Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Mod Blueprint Database

Project maintained by alterasc Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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Dazing Assault

You can choose to take a –5 penalty on all melee attack rolls to daze opponents you hit with your melee attacks for 1 round, in addition to the normal damage dealt by the attack. A successful Fortitude save negates the effect. The DC of this save is 10 + your base attack bonus.


Divine Fighting Technique

Divine fighting techniques emulate the martial supremacy and approach to combat of certain gods, but do not generally require users’ interests and goals to be aligned with the techniques’ associated deities. Although each deity’s divine fighting technique is primarily preserved and passed on by her faithful, worship is not required to learn one.
Each technique has an initial benefit as well as an advanced benefit available if you meet the prerequisites.


Eldritch Heritage

Select one sorcerer bloodline. You must have Skill focus in the class skill that bloodline grants to a sorcerer at 1st level (for example, Lore: Religion for the celestial bloodline). This bloodline cannot be a bloodline you already have. You gain the first-level bloodline power for the selected bloodline. For purposes of using that power, treat your sorcerer level as equal to your character level – 2, even if you have levels in sorcerer. You do not gain any of the other bloodline abilities.


Energy Channel

A swift action, you can expend one use of channel energy to grant your weapon attacks a bonus on damage rolls equal to twice the number of dice rolled for your channel energy. This additional damage is of an energy type determined by your domain or blessing: acid (Earth), cold (Water), electricity (Air), or fire (Fire). If you have more than one of those domains or blessings, you must choose one of those damage types when you use this ability. This effect lasts for your next three weapon attacks or until the end of combat, whichever comes first.


Glorious Heat

When you cast a divine spell with the [fire] descriptor, an ally you can see within 30 feet heals a number of hit points equal to the level of the spell cast and gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls until the end of its next turn.


Greater Eldritch Heritage

You gain an additional power from the bloodline you selected with the Eldritch Heritage feat. You gain a 15th-level (or lower) sorcerer bloodline power that you do not already have. For purposes of using that power, treat your character level as your sorcerer level for all your sorcerer bloodline powers granted by this feat, Eldritch Heritage, and Improved Eldritch Heritage.


Greater Skald’s Vigor

Your allies share in the fast healing granted by your Skald’s Vigor, starting in the round when you begin your performance. They must be able to hear the performance. If you stop maintaining the song, the fast healing ends immediately, even if other effects of your song linger.



When you successfully demoralize an opponent within your melee reach with an Intimidate check, you can make a single melee attack against that creature as a swift action. If your attack misses the target, its shaken condition from being demoralized immediately ends.


Improved Eldritch Heritage

You gain either the 3rd-level or the 9th-level power (your choice) of the bloodline you selected with the Eldritch Heritage feat. For purposes of using that power, treat your sorcerer level as equal to your character level – 2, even if you have levels in sorcerer. You do not gain any of the other bloodline abilities.


Paired Opportunists

Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, you receive a +4 circumstance bonus on attacks of opportunity against creatures that you both threaten. Enemies that provoke attacks of opportunity from your ally also provoke attacks of opportunity from you so long as you threaten them. This does not allow you to take more than one attack of opportunity against a creature for a given action.


Purifying Channel

When you channel positive energy to heal, one creature excluded from your channeling takes an amount of fire damage equal to the healing provided, and is dazzled for 1 round by the light of these flames. A successful saving throw against your channel energy halves the fire damage and negates the dazzled effect.


Signature Skill

Your ability with a particular skill is the stuff of legends, and you can do things with that skill that others cannot.
Choose one signature skill. Each grants you benefits for every 5 Ranks


Skald’s Vigor

While maintaining a raging song, you gain fast healing equal to the twice the damage bonus your song provides, starting in the round after you begin the song. If you stop maintaining your song, the fast healing ends, even if the effects of your song persist.


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