before the end of your next turn. If the second attempt fails, you can make no further attempts to target that creature with the same hex for 1 day.


Advanced Armor Training

Select one advanced armor training option.


Advanced Armor Training

Select one advanced armor training option.


Advanced Armor Training

Select one advanced armor training option.


Advanced Armor Training

Select one advanced armor training option.


Advanced Armor Training

Select one advanced armor training option.


Advanced Armor Training

Select one advanced armor training option.


Animal Ally

You gain an animal companion as if you were a druid of your character level –3. Unlike normal animals of its kind, an animal companion’s Hit Dice, abilities, skills, and feats advance as you advance in level.


Arcane Discovery

Wizards spend much of their lives seeking deeper truths, hunting knowledge as if it were life itself. The wizard’s power is not necessarily the spells he wields; spells are merely the outward, most visible manifestation of that power. A wizard’s true power is in his fierce intelligence, his dedication to his craft, and his ability to peel back the surface truths of reality to understand the fundamental underpinnings of existence. A wizard spends much of his time researching spells, and would rather find an undiscovered library than a room full of gold. A wizard need not be a reclusive bookworm, but he must have a burning curiosity for the unknown. Arcane discoveries are the results of this obsession with magic.
A wizard can learn an arcane discovery in place of a regular feat or wizard bonus feat.


Armor Mastery

Armor mastery feats are a new type of feat that require armor training as a prerequisite. They count as combat feats for all purposes, including which classes can select them as bonus feats. You gain the benefits of an armor mastery feat only while wearing armor with which you are proficient and only while wearing a type of armor that matches the feat’s armor proficiency feat prerequisite, if any. Armor mastery feats without armor proficiency prerequisites can be used while wearing any suit of armor. Characters who lack the armor training class feature can access armor mastery feats by taking a relevent Armor Focus feat.


Celestial Servant

Your animal companion, familiar, or mount gains the celestial template and becomes a magical beast, though you may still treat it as an animal when using Handle Animal, wild empathy, or any other spells or class abilities that specifically affect animals.
Creature gains spell resistance equal to its level + 5. It also gains:
1 — 4 HD: resistance 5 to cold, acid, and electricity.
5 — 10 HD: resistance 10 to cold, acid, and electricity, DR 5/evil
11+ HD: resistance 15 to cold, acid, and electricity, DR 10/evil
Smite Evil (Su): Once per day, the celestial creature may smite a evil-aligned creature. As a swift action, the creature chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is evil, the creature adds its Charisma bonus (if any) to attack rolls and gains a damage bonus equal to its HD against that foe. This effect persists until the target is dead or the creature rests.


Chain Challenge

You feed off the rush of victory over your enemies, and channel that fervor into battle.
Benefit(s): When the target of your challenge ability is killed or knocked unconscious, you can declare a new challenge on the nearest target within 30 feet as a free action.
If you declare a new challenge using this feat, it doesn’t count against your total daily uses of challenge. You can chain together a number of challenges beyond the first equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum 1).


Dervish Dance

When wielding a scimitar with one hand, you can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on melee attack and damage rolls. You treat the scimitar as a one-handed piercing weapon for all feats and class abilities that require such a weapon (such as a duelist’s precise strike ability). The scimitar must be for a creature of your size. You cannot use this feat if you are carrying a weapon or shield (other than a buckler) in your off hand.


Dispel Focus

You are skilled at the art of dispelling.
Whenever you attempt a dispel check based on your caster level, you gain a +2 bonus on the check.


Erastil’s Blessing

Your deity grants you prowess with a bow that far exceeds your own physical capabilities.
You can use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier on ranged attack rolls when using a bow.


Expanded Spell Kenning

You are learned in a broader range of spell traditions than most.
When you use your spell kenning class feature, you can select a spell from either the druid or the witch spell list.


Extra Arcanist Exploit

You gain one additional arcanist exploit. You must meet the prerequisites for this arcanist exploit.
You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you gain another arcanist exploit.


Extra Ki

Your ki pool increases by 2.
You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.


Extra Reservoir

You gain 3 more points in your arcane reservoir, and the maximum number of points in your arcane reservoir increases by that amount.
You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.


Extra Revelation

You gain one additional revelation. You must meet all of the prerequisites for this revelation.
You can gain Extra Revelation multiple times.


Graceful Athlete

Add your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength bonus to Athletics checks. This feat grants no benefit to creatures that already add their Dexterity modifier to Athletics checks (such as all Tiny or smaller creatures).


Greater Dispel Focus

You are a master of the art of dispelling.
Whenever you attempt a dispel check based on your caster level, you gain a +2 bonus to the check. This stacks with the bonus from Dispel Focus.


Greater Spell Specialization

By sacrificing a prepared spell of the same or higher level than your specialized spell, you may spontaneously cast your specialized spell. The specialized spell is treated as its normal level, regardless of the spell slot used to cast it. You may add a metamagic feat to the spell by increasing the spell slot and casting time, just like a cleric spontaneously casting a cure or inflict spell with a metamagic feat.


Horse Master

You blend horsemanship skills from disparate traditions into a seamless mounted combat technique.
Use your character level to determine your effective druid level for determining the powers and abilities of your mount.


Improved Channel

Add 2 to the DC of saving throws made to resist the effects of your channel energy ability.


Improved Natural Attack

Attacks made by one of this creature’s natural attacks leave vicious wounds.
Choose one of the creature’s natural attack forms. The damage for this natural attack increases by one step, as if the creature’s size had increased by one category.


Improved Stalwart

Double the DR you gain from Stalwart, to a maximum of DR 10/—.


Lunging Spell Touch

You can increase the reach of your spells’ melee touch attacks by 5 feet until the end of your turn by taking a –2 penalty to your AC until your next turn. You must decide to use this ability before you attempt any attacks on your turn.


Magic Trick (Fireball)

Cluster Bomb: You are able to throw multiple small explosions with a single spell instead of the normal effect. For every 2 caster levels, you toss a miniature fireball with a 10-foot radius that deals 2d6 points of fire damage. A creature attempts a single Reflex save against the combined damage.


Magical Aptitude

You are skilled at spellcasting and using magic items.
You get a +2 bonus on Knowledge (Arcana) and Use Magic Device skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.


Mantis Style

You have learned to target vital areas with crippling accuracy.
You gain one additional Stunning Fist attempt per day. While using this style, you gain a +2 bonus to the DC of effects you deliver with your Stunning Fist.


Mantis Torment

Your knowledge of the mysteries of anatomy allows you to cause debilitating pain with a simple touch.
You gain one additional Stunning Fist attempt per day. While using Mantis Style, you make an unarmed attack that expends two daily attempts of your Stunning Fist. If you hit, your opponent must succeed at a saving throw against your Stunning Fist or become dazzled and staggered with crippling pain until the start of your next turn, and at that point the opponent becomes fatigued.


Mantis Wisdom

Your knowledge of vital areas allows you to land debilitating strikes with precision.
Treat half your levels in classes other than monk as monk levels for determining effects you can apply to a target of your Stunning Fist per the Stunning Fist monk class feature. While using Mantis Style, you gain a +2 bonus on unarmed attack rolls with which you are using Stunning Fist attempts.


Metamagic (Burning Spell)

You cause creatures to take extra damage when you affect them with a spell that has the acid or fire descriptor.
Benefit: The acid or fire effects of the affected spell adhere to the creature, causing more damage the next round. When a creature takes acid or fire damage from the affected spell, that creature takes damage equal to 2x the spell’s actual level at the start of its next turn. The damage is acid or fire, as determined by the spell’s descriptor.
Level Increase: +2 (a burning spell uses up a slot two levels higher than the spell’s actual level.)


Metamagic (Elemental Spell)

You can manipulate the elemental nature of your spells.
Benefit: Choose one energy type: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. You may replace a spell’s normal damage with that energy type or split the spell’s damage, so that half is of that energy type and half is of its normal type.
Level Increase: +1 (an elemental spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.)
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you must choose a different energy type.


Metamagic (Encouraging Spell)

Your inspiration provides your allies with greater support.
Benefit: Any morale bonus granted by an encouraging spell is increased by 1.
Level Increase: +1 (an encouraging spell uses up a spell slot 1 level higher than the spell’s actual level.)


Metamagic (Flaring Spell)

You dazzle creatures when you affect them with a spell that has the fire, light, or electricity descriptor.
Benefit: The electricity, fire, or light effects of the affected spell create a flaring that dazzles creatures that take damage from the spell. A flaring spell causes a creature that takes fire or electricity damage from the affected spell to become dazzled for a number of rounds equal to the actual level of the spell.
A flaring spell only affects spells with a fire, light, or electricity descriptor.
Level Increase: +1 (a flaring spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.)


Metamagic (Intensified Spell)

Your spells can go beyond several normal limitations.
Benefit: An intensified spell increases the maximum number of damage dice by 5 levels. You must actually have sufficient caster levels to surpass the maximum in order to benefit from this feat. No other variables of the spell are affected, and spells that inflict damage that is not modified by caster level are not affected by this feat.
Level Increase: +1 (an intensified spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.)


Metamagic (Piercing Spell)

Your studies have helped you develop methods to overcome spell resistance.
Benefit: When you cast a piercing spell against a target with spell resistance, it treats the spell resistance of the target as 5 lower than its actual SR.
Level Increase: +1 (a piercing spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.)


Metamagic (Rime Spell)

Creatures damaged by your spells with the cold descriptor become entangled.
Benefit: The frost of your cold spell clings to the target, impeding it for a short time. A rime spell causes creatures that takes cold damage from the spell to become entangled for a number of rounds equal to the original level of the spell.
This feat only affects spells with the cold descriptor.
Level Increase: +1 (a rime spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.)


Metamagic (Solid Shadows)

Your shadowy illusions are more potent.
Benefit: When casting a shadow spell, that spell is 20% more real than normal.
Level Increase: +1 (a solid shadows spell uses up a spell slot 1 level higher than the spell’s actual level.)


Mounted Skirmisher

If your mount moves its speed or less, you can still take a full-attack action.


Mutated Shape

Your wild shape form gains an additional appendage you can use to attack your foes.
When you use wild shape, you gain an additional primary slam attack. This slam can be used as part of a full attack using your highest base attack bonus, and it deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage. This lasts for as long as you stay in the form taken with wild shape.


Nature’s Soul

You are innately in tune with nature and venerate the power and mystery of the natural world.
You get a +2 bonus on all Lore (Nature) checks and Perception checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.


Quick Channel

You may channel energy as a move action by spending 2 daily uses of that ability.


Quick Draw

You can draw a weapon as a free action instead of as a move action.


Quicken Blessing

You can deliver one of your blessings with greater speed.
Choose one of your blessings that normally requires a standard action to use. You can expend two of your daily uses of blessings to deliver that blessing (regardless of whether it’s a minor or major effect) as a swift action instead.


Riving Strike

When you infuse your weapon with arcane might, your attacks make foes more susceptible to magic.
Benefit: If you have a weapon that is augmented by your Arcane Strike feat, when you damage a creature with an attack made with that weapon, that creature takes a –2 penalty on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. This effect lasts for 1 round.



You have graduated from one of the many colleges, universities, and specialized schools of higher learning scattered throughout the Inner Sea region.
You get a +2 bonus on Knowledge (Arcana) and Knowledge (World) skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.



You know how to get along in the wild and how to effectively treat wounds.
You get a +2 bonus on Lore (Nature) and Lore (Religion) skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.


Shield Mastery

To some combatants shields are just as important, if not more so, than weapons or armor. Shields are multipurpose, capable of defense or offense. They slide on and off far faster than armor, and allow adventurers to change their tactics on a whim. A handful of specialists train to maximize a shield’s use in battle. Presented here are new feats categorized as shield mastery feats, each requiring Shield Focus as a prerequisite. Characters with the armor training class feature can ignore the Shield Focus feat as a prerequisite for shield mastery feats.Shield mastery feats count as combat feats for all purposes, including which classes can select them as bonus feats. You gain the benefits of a shield mastery feat only while wielding a shield with which you are proficient.


Shingle Runner

Many of those who dwell among the rooftops become skillful at making bounding leaps and clambering up steep surfaces, and learn how to land more safely when they fall.
You get a +2 bonus on Athletics and Mobility skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.


Split Hex

You can split the effect of one of your targeted hexes, affecting another creature you can see.
When you use one of your hexes (not a major hex or a grand hex) that targets a single creature, you can cast the hex again as a free action.


Split Major Hex

You can split the effect of one of your targeted hexes, affecting another creature you can see.
When you use one of your major hexes (not a grand hex) that targets a single creature, you can cast the hex again as a free action.



While fighting defensively or using Combat Expertise, you can forgo the dodge bonus to AC you would normally gain to instead gain an equivalent amount of DR, to a maximum of DR 5/—, until the start of your next turn. This damage reduction stacks with DR you gain from class features, such as the barbarian’s, but not with DR from any other source.


Street Smarts

You are able to navigate the streets and personalities of whatever locale you run across.
You get a +2 bonus on Knowledge (World) and Perception skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.


Trick Riding

You can make a check using Mounted Combat to negate a hit on your mount twice per round instead of just once.


Two-Weapon Defense

You are skilled at defending yourself while dual-wielding.
When wielding a double weapon or two weapons (not including natural weapons or unarmed strikes), you gain a +1 shield bonus to your AC. When you are fighting defensively this shield bonus increases to +2.


Undersized Mount

You can ride creatures equal to your own size category instead of only creatures larger than you.


Varisian Tattoo

You bear intricate tattoos that inspire and empower your natural magic ability. These tattoos mark you as a worker of the ancient traditions of Varisian magic. A Varisian tattoo typically consists of a long string of complex characters from the Thassilonian alphabet.
Select a school of magic in which you have Spell Focus. Spells from this school are cast at +1 caster level.


Tabletop Tweaks Flanking

Gang Up

You are adept at using greater numbers against foes.
Benefit: You are considered to be flanking an opponent if at least two of your allies are threatening that opponent, regardless of your actual positioning.
Normal: You must be positioned opposite an ally to flank an opponent.


Improved Outflank

You can easily find openings in your enemies’ defenses.
Benefit: Whenever you and an ally who also has this feat are threatening the same foe, you are considered to be flanking if you are at least perpendicular with your ally.
Normal: You must be positioned opposite an ally to flank an opponent.


Pack Flanking

You and your companion creature are adept at fighting together against foes.
Benefit: When you and your companion creature have this feat, and you both threaten the same opponent, you are both considered to be flanking that opponent, regardless of your actual positioning.
Normal: You must be positioned opposite an ally to flank an opponent.


Tome Of The Firebird

Ability Focus - Breath Weapons

Add +2 to breath weapon DCs


Ancestral Scorn

The fury you harbor for your fiendish ancestors gives evil outsiders great reason to fear you.
Benefit: Whenever you successfully demoralize an outsider of the evil subtype with an Intimidate check, it becomes sickened for 1 round in addition to being affected by the normal effects of being demoralized. If you beat the DC by 5 or more, the creature is nauseated for 1 round instead.


Armor Of The Pit

You gain a +2 natural armor bonus.
Special: If you have the scaled skin racial trait, you instead gain +1 natural armor and resistance 5 to two of the following energy types that you don’t have resistance to already: cold, electricity, and fire


Burn Resistance

You can consider your character level to be two levels lower to determine the penalties you take from your burn class feature.


Coordinated Shot

If your ally with this feat is threatening an opponent and is not providing cover to that opponent against your ranged attacks, you gain a +1 bonus on ranged attacks against that opponent. If your ally with this feat is flanking that opponent with another ally (even if that other ally doesn’t have this feat), this bonus increases to +2.


Discordant Song

Whenever you are using bardic performance to create a spell-like or supernatural effect, allies within 30 feet of you deal an extra 1d6 points of sonic damage with successful weapon attacks. This damage stacks with other energy damage a weapon might deal. Projectile weapons bestow this extra damage on their ammunition, but the extra damage is dealt only if the projectile hits a target within 30 feet of you.


Extended Buffer

You may increase the amount of burn you can store within your Internal Buffer class feature by 1.
Special: This feat may be taken once at 7th level, and again at 13th and 19th.


Extra Burn

You can accept an additional 2 burn per day.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; its effects stack.


Extra Burn (Psychokineticist)

You can accept an additional 2 burn per day.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; its effects stack.


Lastwall Phalanx

You gain a sacred bonus to your AC against the attacks of evil creatures and a sacred bonus to saves against the spells and abilities of evil creatures equal to the number of adjacent allies who also have this feat.


Metamagic (Twin Spell)

You can modify a spell to strike twice.
Benefit: The spell takes effect twice in the same area or on the same target simultaneously. Any variable characteristics or decisions you would make about the spell (including target and area), are applied to both spells, with affected creatures receiving all the effects of each spell individually (including getting two saving throws if applicable). A spell whose effects wouldn’t stack if it was cast twice under normal circumstances will create redundant effects if successfully twinned. Note that
Level Increase: +4.
Many (but not all) buff and debuff spells will not benefit from being twinned, even at the level of needing to be dispelled twice, because of implementation details.


Prodigious Two-Weapon Fighting

You may fight with a one-handed weapon in your offhand as if it were a light weapon. In addition, you may use your Strength score instead of your Dexterity score for the purpose of qualifying for Two-Weapon Fighting and any feats with Two-Weapon Fighting as a prerequisite.


Sundering Strike

Whenever you score a critical hit with a melee attack, you can sunder your opponent’s weapon, in addition to the normal damage dealt by the attack. If your confirmation roll exceeds your opponent’s CMD, you may deal damage to your opponent’s weapon as if from the sunder combat maneuver (roll normal damage to the weapon separately). This does not provoke an attack of opportunity.


Swarm Strike

Whenever a foe provokes an attack of opportunity from you, you gain a +1 bonus on your attack roll, plus an additional +1 bonus for each ally who also has this feat and currently threatens that foe.


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