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Arcane Additions

School Savant (Arcanist)

Some arcanists specialize in a school of magic and trade flexibility for focus. School savants are able to prepare more spells per day than typical arcanists, but their selection is more limited.


Character Options+

Arrowsong Minstrel (Bard)

Arrowsong minstrels combine the elven traditions of archery, song, and spellcasting into a seamless harmony of dazzling magical effects.


Winter Witch (Witch)

Winter witches are drawn to the cold, using it to enhance their powers and ensnare their foes.



Elemental Ascetic (Kineticist)

Combining the elemental powers of a kineticist with the rigid physical discipline of a monk, an elemental ascetic channels his powers through his body to enhance himself in combat.


Elemental Scion (Kineticist)

There are some who, instead of focusing on the powers beyond their own, decide to concentrate on their innate talents to acquire powers far beyond a minor dabbler. All elements are equally likely to embark on such singular focus, confident in their innate gifts.


Virtuous Bravo (Paladin)

Although no less a beacon of hope and justice than other paladins, virtuous bravos rely on their wit and grace rather than might and strong armor.


Expanded Content

Mindchemist (Alchemist)

While most alchemists use mutagens to boost their physical ability at the cost of mental ability, some use alchemy for the opposite purpose—to boost the power of the mind and memory. A mindchemist can reach incredible levels of mental acuity, but suffers lingering debilitating effects to his physique.


Draconic Scholar (Arcanist)

The unique spellcasting style of dragons is the subject of many scholars. Some arcanists see the combination of natural and learned spellcasting as similar enough to their own, and decide to pair with a draconic charge to further their knowledge of the arcane.


Drake Rider (Cavalier)

While many cavaliers dream of riding a dragon into battle, drake riders come to learn that the reality involves far more effort than they had expected. Unlike other cavaliers, drake riders must train their mounts from hatchlings, fighting and toiling alongside their drakes through countless struggles before the proud dragons are willing to accept them as riders.


Divine Scourge (Cleric)

Some divine servants take on the role of dealing out unique punishments on behalf of their deities, taking pleasure in carrying out their sacrosanct duties. Divine scourges make a point of inflicting long-lasting maladies and curses on those deserving of such fates under the tenets of the scourges’ religions.


Bear Totem Druid (Druid)

A druid whose focus calls upon the mighty bear, titan of the woodlands and mountains, a paragon of strength and ferocity, and yet also a quiet protector rich in wisdom.


Draconic Druid (Druid)

Some druids believe that dragons are the ultimate expression of nature, combining elemental fury with majestic beauty. These druids consort with dragons and eventually transform into draconic forms.


Lion Totem Druid (Druid)

A druid with this totem calls upon the proud lion, imposing and majestic, the mighty leader of deadly hunters.


Mooncaller (Druid)

A mooncaller is bound to the subtle influences of the ever-changing moon and its endless cycles from light to dark and back again.


Storm Druid (Druid)

While most druids focus their attention upon the rich earth and the bounty of nature that springs forth from it, the storm druid’s eyes have ever been cast to the skies and the endless expanse of blue, channeling the most raw and untamed aspects of nature.


Treesinger (Druid)

Elves live far longer than other common races, and a single elf may see whole empires rise and fall. Given the impermanence of the cultures around them, it’s small wonder that some elves turn to the timeless growth of nature for solace, finding allies among the great trees themselves, and even leading the forest’s plants into combat.


Urban Druid (Druid)

While many druids keep to the wilderness, some make their way within settlements, communing with the animals and vermin who live there and speaking for the nature that runs rampant in civilization’s very cradle.


Archer (Fighter)

The archer is dedicated to the careful mastery of the bow, perfecting his skills with years of practice honed day after day on ranges and hunting for game, or else on the battlefield, raining destruction down on the enemy lines.


Child of Acavna and Amaznen (Fighter)

The child of Acavna and Amaznen has trained in the nearly forgotten arts of Azlant passed down by Aroden, which combine martial prowess with elementary wizardry. Inspired by the deities Aroden once worshiped long ago, children of Acavna and Amaznen strive to understand the dangers of the world and overcome them with knowledge and strength of arms.


Spear Fighter (Fighter)

The spear is one of the oldest weapons known to most humanoid races, and no weapon has seen as much use. Many martial arts traditions consider the spear to be the ultimate weapon.


Plant Master (Hunter)

Some hunters form a bond with plant life instead of an animal and take on those aspects instead. These hunters form potent bonds with plant creatures, and their leafy or fungal friends are more than capable of anything another hunter’s animal allies can accomplish.


Skulking Hunter (Hunter)

Skulking hunters use their magic to lie in wait for their prey, ambushing them with a decisive, fatal strike.


Ravener Hunter (Inquisitor)

Throughout the Mwangi Expanse, cults of Angazhan pollute the pristine jungle with demonic influence and wanton bloodshed. For generations, the catfolk of Murraseth have viewed such faiths with loathing and hatred, and they believe it is their sacred duty to hunt down the followers of the Ravener King and expel them from the Material Plane.


Sworn of the Eldest (Inquisitor)

Although the Eldest rarely have adherents as other deities do, they still occasionally require mortal agents to advance their aims. Sworn of the Eldest consider their chosen Eldest to be akin to powerful patrons or fey royalty and serve them faithfully.


Ocean’s Echo (Oracle)

Although many merfolk claim deep connections to both art and the natural world, a rare few merfolk can manipulate the forces of nature and weave them into song. An ocean’s echo is a merfolk gifted with the powers of an oracle and a singing voice that evokes the legendary tales of merfolk virtuosos.


Silver Champion (Paladin)

Paladins who serve as priests of Apsu are almost always on the move, wandering from place to place and trying to show their dedication to the Waybringer in their deeds rather than depending on mere words. More rarely a drake is so inspired by a paladin of Apsu that it chooses to assist the paladin in all her actions. These drake allies see the benefit of a silver champion remaining mobile and understand the powerful threats the champion must face, and in time even consent to serve their chosen paladins as a companion.


Temple Champion (Paladin)

A temple champion is a powerful warrior dedicated to a good or lawful deity. She thinks of herself primarily as a servant of her deity and secondarily as an agent of her deity’s church. She has a refined understanding of a specific aspect of that faith and gives up standard paladin spellcasting in favor of a warpriest’s domain-based blessings and granted powers.


Divine Tracker (Ranger)

Blessed by his deity, a divine tracker hunts down those he deems deserving of his retribution. His weapon is likely to find purchase in his favored enemy.


Drake Warden (Ranger)

Some rangers specialize in dealing with rambunctious younger drakes, protecting them and teaching them to tolerate, and even trust, humanoid creatures. These drake wardens follow and pass along secret techniques for raising drakes effectively, and thanks to their methods, their drakes are both fiercely loyal and extremely useful for scouting and stealth missions.


Clutch Thief (Rogue)

Whether to stop it falling into the wrong hands, or to hold the power for themselves, it is common for an aspiring thief to see a drake egg as a valuable score. Less common is for the egg to hatch while in the thieves care. With a bit of knowledge borrowed from the drake wardens on raising young drakes, the clutch thief gains a new and interesting partner in crime.


Draconic Shaman (Shaman)

Shaman often have strong ties to dragon gods and imperial dragons who act as mentors. Some of these shamans draw their powers from the might of dragons, rather than from spirits. These shamans each gain a powerful drake as an ally and view caring for that drake as a sacred duty.


Wyrm Singer (Skald)

Wyrm singers spin fragments of the story of the ongoing struggle between noble Apsu and wicked Dahak.


Homebrew Archetypes

Blood Arcanist (Arcanist)

Though most arcanists possess only a rudimentary innate arcane gift, the blood arcanist has the full power of a bloodline to draw upon.


School Savant (Arcanist)

Some arcanists specialize in a school of magic and trade flexibility for focus. School savants are able to prepare more spells per day than typical arcanists, but their selection is more limited.


Hateful Rager (Barbarian)

From a young age, many half-orcs are treated cruelly, bullied, ridiculed, and made outcasts. While some hide their shame, others foster a deep, burning hatred that they channel into a raw fury and unleash against their enemies. These half-orcs are called hateful ragers.


Primal Hunter (Barbarian)

Rather than exploding with anger, primal hunters focus their rage to strike distant targets. Though able to hold their own in melee, primal hunters specialize in using some of the oldest of ranged weapons: bows, slings, and spears.


Arcane Duelist (Bard)

A master of the martial applications of steel and spell, the arcane duelist blends both into a lethal combination.


Dervish of Dawn (Bard)

Although the dawn goddess is seen mainly as a goddess of healing and redemption in most parts of the world, her stern, evil-smiting element is more common in some areas. Many of her disciples from these lands become dervishes of dawn, religious mystics who use a spinning dance as part of their worship. Many bards of her faith hone their skills with dance and scimitar to become dervish dancers, but some tread a similar path focused more on magic and healing than swordplay. These are the dervishes of dawn.


Stonesinger (Bard)

The traditions of the stonesinger bards hearkens back to its subterranean origins, and is practiced as a form of meditation or worship by many dwarves. Stonesingers are rare bards capable of vocalizing their bardic performances through subsonic harmonies, allowing their performances to carry as subtle vibrations through stone, rather than through the air. They command considerable power underground.


Bloody-Knuckled Rowdy (Bloodrager)

Bloodragers are frequently rough-and-ready, untrained scrappers who learn to exploit any advantage to gain the upper hand in a fight. The bloody-knuckled rowdy focuses on tricks and maneuvers that are quick and effective, duplicating combat styles from professional brawlers, street thugs, and even trapped animals. Rather than focusing on a single style, most bloody-knuckled rowdies dabble in multiple techniques, mixing and matching their array of vicious maneuvers to suit the occasion.


Untouchable Rager (Bloodrager)

While most bloodragers are known for their inexplicable ability to focus their bloodline into a horrifying mix of martial terror and spellcasting fury, from time to time a bloodrager’s bloodline acts differently. Instead of empowering the bloodrager, it shields the bloodrager from magic of all types, often keeping the bloodrager untouched within the midst of magical effects.


Green Knight (Cavalier)

Some knights serve nature itself and can be found protecting unspoiled natural places or serving fey beings.


Elder Mythos Cultist (Cleric)

Typically grasping, secretive, and thoroughly mad, Elder Mythos cultists open their bodies and minds to horrifying realities not meant for the sane as they strive to prepare the world for the eventual return of their alien masters.


Evangelist (Cleric)

The evangelist is the voice of her religion in the world. Where others nurture the faith among believers, an evangelist proclaims the coming glory of her deific patron and issues the clarion call to all around to heed the truth, or obey the call to war and crusade against the enemies of the church.


Undead Lord (Cleric)

An undead lord is a cleric focused on using necromancy to control undead. Her flock is the walking dead and her choir the keening spirits of the damned. This unliving congregation is the manifestation of her unceasing love affair with death.


Halcyon Druid (Druid)

Halcyon druids are less focused on emulating its inhabitants. Instead, they treat with beings from the Outer Sphere. As a sign of their allegiance, these druids wear fantastical masks depicting celestials, fiends, and-most often-the bestial agathions.

Halcyon druids are peacekeepers, mediating between people and nature, people and the spirit world, and different groups of people. Yet when necessary, they use their magic to fight enemies of peace, especially demons and demon cultists.


Viking (Fighter)

The sagas of the northern people are filled with stories of mighty warriors sailing south to raid the peoples of warmer climes and returning with longships filled with plunder. The northerners call these warriors vikings, and their deeds are sung in the longhouses during the long winter nights. A viking strikes fear into the heart of her foes, and in battle can fly into a terrible rage. Many vikings wear the pelts of bears or wolves, drawing on the strength and ferocity of these beasts in battle. Vikings do not wear heavy armor, but are skilled at fighting with an ax or spear in conjunction with a shield.


Umbral Stalker (Inquisitor)

As a consummate lurker in the shadows, an umbral stalker observes the enemies of her faith and strikes before the unfortunate victims even know she is skulking nearby.


Hellcat (Monk)

Monks of the hellcat sect follow the teachings of Asmodeus or another infernal power. Their brutal training strips away their physical weaknesses, and their vicious fighting style is inspired by the predatory techniques of the hellcat.


Monk of the Mantis (Monk)

A body contains many points where the flesh, mind, and spirit coincide. A monk of the mantis is skilled at manipulating these points. With precise strikes, she temporarily disrupts a body’s connection with the rest of the self.


Ancient Lorekeeper (Oracle)

The ancient lorekeeper is a repository for all the beliefs and vast knowledge of an elven people. She shows a strong interest in and understanding of histories and creation legends at a young age, and as she matures her calling to serve as the memory of her long-lived people becomes clear to all who know her.


Ancient Lorekeeper (Oracle)

The ancient lorekeeper is a repository for all the beliefs and vast knowledge of an elven people. She shows a strong interest in and understanding of histories and creation legends at a young age, and as she matures her calling to serve as the memory of her long-lived people becomes clear to all who know her.


Faithful Wanderer (Paladin)

While most paladins stride brazenly forth to battle evil in gleaming armor, faithful wanderers understand that to accomplish real change in Abyssal environments, a paladin must learn to be self-sufficient and unobtrusive and that she must pick her battles carefully, lest her mission end abruptly in a blaze of glory.


Holy Guide (Paladin)

A holy guide believes that it’s his sacred calling to clear the roads of bandits between towns as well as to escort travelers to safety. He must enforce the rule of law in the wilderness and help those that cannot defend themselves against the many dangers of the area.


Oathbound - Oath of People‘s Council (Paladin)

Paladins swearing this oath serve the common good by finding and thwarting those who abuse their authority.


Oathbound - Oath of Vengeance (Paladin)

While all paladins uphold the principals of law and good, sometimes these ideas must have a ruthless and dangerous side. It often falls upon a paladin to bring justice in the form of vengeance upon heinous transgressors against law and good. These oathbound paladins are always on the hunt for those who have perpetrated evil, and are the instrument of Heaven’s most definitive and implacable judgment.


Wilderness Warden (Paladin)

Wilderness wardens are vigilant guardians of natural places of all kinds, from mountain peaks to tangled thickets.


Stalker (Ranger)



Sword-Devil (Ranger)

Agile, vengeful, and deadly, a sword-devil fights with precision and grace, channeling the difficult lessons of a star-crossed life into unparalleled battle prowess. Favoring speed and evasive techniques over brute force, sword-devils choose precision over power and acrobatics over armor. Charismatic and carefree, a sword-devil makes fast friends and inspires her companions to greatness, even while vowing a swift death upon her enemies.


Wild Stalker (Ranger)

Civilization grows stronger and more decadent with each passing year. It tears into unclaimed wilderness and destroys the fragile ecology in its constant push for expansion and exploitation. The wild stalker forsakes the bonds of community and lives in the trackless wilds far from others of his kind, or perhaps grew up there, never knowing of civilization as anything more than his enemy. He drives pioneers back to civilization and strives to keep the land unspoiled.


Carnivalist (Rogue)

Carnivalists train their miniature minions to perform acts of larceny and often hide their true talents behind theatrical sideshows.


Sacred Fist (Warpriest)

Unlike many warpriests, sacred fists leave behind armor and shield and instead rely on their fists and whatever protection their deity bestows on them.


Scarred Witch Doctor (Witch)

The scarred witch doctor draws power from her ability to endure pain and suffering. She mutilates her own flesh, inflicting horrific scars, in order to attract the attention of her patron. Rather than call forth a familiar, she creates a repulsive fetish mask that she uses as a repository for her power.


Undead Master (Wizard)

Undead masters have great power over undeath.


Kinetic Archetypes

Esoteric Blade (Fighter)

Rare do fighters find themselfs connected to the elemental plane. For those who possess a connection not too weak to allow for channelling powers, they always choose to wield manipulated elemental energy as a preferred option over any manufactured weapon.


Cinder Adept (Kineticist)

Among the Sun Clan’s most noted champions are those who can tame the flames and bend them to their will. These kineticists are skilled riders, able to wield both weapons and fire with deadly skill.


Kinetic Duelist (Kineticist)

In the more martial minded parts of the world, the way of the kinetic duelist is drilled into the training regimens of any potential kineticist, wanting to train them for conflict as soon as possible. Their training often emphasizes their fondness for individual combat. The art of the kinetic duelist can also be sneaky and swift, as a warrior who can carry a blade at all times without suspicion is a valuable soldier. Kinetic duelists themselves are more prone to fighting a single opponent, and abstain from larger combat whenever possible.


Kinetic Lancer (Kineticist)

Masters of the sky, kinetic lancers have mastered the ancient art of combat practiced by the dragoons of old, blessed by the wind itself and given power to nearly fly for short periods of time. Untethered by the ground, these warriors can make impressive aerial strikes that would be impossible for their lesser kin.


Onslaught Blaster (Kineticist)

Sometimes the tide of enemies refuses to recede, and one has no choice but to meet barrage with barrage. Onslaught blasters are an often skittish and paranoid breed of blaster, preferring widespread accuracy over a single path of destruction. Adepts at sending their blasts out in volleys, they ensure that no enemies draw too near without severe risk.


Mystical Mayhem

Flagellant (Cleric)

A flagellant believes pain and suffering lead to the realization of the divine. A common method of flagellation is to whip a leather strap across her shoulders while praying. Other flagellants scour their limbs with blades. Their wounds proclaim their devotion, and the self-inflicted agony focuses their belief.


Warsighted (Oracle)

A warsighted’s unique gifts are not in strange magical revelations, but in her ability to adapt in the midst of a battle with new fighting techniques.


Razmiran Priest (Sorcerer)

The so-called “priests” of Razmir are magical charlatans—missionary servants of the Living God who spread his fervent devotion wherever they travel. Altered by Razmir’s magic, they can perform feats impossible for other sorcerers.


Gold-Robed Wizard (Wizard)

Most who strive to protect the world and its peoples from the forces of evil turn to shining steel and the magic of the gods. There is another kind of holy champion, however, who harnesses the power of the arcane to defend the innocent. These mages in their golden robes become masters at smiting the wicked with eldritch force, conjuring holy beings to do battle against their foes, and banishing fiends back to their vile pits.


Pact Wizard (Wizard)

While the art of wizardry is usually a scholar’s pursuit, there are those who seek mastery of arcane power without tedious study and monotonous research. Motivated by foolish ambition, such individuals turn to the greatest enigmas of the cosmos in the hopes of attaining greater power. Though few successfully attract the attention of these forces, those who do receive phenomenal arcane power for their efforts, but become the dutiful playthings and servants of the forces with which they consort.


Mythic Arcanist

Two-Weapon Warrior (Fighter)

Trained under great masters who preached the simple truththat two are better than one when it comes to weapons, the two-weapon warrior is a terror when his hands are full. From paired daggers to exoticdouble weapons, all combinations come equally alive in his skilled hands.



Construct Rider (Alchemist)

A construct rider creates arcane devices to emulate and surpass weak flesh. (mod)


Internal Alchemist (Alchemist)

An internal alchemist studies medicine, diet, and the living body to purify the self in the hope of gaining immortality by means of alchemical concoctions and controlling vital energy. Internal alchemists develop unusual physical abilities from heightened knowledge of how their bodies work. (mod)


Mad Scientist (Alchemist)

The mad scientist’s colleagues laughed at her insights, mocked her theories, and hounded her from the halls of academia, simply because they were too weak and frightened to understand her work. They thought she was finished. They were wrong. (mod)


Aeromancer (Arcanist)

Shory were the undisputed masters of wind and sky, and they unlocked numerous secrets of air magic. The vast majority of these secrets were lost when their civilization collapsed, but a few of their magical traditions have been preserved through the years. While the practice of aeromancy is rare, some arcanists today are able to rival the aerial mastery of the ancient aeromancers. (mod)


Drunken Brute (Barbarian)

Barbarians are known for their ability to consume potent drink, but drunken brutes turn drinking into a combat tactic, using the potent liquor to fuel their rage and grant them additional powers. (mod)


Savage Barbarian (Barbarian)

Some barbarians are truly savage, having little training in modern arms. These savage barbarians learn to avoid blows and toughen up their skin. (mod)


Titan Mauler (Barbarian)

In lands overrun by giants, dragons, and other hulking beasts, entire fellowships of barbarians hone tactics and traditions with one purpose—to bring low these massive foes. While her enemies’ size makes the creatures strong, the titan mauler is even stronger, taking up weapons from her fallen foes that no lesser warrior can lift, and using them when she beseeches the spirits to grant her increased size and greater ferocity against her titanic foes. (mod)


Untamed Rager (Barbarian)

There are no rules in the wild. Some barbarians enter combat with only victory in mind and do anything in their power to achieve it. (mod)


Geisha (Bard)

In some cultures, the professional entertainer is a prestigious role. Specially trained entertainers called geisha are praised for their appearance and skill at conversation, music, dancing, singing, poetry, and calligraphy. A geisha provides social intimacy and status but not physical intimacy. (mod)


Juggler (Bard)

Jugglers are masters of manipulating objects, most famously by keeping multiple objects in the air simultaneously. They often incorporate this talent into acting, comedy, or dance. Adventuring jugglers find their abilities translate well into the use of thrown weapons. (mod)


Sound Striker (Bard)

They say that words can cut deeper than any blade, and the sound striker proves this true. Using music and words as a weapon, he can focus his performances into a deadly delivery. (mod)


Blood Conduit (Bloodrager)

Blood conduits learn to channel their arcane might directly through their flesh, without the need for mystical words or gestures. (mod)


Constable (Cavalier)

Constables keep order in the narrow streets and dark alleys of settlements. (mod)


Emissary (Cavalier)

Cavaliers serve many roles on the battlefield, from bold leaders and shock troops to dashing knights and mounted juggernauts. Some cavaliers, however, focus more on speed and mobility than they do on the raw power of the mounted charge. On foot or in the saddle, the emissary is usually first to meet the enemy, with a pointed lance, a drawn sword, or terms for surrender. (mod)


Divine Paragon (Cleric)

Divine paragons strive to emulate their god’s ideals as closely as possible. They might see themselves as an incarnation of their deity in the flesh, or they could simply seek to embody the physical and spiritual ideals set forth by their deity. Many divine paragons go as far as to alter their appearance, as best as possible, to look similar to their chosen deity, but such a level of devotion is not required by the archetype. (mod)


Fungal Pilgrim (Druid)

Druids often work to preserve the natural world, but some seek to further emulate it. Fungal pilgrims are druids seeking transformation into a more plantlike existence. These unique adherents of nature’s creed see fungi as the means to such ends, as many fungi—particularly those of the Deeplands— naturally work their way into the bodies of living creatures. (mod)


Menhir Savant (Druid)

Some druids study the paths of nature’s power through the nodes and ley lines that connect standing stones and megalithic circles, learning to tap into their energies. (mod)


Plains Druid (Druid)

Out upon the wide and rolling prairies and savannahs, plains druids stand guard over the grasslands. These druids range far and wide, watching over nomadic tribes and wandering herds and preserving the sometimes fragile ecosystem of the wide open spaces. (mod)


Supernaturalist (Druid)

Supernaturalists wholly embrace paranormal phenomena as extensions of nature. (mod)


Toxicologist (Druid)

Druids protect the natural environs of the world, and sometimes that requires forcibly expelling those who would pollute, despoil, or otherwise harm such areas. Single battles may not be enough to win the war, so some druids specialize in the stealthy application of insidious poisons to their targets. Many druids work to root out their enemies by means of powerful toxins, believing word of their foes’ horrifying deaths will deter others from attempting similar desecrations of the natural world. (mod)


Dawnflower Dervish (Fighter)

No enemy is as feared as the dervishes of Sarenrae. While dervishes can be clerics, paladins, or rangers, zealous fighters join their ranks as well. These spinning warriors prefer light or no armor and wield scimitars with devastating consequences, moving swiftly over the treacherous desert sands to attack with lightning-fast strikes. They maneuver quickly among their enemies, relying on their speed and their skill to see them through the battle. (mod)


Eldritch Guardian (Fighter)

Eldritch guardians are trained to detect and give warning about magic threats to the people and places they protect. (mod)


High Guardian (Fighter)

As the shield that protects his lord from the myriad dangers around every corner, the high guardian pledges his life to keep his charge safe. High guardians epitomize personal devotion. (mod)


Lore Warden (Fighter)

Quick thinking and deception can often carry the day where raw force might not. Lore wardens are the bodyguards, guardians, and soldiers of the Pathfinder Society. Not only are they often called upon to protect and watch over important repositories of lore, but they themselves are impressive keepers of all manner of knowledge. Lore wardens are fighters who benefit from learning to outsmart and outmaneuver their foes rather than just overpower them. Even out of combat, lore wardens have a quick wit and a surprising breadth of knowledge that can often grant them significant advantages over enemies even before a battle begins. Indeed, for many lore wardens, a fight that can be won without a single weapon being drawn is the best kind of victory. (mod)


Savage Warrior (Fighter)

Warriors’ might is not measured only by their skill with steel, but also by their ability to inflict death with fang and claw, horn and hoof, and every exotic appendage the natural and unnatural world has to offer. (mod)


Warlord (Fighter)

Honorable, fearless experts in gun and blade, warlords roam the dried seabeds of time-worn Mars, warring in great tribes for supremacy over a dying planet. Capable of relentless brutality and quick to flare into open hostilities, warlords cloak their violent ways with paens to great noble houses or honored ancient traditions, bringing an air of respectability and etiquette to the butchery of brazen blades against bare skin. Warlords eschew armor as impractical to their harsh and often desert-like environment, preferring the free movement of near-nakedness. Warlords tend to specialize in the traditional weapons of Barsoom, leaving them ignorant of even simple Weapons common on other worlds. The same impulse that guides a warlord to stick to the traditional garb and gear of his culture can lead to a single-mindedness of purpose that can propel him far within his tribe or noble house. Even warlords of low status in Martian society claim a connection— no matter how ancient—with some great chieftain or emperor, seeing in the glorious past a path to a more hopeful future. Barsoom confers noble status upon its warlords through ritual combat in the case of green Martians or on merit and upon great achievement or heroics in the case of red Martians, so climbing the ladder ofstatus is an important part of a warlord’s journey through life. (mod)


Weapon Master (Fighter)

Devoted to the perfection of a single weapon, the weapon master’s meditations upon his favored weapon border on the obsessive, but none can deny his consummate skill. (mod)


Spire Defender (Magus)

Spire defenders are magi who train themselves to accompany sages and archaeologists who venture from the Mordant Spire, acting as aids and bodyguards. Because they often operate in difficult terrain—narrow trenches in dig sites, flooded dungeons, and tight corridors in ancient ruins—spire defenders place mobility and agility at a premium. As a result, they eschew armor entirely. Most spire defenders are elves—it’s exceptionally rare for a non-elf to be granted access to the training required to take this archetype. (mod)


Staff Magus (Magus)

While most magi use a one-handed weapon as their melee implement of choice, one group of magi uses the quarterstaff instead. These lightly armored magi use staves for both defense and inflicting their spells upon enemies. Skilled in manipulating these weapons with one hand or two, they eventually learn how to use arcane staves as well, and are just as formidable in combat as their sword-swinging brethren. (mod)


Maneuver Master (Monk)

The maneuver master specializes in more complicated moves than simple damage-dealing strikes. (mod)


Master of Many Styles (Monk)

The master of many styles is a collector. For every move, he seeks a counter. For every style, he has a riposte. Ultimately, he seeks perfection through the fusion of styles. (mod)


Weapon Adept (Monk)

While all monks train in both unarmed combat and with weapons, the weapon adept seeks to become one with his weapons, transforming them into perfect extensions of his own body. Through such training, a weapon adept seeks to attain perfection by becoming a living weapon himself. (mod)


Truth Seeker (Oracle)

Oracles gain their magical powers through strange and mysterious ways, be they chosen by fate or blood. While most might be content with their strange powers, some oracles join the Pathfinders specifically to find out more about their mysteries and determine the genesis and history of their eldritch talents. These spellcasters are known among the Spells as seekers, after their obsession with researching ancient texts and obscure ruins for any clues they can find about their heritage and histories. (mod)


Shining Knight (Paladin)

While paladins often are seen mounted atop a loyal steed, the shining knight is the true symbol of mounted bravery. They are never far from their steeds and are always clad in brightly polished armor. (mod)


Divine Marksman (Ranger)

Divine marksmen are masters of archery and touched by Light of the Sword. (mod)


Infiltrator (Ranger)

Some rangers study their favored enemies and learn their ways, applying this knowledge to their own abilities and using their foes’ strengths against them. Infiltrators are willing to walk a mile in an enemy’s shoes so as to learn everything there is to know about their foes in order to more effectively hunt and kill them. (mod)


Witchguard (Ranger)

Witchguards are the sworn defenders of the witches of the north. Although the witches are spellcasters of immense power, even they cannot defend themselves against every attack. Witchguards dedicate their lives to protecting their charges, and they gain some arcane knowledge in return. They are trained to work closely with witches and defend their charges from harm. Witchguards learn magical abilities from the same patrons that grant witches their powers, though they can use their abilities to protect any kind of spellcaster, not just a witch. A witchguard is ready to face any foe that might threaten his charge, and he is ever prepared to lay down his life to protect the life of the person he is sworn to defend. (mod)


Kidnapper (Rogue)

A kidnapper is adept at hiding and quickly subduing prey. (mod)


Fated Champion (Skald)

Many cultures see fate as a limit that is both stifling and unwanted, regardless of the destiny that lurks in the days and years ahead. Among cultures where skalds are the keepers of lore and wisdom, there are those who learn to read the winds of fate and take up the mantle of the fated champion, knowing and embracing their destined paths with strength borne of conviction. (mod)


Ankou’s Shadow (Slayer)

Ankous are terrifying, winged fey assassins dispatched by the greatest lords of the First World to eliminate rivals. Some mortals emulate ankous to become the perfect assassins; others believe themselves to be ankous incarnated in mortal shells on a deep cover mission. In either case, an ankou’s shadow practices the deadliest skills of the First World’s most feared enforcers. (mod)


Truth Seeker (Sorcerer)

Sorcerers gain their magical powers through strange and mysterious ways. While most might be content with their strange powers, some adventure far and wide in search of a greater understanding of the genesis and history of their eldritch talents. These spellcasters are known as seekers, after their obsession with researching ancient texts and obscure ruins for any clues they can find about their heritage and histories. (mod)


Arsenal Chaplain (Warpriest)

Molthuni arsenal chaplains are warpriests trained in the Arsenal District in Korholm. They bolster their nation’s military by focusing on the militant aspects of their gods. (mod)


Divine Champion (Warpriest)

Divine champions are unswervingly devoted to their causes, and specialize in bringing battle to the enemies of their faiths. They are similar to divine paragons in many ways, but tend to focus more on their deity’s combat prowess rather than seeking to become a physical manifestation of the deity’s will. (mod)


Cartomancer (Witch)

More than mere playing cards, harrow decks allow individuals to communicate with powers beyond mortal ken. A witch who serves the spirits of the harrow in exchange for mystical power is known as a cartomancer. Rather than connecting with a familiar, a cartomancer communes with her patron through a consecrated harrow deck. (mod)


White-Haired Witch (Witch)

A white-haired witch concentrates her mysterious powers on improving her prowess in melee, using feats of agility and her prehensile hair to deal extreme damage. (mod)


Way Of The Shield

Sacred Shield (Paladin)

When faced by evil, the Sacred Shield reaches first not for a weapon, but for her trusty shield. With her faith, she can ward others from harm.


Tabletop Tweaks Base

Metamagic Rager (Bloodrager)

While metamagic is difficult for many bloodragers to utilize, a talented few are able to channel their bloodrage in ways that push their spells to impressive ends.


Channeler of the Unknown (Cleric)

While most clerics who fall out of favor with their deities simply lose their divine connection and the powers it granted, a few continue to go through the motions of prayer and obedience, persisting in the habits of faith even when their faith itself has faded. Among these, an even smaller number find that while their original deity no longer answers their prayers, something else does: an unknown entity or force of the universe channeling its power through a trained and practicing vessel.


Nature Fang (Druid)

A nature fang is a druid who stalks and slays those who despoil nature, kill scarce animals, or introduce diseases to unprotected habitats. She gives up a close empathic connection with the natural world to become its deadly champion and avenger.


Bladebound (TTT) (Magus)

A select group of magi are called to carry a black blade, a sentient weapon of often unknown and possibly unknowable purpose. These weapons become valuable tools and allies, as both the magus and weapon typically crave arcane power, but as a black blade becomes more aware, its true motivations manifest, and as does its ability to influence its wielder with its ever-increasing ego.


Holy Beast (Shifter)

Thousands of gods are venerated in Vudra, and devoted followers might have personal relationships with their chosen deities. Holy beast shifters pledge to hunt down their deity’s enemies to earn that deity’s blessing. These shifters tend to take on the aspect of their deity’s sacred animal, and many of them seek to destroy rakshasas.


Divine Commander (Warpriest)

Some warpriests are called to lead great armies and face legions of foes. These divine commanders live for war and fight for glory. Their hearts quicken at battle cries, and they charge forth with their deity’s symbol held high. These leaders of armies do so to promote the agenda of their faith, and lead armies of devoted followers willing to give their lives for the cause.


Tome Of The Firebird

Eldritch Scion (Sage) (Magus)

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