Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Mod Blueprint Database

Project maintained by alterasc Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Mythic Abilities

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Abundant Sin

You have found a way to force dark powers to grant you additional uses of the Sinful Absolution ability.
Benefit: You can use Sinful Absolution a number of additional times per day equal to half your mythic rank.


Cruel Master

You have found a way to force dark powers to grant you the ability to apply one additional cruelty when using profane corruption.
Benefit: You can select one additional cruelty to use with profane corruption.


Impossible Subdomain

Your mastery over domains grants you access to more niche areas of divine power.


Mythic Charged by Nature

Mythic power allows you further access to the power of the spirits.
You select a second mystery from charged by nature, getting all its benefits.


Mythical Drake

Your mythic powers unlock the latent draconic might in your drake companion, granting it new abilities based off its own Drake Power choices.
If your drake has a greater breath weapon it gains access to the mythic variant, dealing 1d6 damage per class level. It also deals no damage to allies.
If your drake has the draken claws ability it gains 2 natural wing attacks and the Multiattack feat.
If your drake has the keen mind ability it gains a Charisma bonus equal to its level minus 5, along with a limited spellbook. Spells granted this way are spontaneously cast and scale using Charisma. Spells granted are dependent on which type of dragon the drake is descended from.


Second Mystery (Ocean’s Echo)

You opened your mind and soul to learn the secrets of a second mystery.
Benefit: You gain a second Oracle Mystery.
A ocean’s echo adds Persuasion, Knowledge (world) and Lore (nature) to her list of class skills. These replace the additional class skills from her mystery.


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