Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Mod Blueprint Database

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Dread Knight

Although it is a rare occurrence, paladins do sometimes stray from the path of righteousness. Most of these wayward holy warriors seek out redemption and forgiveness for their misdeeds, regaining their powers through piety, charity, and powerful magic. Yet there are others, the dark and disturbed few, who turn actively to evil, courting the dark powers they once railed against in order to take vengeance on their former brothers. It’s said that those who climb the farthest have the farthest to fall, and tyrants are living proof of this fact, their pride and hatred blinding them to the glory of their forsaken patrons.
Dread Knights become the antithesis of their former selves. They make pacts with fiends, take the lives of the innocent, and put nothing ahead of their personal power and wealth. Champions of evil, they often lead armies of evil creatures and work with other villains to bring ruin to the holy and tyranny to the weak. Not surprisingly, paladins stop at nothing to put an end to such nefarious antiheroes.




While paladins often collaborate with less righteous adventurers in order to further their causes, those who spend too much time around companions with particularly loose morals run the risk of adopting those same unscrupulous ideologies and methods. Such an Oathbreaker, as these fallen paladins are known, strikes out for retribution and revenge, far more interested in tearing down those who have harmed her or her companions than furthering a distant deity’s cause.




The empyreal lord Pulura, the Shimmering Maiden, is said to dance among the lights of the aurora. Some of her worshipers seek her guidance in the starry skies, attuning themselves to the constellations of the Cosmic Caravan. Beyond the stargazers’ interests in the heavens, though, they also train for the inevitable conflict with demons. Pulura’s bastion of worship in the Inner Sea region has traditionally been in the land of Sarkoris, which was consumed from within by the Worldwound at the advent of the Age of Lost Omens. Many of Pulura’s worshipers perished during that disastrous invasion from the Abyss, but those who survived remained behind and, over the past several decades, have grown in power.


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