Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Mod Blueprint Database

Project maintained by alterasc Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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Adept Demonology

You may now summon lesser demons, ranging from Abrikandilu’s, Vermleks, and Schirs, to the very powerful Brimorak, Babau, and Incubus. Once again, the creatures are under your control and obey your commands to the best of their abilities, and you may telepathically impart tactics.


Apprentice Demonology

Allows you to summon demons of the lowest rank, the Dretch and the Quasit, as well as half demon Cambions. These creatures obey your commands to the best of their ability, and you may telepathically command them to move and use their spellike abilities in the way you see fit. However, bringing any sort of demon to the material plane is an evil and corrupting act. Using these abilities corrupts the soul towards chaos and evil.


Greater Augment Summoning

Your increased power now allows you to summon even more powerful creatures. They gain +12 enhancement bonus to STR, DEX, CON, as well as +6 to attack bonus, all saving throws, AC, and immunity to fear.


Improved Augment Summoning

Your increased power now allows you to summon even more powerful creatures. They gain +8 enhancement bonus to STR, DEX, CON, as well as +4 to attack bonus, all saving throws, AC, and immunity to fear.


Master Demonology

Your increased power now allows you to summon the most powerful lesser demons, and some major ones.The Shadow Demon, the Succubus, the Nabasu, the greatest lesser demons are bent to your will. Hatefully, the Derakni, Kalavakus, and Gibrileth, also obey your commands.They hate you, but cannot resist your commands.You may also summon the retriever living construct.Once again, they all follow your telepathic commands to the best of their considerable abilities.


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