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Dread Knight

Although it is a rare occurrence, paladins do sometimes stray from the path of righteousness. Most of these wayward holy warriors seek out redemption and forgiveness for their misdeeds, regaining their powers through piety, charity, and powerful magic. Yet there are others, the dark and disturbed few, who turn actively to evil, courting the dark powers they once railed against in order to take vengeance on their former brothers. It’s said that those who climb the farthest have the farthest to fall, and tyrants are living proof of this fact, their pride and hatred blinding them to the glory of their forsaken patrons.
Dread Knights become the antithesis of their former selves. They make pacts with fiends, take the lives of the innocent, and put nothing ahead of their personal power and wealth. Champions of evil, they often lead armies of evil creatures and work with other villains to bring ruin to the holy and tyranny to the weak. Not surprisingly, paladins stop at nothing to put an end to such nefarious antiheroes.




While paladins often collaborate with less righteous adventurers in order to further their causes, those who spend too much time around companions with particularly loose morals run the risk of adopting those same unscrupulous ideologies and methods. Such an Oathbreaker, as these fallen paladins are known, strikes out for retribution and revenge, far more interested in tearing down those who have harmed her or her companions than furthering a distant deity’s cause.




The empyreal lord Pulura, the Shimmering Maiden, is said to dance among the lights of the aurora. Some of her worshipers seek her guidance in the starry skies, attuning themselves to the constellations of the Cosmic Caravan. Beyond the stargazers’ interests in the heavens, though, they also train for the inevitable conflict with demons. Pulura’s bastion of worship in the Inner Sea region has traditionally been in the land of Sarkoris, which was consumed from within by the Worldwound at the advent of the Age of Lost Omens. Many of Pulura’s worshipers perished during that disastrous invasion from the Abyss, but those who survived remained behind and, over the past several decades, have grown in power.


Homebrew Archetypes


Adepts are spellcasters who can channel divine powers. Despite drawing their power from the same sources, adepts are not as powerful as either clerics or druids, and even the most powerful adept has access to spells of only middling power. They can, however, summon familiars in a manner similar to wizards.



Aristocrats form the social elite of a nation, though they are not necessarily born into the nobility. They tend to focus on social skills and courtly intrigue, and some even master the arts of stealth to help further their decadent intrigues. The best example of the aristocrat is the decadent nobility of Taldor forever competing in endless intrigues and indulging in wild decadence much to the chagrin of their lower-class countrymen.



A champion serves as a beacon of hope or fear in the chaos of battle. Deadly opponents of the forces of good or evil these ideal knights are masters of magic and martial skill defending their allies and slaughtering their foes.



Commoners represent every non-expert worker and labourer, such as bartenders and farmers. Commoners comprise at least a plurality of the population.



Experts are highly skilled people, such as scholars, artisans, and crafters.


Freedom Fighter

Freedom Fighters are an anomaly created by the natural luck of halflings. These warriors train and channel their innate luck into mysterious abilities that change the fate of the fighter and their allies. Freedom fighters use guerilla combat and their abilities to provide a natural advantage on the battlefield.



In every age, there is conflict. Man cannot exist without it, and neither can the gods whomst they serve. In this conflict, chaos spreads, and the world may be threatened as man-kind turns against itself. In these times, a simple warrior is not enough to turn the tides. They need a guide, one who can unite mankind under the banner of the heavens and lead them to victory and from there, peace.

These entities, sometimes chosen heroes, others avatars of the divine are heralds, beings who have been gifted or charged with divine power in order to lay justice upon the wicked, guide chosen people or perhaps even give warning to those in power.



Whether on the trail of a fugitive, a long-lost treasure trove, or a criminal mastermind, investigators are motivated by an intense curiosity about the world and use knowledge of it as a weapon. Mixing gumption and learnedness into a personal alchemy of daring, investigators are full of surprises. Observing the world around them, they gain valuable knowledge about the situation they are in, process that information using inspiration and deduction, and cut to the quick of the matter in unexpected ways. Investigators are always evaluating situations they encounter, sizing up potential foes, and looking out for secret dangers, all while using their vast knowledge and powers of perception to find solutions to the most perplexing problems.




These shadowy killers are masters of infiltration, sabotage, and assassination, using a wide variety of weapons, practiced skills, and mystical powers to achieve their goals.



Razmiran Priest

Those who live within the boundaries of Razmir’s holy lands know the power of the Living God. He makes his presence felt through demands of fealty, ever-increasing tithes, and the less-than-gentle hands of his most devout subjects. Of these devotees, it is Razmir’s clergy that most accurately represents the fervor of their lord. They roam the lands spreading word of the power of Razmir, and using that power to convince the unfaithful of their misplaced loyalties in other gods and governments.

The Razmiran priest, one of the most powerful of Razmir’s servants, brings the Living God’s gifts to the common folk and his wrath to his enemies. From behind his mask, the priest judges all he sees, meting out harsh justice in the name of his deity. Many doubt the powers of the clergy, and some would even dare to call Razmir “false.” These fools soon learn the error of their ways when the Razmiran priest pays them a visit, using the gifts of the god to smite such heretics.

A devotee who wishes to become one of Razmir’s most trusted priests must undergo a lengthy ritual in the capital of Thronestep. It is said that Razmir himself conducts the final steps of the ritual, blessing the new priest and judging his purity. Those who are found worthy emerge from this secret, mysterious process as absolute believers, while those deemed inadequate are never seen again. A new Razmiran priest finds himself on a quick path to power, prestige, and wealth, as the hierarchy of Razmir’s faith treats most priests as superiors. Indeed, many Razmiran priests find themselves quickly rising in rank to become Heralds of the Eighth Step or possessors of even greater power in short order.



Warriors are the backbone of any society, large or small. They protect the group, hunt for food, and go to war.


Isekai Mod

Isekai Protagonist

Isekai protagonists possess immense power, and are able to defeat every enemy with ease using their overpowered abilities. They also have plot armor, which make them hard to kill. They are the main character; everyone else are just NPCs.





Experts at charm and deceit, mesmerists compel others to heed their words and bend to their will. Psychic powers, primarily those of enchantment and illusion, give mesmerists the tools they need to manipulate others—usually for their own personal gain. The very gaze of a mesmerist can hypnotize someone into following his whims. Mesmerists frequently form cults of personality around themselves, and they develop skills and contingency plans in case their ploys are discovered.



Microscopic Content Expansion


Although it is a rare occurrence, paladins do sometimes stray from the path of righteousness. Most of these wayward holy warriors seek out redemption and forgiveness for their misdeeds, regaining their powers through piety, charity, and powerful magic. Yet there are others, the dark and disturbed few, who turn actively to evil, courting the dark powers they once railed against in order to take vengeance on their former brothers. It’s said that those who climb the farthest have the farthest to fall, and antipaladins are living proof of this fact, their pride and hatred blinding them to the glory of their forsaken patrons.

Antipaladins become the antithesis of their former selves. They make pacts with fiends, take the lives of the innocent, and put nothing ahead of their personal power and wealth. Champions of evil, they often lead armies of evil creatures and work with other villains to bring ruin to the holy and tyranny to the weak. Not surprisingly, paladins stop at nothing to put an end to such nefarious antiheroes.




Hellknight Shadow

Hellknight Shadows are the group called upon when the Hellknights need a defter touch. Specialized in subterfuge, scouting and very occasionally assassination, the Hellknight Shadows are a terrifying rumor in the ears of enemies of the Hellknights.

Hellknight Shadow

Mystical Mayhem


Warlocks draw their power from pacts and dealings with powerful inhabitants of the lower planes. The power of such planes courses through their veins. The struggle to control these forces and resist being controlled by them remains a constant struggle for Warlocks.
The very nature of a warlock makes them feared and targeted by most societies and denizens of good. As such many warlocks look to hide their abilities and connections to the lower planes. Some look for communities that accept them, others make their own. Their tools favor an offensive and proactive mindset.




Agent of the Grave

Agents of the Grave learn the deepest arcane secrets in their quest for undeath, gaining undead-like traits before their final shift to a state beyond death. Agents of the Grave master the necromantic arts, yet instead of controlling hordes of undead minions, they instead seek ultimate enlightenment, and possess subtle and murderous skills to help them attain it. (mod)


Arcane Archer

Many who seek to perfect the use of the bow sometimes pursue the path of the arcane archer. Arcane archers are masters of ranged combat, as they possess the ability to strike at targets with unerring accuracy and can imbue their arrows with powerful spells. Arrows fired by arcane archers fly at weird and uncanny angles to strike at foes around corners, and can pass through solid objects to hit enemies that cower behind such cover. At the height of their power, arcane archers can fell even the most powerful foes with a single, deadly shot. (mod)



An asavir’s bond with her genie-blessed mount is even closer than the partnership most horselords share with their steeds, and her human compatriots fight with extra ferocity, knowing that they have a tireless protector. Asavirs sometimes leave their tribe to become mercenaries or adventurers, and it is from such asavirs that the techniques of this prestige class are usually spread. (mod)


Bolt Ace

While gunslingers are full of sound and fury, there is a class of gunslingers that never soil their hands with powder or feel the sting of gun smoke. They commit their deeds in a more hushed manner, but with just as much flair. (mod)



Some heroes don’t believe in fancy rules or high creeds or big flowery speeches, they just want to kill evil things, spend time with friends, and swap great tales over a good meal and tasty drinks. Not as stuffy or restrictive as a full-fledged knighthood, in their hearts chevaliers are just good people who want to celebrate the good things in life and fight evil wherever it dares to tread. (mod)


Crimson Templar

Even the most devout followers of good can recognize the need for ruthlessness when opposing true evil. The crimson templars are taught that mercy is a virtue reserved for only those capable of accepting redemption. They must learn this lesson well, for they are trained to face the heartless legions of Hell. These women and men are Heaven’s assassins, and they tread a bloody path so the oaths of others remain untarnished. Their mission is a thankless one, as righteous allies often view them as just a step away from corruption. (mod)


Dawnflower Anchorite

Dawnflower anchorite hope to receive enlightenment in their retreat to the wilds so that they can, some day, return to civilization and use their newfound grace to help heal the church’s wounds. (mod)


Deadeye Devotee

Dedicated followers of Erastil become closer to their god by mastering archery and caring for each other. They can tap into the power of the Elk Father, who guides and empowers their arrows. (mod)


Dragon Fury

The disciple of the Thrashing Dragon discipline knows the controlled fury of the dragon’s rage on the battlefield, the sinuous twists and the lashing claws of that savage beast are engraved in the body of its student. By devoting one’s self to the vicious style, the disciple learns many things on how best to emulate the dragon and its fighting style. The ferocity and grace in each twist of the blade and each leap that he makes hides a fierce power and determination to win. These specialists are known as dragon furies, and a dragon’s deep well of wrath lives within their hearts and pumps its fury to every inch of their body. (mod)


Enchanting Courtesan

Enchanting courtesans are elite information brokers who perfect their bodies and develop their minds to use illusions, enchantments, and other magical extensions of their considerable charms. (mod)


Esoteric Knight

Mysterious warriors and wielders of psychic powers, esoteric knights are as rare as the obscure techniques they obsessively practice. While others seek the perfection of mind and body in the pursuit of tranquility, these warriors aim to become perfect, dangerous weapons by learning occult secrets and mastering deadly fighting moves. Esoteric knights know that balance between mind and body is an advantage they can exploit against those who favor brains or brawn. (mod)



Though all faiths have their dedicated priests and righteous warriors, gods inspire devotion from a wide range of individuals. Rogues who specialize in stealth and poisons might swear allegiance to Norgorber, while wandering bards sing songs in praise of Desna. Even the most powerful deity is not too proud to turn such followers aside, for the worship of passionate acolytes is precious regardless of their backgrounds, professions, races, or ages, and they might lead others to the faith by example. These unusual but skillful followers of the gods are called evangelists. (mod)


Forest Warden

Forest warden is a title that few can reasonably hope to earn. Among the freedom fighters, wardens have proven themselves again and again, taking on enemies that threaten the fate of the land. With their unmatched martial prowess and tactical skills, forest wardens are masters of the forest. They specialize in neutralizing enemies without being seen, but they are not a threat to be taken lightly even in close-quarters combat. (mod)


Furious Guardian

After centuries of raiding and pillaging throughout Avistan, the Ulfen have earned their reputation for ferocity and fearlessness. Though seemingly at odds with this perception of barbarism, Ulfen are also known for their staunch loyalty, strong sense of honor, and unyielding resolve. The combination of these reputations is in large part why they have become desired as bodyguards throughout the region. (mod)


Golden Legionnaire

Above all else, the Golden Legion’s duty is domestic security; the Legion extensively trains its soldiers in defensive tactics and strategies that ensure the protection of both Andorens and other members of the Legion. That said, a typical Golden Legionnaire exhibits audacious courage and unflinchingly puts himself between those he protects and possible threats. An ambush or unprovoked attack incenses a Golden Legionnaire and propels him to acts of selfless bravery and daring prowess. Even when they are hundreds of miles away from their homes, Golden Legionnaires use their skills and combat prowess to protect their allies and Andoran’s ideals of equality, freedom, and justice. (mod)


Halfling Opportunist

Even more so than the rest of their kind, halfling opportunists make their own luck. Shamelessly willing to take advantage of their foes, they can instantly assess a situation in order to find a way to turn it to their own benefit. When a giant swings his club, the halfling opportunist leaps onto it and uses the momentum to make her jump go that much further. When a spellcaster hurls a bolt of magical energy, the halfling opportunist steps in front of a door and uses the power to help her to smash through so she can make her escape. When a courtier tries to blacken her name, the halfling opportunist lets loose such a stream of cheeky accusations that the courtier ends up looking like the traitor instead. Halfling opportunists’ ability to exploit their enemies gives them a breezy self-confidence and the sheer audacity to take risks few others would dare. Perhaps because of this brazenness, they seem blessed by amazing strokes of good fortune. However, they rarely take their luck for granted. Instead they rely upon their keen senses to sidestep danger and their adaptability to carry them through both combat and social settings. (mod)


Heritor Knight

Some seek to follow in the footsteps of Iomedae the Inheritor through study of the miracles of her mortal life. (mod)



Hinterlanders shield rural folk from dangerous creatures, extraplanar interlopers, and marauding undead. A hinterlander is skilled with a bow and in tune with the wild, yet capable of harnessing natural resources to nourish mortal communities. They are often touched by the divine, sworn to guard the borders of towns and villages against the forces that threaten to snuff out the hearth fires. (mod)


Horizon Walker

Those whose wanderlust drives them to push the boundary of safe environments sometimes seek the calling of the horizon walker. Horizon walkers are masters of travel, always seeking to find the safe ways through inhospitable terrain. They are comfortable in places others speak of only in hushed whispers, and they can both venture forth onto untrod paths themselves and guide the less-traveled through such hazardous lands. (mod)


Inheritor’s Crusader

Honor, justice, and valor—while many righteous folk believe in these things, a select group of champions live and breathe them. It is in their blood and constantly at the forefront of their thoughts. The teachings of this once small, exclusive group of knights have inspired others, and now heroes all across the world take up swords in the name of these ideals. Most crusaders spend their time advancing the cause of the downtrodden, freeing the oppressed from tyranny and injustice, or helping the timid rise up in the face of evil, though their powers also make them suited for hunting down criminals, breaking the mental shackles of brainwashing and witchcraft, and destroying monsters that pierce the bravest hearts with fear. (mod)


Lion Blade

Lion blades come from the most secretive schools of the fighting arts. They scoff at assassins, laughing at their poisons and blow guns — and they’re equally derisive of knights, stomping about the battlefield in burdensome armor and wielding huge, slow weapons. Lion blades prefer crowded urban areas and are masters of motion, controlling both their own movement and those around them, and then step into a crowd and disappear from sight. They are quick, agile, knowledgeable, and masters of disguise. (mod)


Mammoth Rider

From the inhospitable arctic wastes of the far north come the mighty mammoth riders, fearsome warriors who have trained the great beasts that wander the chilly wilds to serve as their faithful steeds. Toughened by their harsh environment, mammoth riders tame their surroundings through tenacious determination and sheer force of will, fighting alongside their bestial companions to take down huge game and carve out a hard existence in the icy north. (mod)


Mortal Usher

Whether the trouble is a formidable lich draining power from thousands of enslaved ghosts or a qlippoth funneling stolen souls through an Abyssal stronghold, occasionally the psychopomps must enlist a mortal usher—a living agent imbued with their power and cunning—to travel where even the guardians of the River of Souls cannot tread. (mod)


Sanguine Angel

Sanguine angels are heartless soldiers who have turned to worship infernal demigoddesses. These vengeful devils reward the company’s elite with infernal powers. (mod)


Scar Seeker

Some turn their own skins into scarred manuscripts of noteworthy deeds and unforgettable failures. Those who wholly embrace these rites of scarification are known as scar seekers. (mod)



Every major deity boasts champions of some type, whether they are paladins sworn to The Inheritor or barbarians who channel their destructive rage from The Rough Beast. The sentinel is a warrior who receives special powers in exchange for his service to a deity, and often serves as a guard for the deity’s clergy. Some undergo official training, others experience visions leading them to their path, and some simply make the decision to pledge their lives to upholding their faith. (mod)



Shadowdancers exist in the boundary between light and darkness, where they weave together the shadows to become half-seen artists of deception. Unbound by any specified morality or traditional code, shadowdancers encompass a wide variety of adventuring types who have seen the value of the dark. Spellcasters use their abilities to safely cast spells from hiding and then move quickly away, while classes devoted to hand-to-hand combat enjoy the ability to attack foes with the element of surprise. Some even take the name of their kind quite literally, becoming eerie and mysterious performers and dancers, though more often the temptation presented by their talents with deception and infiltration causes shadowdancers to turn to lives of thievery. (mod)



Pledging their souls to the Horsemen, souldrinkers learn the worst of daemonic magic while gaining the ability to bind and devour souls. With every soul they consume, these casters tithe a fraction to their patrons in Abaddon. They are the proxies of death, serving the architects of the apocalypse until eventually their own souls are drawn into their masters’ waiting maws. (mod)


Umbral Agent

Some Umbral agents work in the open as diplomats and consuls, others in secret as spies, agitators, and agents provocateur. Most agents spend their time hunting down apostates and heretics, seeking to purge the world of inappropriate influences. Those acting abroad seek out positions in rival nations’ halls of power. Regardless of their methods, all serve the will of their dark god with blind devotion. (mod)




The powers of the mind are varied and limitless, and the psion learns how to unlock them. Whether he is a shaper or a telepath, an egoist or a nomad, or even a generalist, the psion learns to manifest psionic powers that alter himself and the world around him. Due to the limited powers that any one psion knows, each psion is unique in his capabilities, as his latent abilities are drawn out and shaped into the psionic powers that define the psion.
Each psion also gains unique abilities depending on his choice of disciplines: the egoist excels at altering his own physiology, while the nomad learns to manipulate the very fabric of space and time, and the generalist becomes a master of the overall principles of psionics, while sacrificing some of the unique abilities of the other disciplines.



Never caught unarmed, the soulknife is the literal interpretation of using the power of the mind as a weapon. Creating a mind blade is the core of the soulknife, and with it, she is a deadly combatant. Versatile and varied, the soulknife can be found in all shapes and sizes, wielding blades unique to the wielder and customized to fit the needs of the soulknife. Fluid in function, the soulknife has mastered how to alter her mind blade to fit the situation, bringing power and versatility into any combat.




Combining fancy footwork with quick and precise lunges, swashbucklers dart in and out of battle, harassing and thwarting their opponents. These fast and agile combatants serve as protectors for spellcasters and flank mates for rogues and slayers, while waiting for the opportunity to show panache and score the killing blow on some lumbering hulk. Swashbucklers often face death with wry humor, mocking it with jabbing wit.





There are those who take a different path when pursuing the arcane arts, reaching across the boundaries of the world to the far-flung planes to call forth all manner of creatures to do their bidding. Known as summoners, these arcane practitioners form close bonds with particular outsiders, known as eidolons, which increase in power along with their callers. In the end, summoners and their eidolons become linked, sharing shards of the same souls.


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