Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Mod Blueprint Database

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Mindchemist (Alchemist)

While most alchemists use mutagens to boost their physical ability at the cost of mental ability, some use alchemy for the opposite purpose—to boost the power of the mind and memory. A mindchemist can reach incredible levels of mental acuity, but suffers lingering debilitating effects to his physique.


Draconic Scholar (Arcanist)

The unique spellcasting style of dragons is the subject of many scholars. Some arcanists see the combination of natural and learned spellcasting as similar enough to their own, and decide to pair with a draconic charge to further their knowledge of the arcane.


Drake Rider (Cavalier)

While many cavaliers dream of riding a dragon into battle, drake riders come to learn that the reality involves far more effort than they had expected. Unlike other cavaliers, drake riders must train their mounts from hatchlings, fighting and toiling alongside their drakes through countless struggles before the proud dragons are willing to accept them as riders.


Divine Scourge (Cleric)

Some divine servants take on the role of dealing out unique punishments on behalf of their deities, taking pleasure in carrying out their sacrosanct duties. Divine scourges make a point of inflicting long-lasting maladies and curses on those deserving of such fates under the tenets of the scourges’ religions.


Bear Totem Druid (Druid)

A druid whose focus calls upon the mighty bear, titan of the woodlands and mountains, a paragon of strength and ferocity, and yet also a quiet protector rich in wisdom.


Draconic Druid (Druid)

Some druids believe that dragons are the ultimate expression of nature, combining elemental fury with majestic beauty. These druids consort with dragons and eventually transform into draconic forms.


Lion Totem Druid (Druid)

A druid with this totem calls upon the proud lion, imposing and majestic, the mighty leader of deadly hunters.


Mooncaller (Druid)

A mooncaller is bound to the subtle influences of the ever-changing moon and its endless cycles from light to dark and back again.


Storm Druid (Druid)

While most druids focus their attention upon the rich earth and the bounty of nature that springs forth from it, the storm druid’s eyes have ever been cast to the skies and the endless expanse of blue, channeling the most raw and untamed aspects of nature.


Treesinger (Druid)

Elves live far longer than other common races, and a single elf may see whole empires rise and fall. Given the impermanence of the cultures around them, it’s small wonder that some elves turn to the timeless growth of nature for solace, finding allies among the great trees themselves, and even leading the forest’s plants into combat.


Urban Druid (Druid)

While many druids keep to the wilderness, some make their way within settlements, communing with the animals and vermin who live there and speaking for the nature that runs rampant in civilization’s very cradle.


Archer (Fighter)

The archer is dedicated to the careful mastery of the bow, perfecting his skills with years of practice honed day after day on ranges and hunting for game, or else on the battlefield, raining destruction down on the enemy lines.


Child of Acavna and Amaznen (Fighter)

The child of Acavna and Amaznen has trained in the nearly forgotten arts of Azlant passed down by Aroden, which combine martial prowess with elementary wizardry. Inspired by the deities Aroden once worshiped long ago, children of Acavna and Amaznen strive to understand the dangers of the world and overcome them with knowledge and strength of arms.


Spear Fighter (Fighter)

The spear is one of the oldest weapons known to most humanoid races, and no weapon has seen as much use. Many martial arts traditions consider the spear to be the ultimate weapon.


Plant Master (Hunter)

Some hunters form a bond with plant life instead of an animal and take on those aspects instead. These hunters form potent bonds with plant creatures, and their leafy or fungal friends are more than capable of anything another hunter’s animal allies can accomplish.


Skulking Hunter (Hunter)

Skulking hunters use their magic to lie in wait for their prey, ambushing them with a decisive, fatal strike.


Ravener Hunter (Inquisitor)

Throughout the Mwangi Expanse, cults of Angazhan pollute the pristine jungle with demonic influence and wanton bloodshed. For generations, the catfolk of Murraseth have viewed such faiths with loathing and hatred, and they believe it is their sacred duty to hunt down the followers of the Ravener King and expel them from the Material Plane.


Sworn of the Eldest (Inquisitor)

Although the Eldest rarely have adherents as other deities do, they still occasionally require mortal agents to advance their aims. Sworn of the Eldest consider their chosen Eldest to be akin to powerful patrons or fey royalty and serve them faithfully.


Ocean’s Echo (Oracle)

Although many merfolk claim deep connections to both art and the natural world, a rare few merfolk can manipulate the forces of nature and weave them into song. An ocean’s echo is a merfolk gifted with the powers of an oracle and a singing voice that evokes the legendary tales of merfolk virtuosos.


Silver Champion (Paladin)

Paladins who serve as priests of Apsu are almost always on the move, wandering from place to place and trying to show their dedication to the Waybringer in their deeds rather than depending on mere words. More rarely a drake is so inspired by a paladin of Apsu that it chooses to assist the paladin in all her actions. These drake allies see the benefit of a silver champion remaining mobile and understand the powerful threats the champion must face, and in time even consent to serve their chosen paladins as a companion.


Temple Champion (Paladin)

A temple champion is a powerful warrior dedicated to a good or lawful deity. She thinks of herself primarily as a servant of her deity and secondarily as an agent of her deity’s church. She has a refined understanding of a specific aspect of that faith and gives up standard paladin spellcasting in favor of a warpriest’s domain-based blessings and granted powers.


Divine Tracker (Ranger)

Blessed by his deity, a divine tracker hunts down those he deems deserving of his retribution. His weapon is likely to find purchase in his favored enemy.


Drake Warden (Ranger)

Some rangers specialize in dealing with rambunctious younger drakes, protecting them and teaching them to tolerate, and even trust, humanoid creatures. These drake wardens follow and pass along secret techniques for raising drakes effectively, and thanks to their methods, their drakes are both fiercely loyal and extremely useful for scouting and stealth missions.


Clutch Thief (Rogue)

Whether to stop it falling into the wrong hands, or to hold the power for themselves, it is common for an aspiring thief to see a drake egg as a valuable score. Less common is for the egg to hatch while in the thieves care. With a bit of knowledge borrowed from the drake wardens on raising young drakes, the clutch thief gains a new and interesting partner in crime.


Draconic Shaman (Shaman)

Shaman often have strong ties to dragon gods and imperial dragons who act as mentors. Some of these shamans draw their powers from the might of dragons, rather than from spirits. These shamans each gain a powerful drake as an ally and view caring for that drake as a sacred duty.


Wyrm Singer (Skald)

Wyrm singers spin fragments of the story of the ongoing struggle between noble Apsu and wicked Dahak.


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